Arcane Magic

Characters who have acquired the Arcane Understanding specialty approach mastery of the Six Energies in a formal, structured manner. They explore the mathematics, geometry and metaphysics of the Energies and the magic they can produce just as scientists explore phenomena in our real world. They learn the precise gestures, and vocal utterances needed to shape the Energies in specific ways. They also learn to encapsulate the Energies in magical symbols, runes, and even physical items in a manner that allows effects to be called forth later.

Here is the tiered list of the various cantrips, spells, and special abilities available to those who acquired this Specialty. Click on the name of a spell or effect to see the full description:

Tier 0 Cantrips

Arcane Hand
Arcane Hand
Tier 0 (Cantrip)

Discipline: Arcane Magic
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: self
Duration: 10 minutes
Rarity: Common
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: 60ft (18m)
Area of Effect: self

The caster causes the form of a disembodied hand to appear in the air before them. While the spell duration lasts, the caster can cause this hand to float anywhere within the specified range of themselves. If the caster should move about, the range remains centered on their current position. The hand can be caused to manipulate items: turn doorknobs, lift small latches, pick up small items, turn pages of a book, or even hold a spellbook open for the caster to read from.

This hand is the same size as a typical human hand; its strength and dexterity are limited, though. It cannot lift or carry items weighing more than about 3lbs (1.5 kg). It can push or pull unsecured items weighing twice this limit. Since it does not transmit any sensation back to the caster, It cannot be used to remotely pick locks.

The hand has 0SP and 1 Injury Point; any damage taken by the hand will cause it to disappear and end the spell prematurely. The caster can also choose to end the effect any time prior to its normal expiration.

Arcane Light
Arcane Light
Tier 0 (Cantrip)

Discipline: Arcane Magic
Elements: Gesture
Target: see below
Duration: 10 minutes
Rarity: Common
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: 30ft (9m)
Area of Effect: 60ft (18m) (see below)

This cantrip causes a magical light shine forth from a point designated by the caster. This point can either be a fixed location in space, or it can be affixed to an item that is either unattended or being held by the caster, such as the end of a staff, or a swordblade. It cannot be affixed to a creature, or an item carried or worn by a creature other than the caster. If the light is affixed to an item, though, this item can be subsequently handled by characters other than the caster without affecting the light.

At full strength, the light emitted is capable of brightly illuminating an area within a 30' (9m) radius, and dimly lighting a further 30' (9m) beyond. The caster can choose, however, to specify a dimmer light with a smaller range; the color of light can also be specified. Intensity and color must be selected at the time of casting and cannot be altered once cast.

The light can be be covered with any opaque material; the caster may also will the light to cease prematurely if desired.

Detect Magic
Detect Magic
Tier 0 (Cantrip)

Discipline: Arcane Magic, Bestowed Magic
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: self
Duration: 1 min
Rarity: Common
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: self
Area of Effect: 30' (9m) radius sphere

The caster is able to sense the presence of magical items or active spell effects within the area of effect. This awareness is a "sensation", the magic triggering the sensation does not reveal itself is any way. By turning slowly in place, the caster can get a general sense of direction from which the sensation emanates, but no indication of strength or exact source is revealed.

If multiple magical items o ractive spell effects are within the area of effect, the caster may detect more than one emanation, but only if the sources are well separated. Multiple magic items or active spell effects closely grouped together (like several items in a chest), or overlapping spell areas of effect will only generate one sensation.

Illusion spell effects are only detectable if the caster is of higher level than the level of the illusion's creator at the time the illusion was created.

Magic Mark
Magic Mark
Tier 0 (Cantrip)

Discipline: Arcane Magic
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: 1 creature
Duration: 10 minutes
Rarity: Common
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: 60ft (18m)
Area of Effect: target creature

The caster causes a mark or brand to appear on the target creature - either somewhere upon the creature's skin (fur, feathers, shell, etc.) or upon clothing worn by the creature. The application of the mark is painless; the target may not even be aware of its appearance or continued presence.

The caster can choose the shape and color of the mark, as well as whether the mark is visible to all (including the target), or just to themself. If visible to all, the mark glows with a faint light - not enough to illumninate surroundings, but sufficient to allow the target to be seen even in total (but not magical) darkness. (Such a mark might permit ranged attacks by caster or others where otherwise not possible.)

Tier 0 (Cantrip)

Discipline: Arcane Magic
Elements: Gesture
Target: see below
Duration: special (see below)
Rarity: Common
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: 30ft (9m)
Area of Effect: special (seee below)

The caster is able to perform simple, generally harmless "parlor trick" magic. The scope of effects is broad, and left for both player characters and game-masters to decide with one restriction: the desired effect cannot directly cause damage of any kind to a character.

Examples of things that can be done:
  • lighting or dousing a candle.
  • causing a fireplace or campfire to flare up briefly, or start billowing smoke
  • cause a tiny rainshower to appear over the head of a nearby target
  • tipping over a beer mug or wine goblet in a tavern
  • a ventriloquist-like effect whereby the caster speaks, but the sounds come from somebody else (though the unwitting victim's lips may not even be moving)

  • Whisper
    Tier 0 (Cantrip)

    Discipline: Arcane Magic
    Elements: Audible
    Target: 1 creature
    Duration: 10 minutes
    Rarity: Common
    Trigger: completion of casting
    Range: 120ft (36m)
    Area of Effect: target creature

    This spell allows the caster to communicate with the target creature within the spell's range using only a hushed whisper volume. Both the caster and the target must be within environments that permit sound to travel, though there may be "interruptions" (such as a magical silence zone, for example) in the intervening space. Multiple messages can be exchanged back and forth while the spell duration lasts.

    The target must be within line of sight of the caster when the spell is cast, but this line of sight may be subsequently broken without affecting the spell - as long as the target and caster remain within range of each other. Nobody else will hear either the caster's or target's whispers unless they are close enough to hear the utterances normally. (Note that, for example, somebody seated next to the target at a dinner party will not hear the caster's whispers, but may well hear the target's responses!)

    Tier 1 Spells and Abilities

    Charm Person
    Charm Person
    Tier 1

    Discipline: Arcane, Bestowed
    Elements: Audible
    Target: 1 Character
    Duration: 1 hour
    Rarity: Common
    Trigger: Completion of Casting
    Range: 10ft (3m)
    Area of Effect: Target Character

    The caster is able to alter the current mood/intent of a single target character within the specified range of the caster. This can be either a Player Character or an NPC, but must be of a heritage/parentage/race considered "playable" in game.

    The intended target must attempt a Willpower (WIL) save with a DC of 10 plus the caster's CHA bonus. If the save fails, the target's attitude on the Hostile-to-Helpful scale can be altered by as many as three positions either up or down as the caster desires. The effect lasts for 1 hour, during which the target creature is immune to any further attempts to magically influence its mood. Other actions, events, or circumstances could, however, non-magically alter the target's mood during this period.

    If the target's WIL check succeeds, their attitude remains unchanged, but they are immune to any further attempts to magically alter their attitude toward the caster for one hour. Furthermore, even nonmagical attempts (e.g. use of the Diplomacy or Intimidation Acquired Specialties) to sway the target's attitude will fail during this hour.

    This spell simply alters the target's mood; it does not provide any compulsion to follow orders. Given that, though, a Helpful target is quite likely to go along with suggestions made by the caster - provided they can understand the caster. This spell does not grant any language or comprehensive benefits.

    Combat Shield
    Combat Shield
    Tier 1

    Discipline: Arcane Magic
    Elements: Audible, Gesture
    Target: self
    Duration: 1 min (see below)
    Rarity: Common
    Trigger: completion of casting
    Range: self
    Area of Effect: none

    An invisible barrier of force protects the character from all incoming damage of the Piercing, Slashing, or Bludgeoning types. The shield lasts for 1 minute or until it absorbs a number of damage points equal to the INT of the caster. If cast again before all damage is absorbed, the first shield dissipates - protection cannot be "stacked". The caster can raise additional magical shields against other types of damage on subsequent turns without the Combat Shield dissipating.
    Disguise Self
    Disguise Self
    Tier 1

    Discipline: Arcane Magic
    Elements: Audible, Gesture, Material
    Target: Self
    Duration: 10 min per INT bonus of the caster (10 min minimum)
    Rarity: Common
    Trigger: Completion of Casting
    Range: Self
    Area of Effect: Self

    This spell allows the caster to alter their physical appearance. Physical features such as hair style and color, skin type (e.g. skin vs fur vs feather), skin coloration, facial features, and physique can be altered. Distinguishing marks such as scars or tattooes can be added or hidden. Even clothing style, color, and condition can be altered. Even the character's apparent race/parentage/heritage can be altered.

    The limitations of the spell are as follows:
  • The spell effects are illusory; they do not cause any actual physical changes in the caster.  Those with the ability to perceive illusions may see the caster in their true form.
  • The alterations cannot change the general Size of the caster. (Thus, a Small caster must remain Small, etc.)
  • Altering the apparent race/parentage/heritage does not grant the Inherent Abilities of the disguised race. Neither does the caster gain any racial knowledge or understanding.
  • The character's voice and mannerisms cannot be altered by this spell.
  • While the caster has some control over the nature of the alterations caused, it is not possible to exactly duplicate the appearance of another known person or creature.

  • The caster can terminate the spell effects befure the duration expires (but cannot "switch it on and off" within the duration).

    The material component for this spell is 50gp worth of pearl dust, which is tossed into the air above the caster's head, and which is consumed by the casting.

    Energy Pulse
    Energy Pulse
    Tier 1

    Discipline: Arcane Magic
    Elements: Audible, Gesture
    Target: 1 creature
    Duration: instantaneous
    Rarity: Common
    Trigger: completion of casting
    Range: 30ft (9m)
    Area of Effect: target creature

    The caster channels one of the Six Energies to produce a small bolt of energy that is projected at a single target creature. The bolt does 1d4 damage, but the first point of damage is Direct Damage. The remainder, if any, reduces the target's Stamina Points. If the target's SP drops to zero, or is already at zero, remaining damage is treated as Direct Damage.

    The caster must specify a simple type of Elemental Damage: Fire, Water, Air, or Earth to define the nature of the damage done. The target creature's immunities may reduce or negate the effect of the spell.

    Fool the Senses
    Fool the Senses
    Tier 1

    Discipline: Arcane Magic
    Elements: Audible, Gesture, Material
    Target: See Description
    Duration: 1 hour per Caster Level
    Rarity: Common
    Trigger: Completion of Casting
    Range: See Description
    Area of Effect: See Description

    This spell permits the caster to create an illusion that will fool the one, some or all of the basic senses (sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch) of any creatures that encounter it. The caster chooses which sense is to be fooled. If their INT bonus is 3 or more, two senses may be chosen. An INT bonus of 5 or more allows for three senses to be affected; a bonus of 7 or more allows for four senses, and a bonus of 10 allows all five to be affected by the same illusion.

    The illusory effects are static and unvarying. Thus, an illusion might produce an effect of total silence or an unvarying whoosh of wind. Affecting smell could cause a scent to permeate the affected area, but its intensity will be constant everywhere in the affected area (and will drop off instantly upon leaving the area). Affecting sight might produce the illusion of a tree, but its leaves will not rustle in the breeze. A creature with sufficient intelligence may discern these anomalies, but it will take some time and concentration to do so.

    The caster can create the illusion in a contiguous space encompassed by a 10ft (3m) cube per level of the caster. It takes one combat turn's time to affect each cube, thus the casting time will vary depending on the size of the area being affected. Furthermore, the caster must be able to actually move through each cube of the affected area in order to lay down the spell effects.

    The Material component for this spell is 50gp worth of crushed pearl dust per 10ft (3m) cube being affected. The dust is scattered (and hence consumed) within each cube as the illusion is laid down.

    Identify Magic Item
    Identify Magic Item
    Tier 1

    Discipline: Arcane Magic
    Elements: Audible, Gesture
    Target: 1 Item
    Duration: Instantaneous (See Description)
    Rarity: Common
    Trigger: Completion of Casting
    Range: Touch
    Area of Effect: Target Item

    The caster is able to discern the magical nature of a single item they are either holding in their hands or touching. Specifically, the caster understands the nature of the magic involved, its relative strength, the intended purpose of the item, and the general nature of how it works. If the item in question requires a trigger word, action, or situation to activate, this spell will make the caster aware that such a trigger exists, but it will not reveal the actual word, action, or situation.

    If the caster is examining a Cursed item, only a general nature of the curse is revealed - not the specifics. (Individual cursed items should specify in their descriptions the type of information revealed by this spell.)

    Unlike most spells, this one requires 10 uninterrupted minutes of handling the item in question in order to complete. The knowledge imparted by the spell is granted to the caster at the completion of this 10 minute period.

    Lesser Staffcraft
    Lesser Staffcraft
    Tier 1

    Discipline: Arcane Magic
    Elements: See Below
    Target: See Below
    Duration: See Below
    Rarity: Common
    Trigger: See Below
    Range: See Below
    Area of Effect: See Below

    This is not a spell; Staffcraft refers to the knowledge of how to create an item capable of storing spell energy which can be called upon by the caster at some time in the future. Lesser Staffcraft provides the knowledge of how to create a wooden staff which can be used to cast spells and, in time of need, also be used as a longstaff weapon.

    Once formed, the staff can be imbued with a number of Tier 0, 1, or 2 spells; the number is equal to 2 plus the caster's level. These spells must be "cast" into the staff; they can then be invoked by the caster at any time in the future. Spells stored in the Lesser Staff have the same attributes as those cast normally, except that discharging them does not reduce Stamina Points. (It is presumed that the Stamina drain occurred when the spells were charged into the staff.)

    Crafting a Lesser Staff requires three full days of devoted effort, and costs 50gp for materials. Crafting must be done in a Safe Environment; is typically a Downtime activity.  Charging a Lesser Staff requires the time to cast the desired spells, It also requires a place that can be properly prepared for the charging ritual -- this must also be in a Safe Environment.

    Read Language
    Read Language
    Tier 1

    Discipline: Arcane Magic
    Elements: Gesture
    Target: Self
    Duration: 1 hour
    Rarity: Common
    Trigger: Completion of Casting
    Range: Self
    Area of Effect: Self

    This spell enables the caster to read and understand a text written in a nonmagical language that they do not know. Nonmagical language in this case refers to any system of writing that is used to convey information or entertainment. It includes written languages that may be used by creatures that would be considered to be "magical", but it does not include magical writings, symbols, sigils, or glyphs. If the target writing is one of these, the caster will be aware that the writing is magical in nature, but will not comprehend it or discern its intent.

    For example, if character has Arcane Understanding Acquired Specialty (required to access this spell), but not the Power of Music specialty, they will be able to discern that the page they are examining has something to do with Tonal Magic, but nothing more.

    This spell does not decipher messages written in code, nor does it reveal secret messages embedded in otherwise mundane text.

    The caster must physically touch the writing as they read it as part of the spellcasting.

    Tier 2 Spells and Abilities

    Deep Pockets
    Deep Pockets
    Tier 2

    Discipline: Arcane Magic
    Elements: Audible, Gessture, Material
    Target: See below
    Duration: See below
    Rarity: Common
    Trigger: Completion of casting
    Range: self
    Area of Effect: self

    When this spell is cast, a specially prepared garment being worn by the caster gains the ability to hold items larger or heavier than would normally be expected. The garment must be fabricated with pockets which will be enchanted by the spell. The number of pockets that can be affected is equal to the caster's Level. (The garment itself may have more pockets, the remainder of which will not be affected by the spell.)

    Each enchanted pocket is capable of holding an item or items that occupy 1 Inventory Slot, but that slot does not count toward the caster's Inventory Capacity. The space inside the pocket is extra-dimensional, so items larger than the pocket can be carried, but the item must be capable of fitting through the opening of the pocket. (Thus, for example, a spear or lance might be put into a pocket, but a battle-axe likely would not fit. )

    The enchantment's duration is 3 hours plus 1 additional hour per INT bonus point of the caster. Should the spell expire while items are in the pockets, items are not lost; they will magically appear adjacent to the caster and clatter to the ground - or do whatever the Gamemaster deems appropriate for the environment the caster is currently in.

    Items can be retrieved by the caster at will by reaching in and withdrawing the item. In the case where many small items are all in the same pocket, the caster can instantly retrieve any particular item without difficulty.

    Disguise Item
    Disguise Item
    Tier 2

    Discipline: Arcane Magic
    Elements: Audible, Gesture, Material
    Target: Item Affeected
    Duration: 1 hr + 1hr/INT bonus
    Rarity: Common
    Trigger: Completion of casting
    Range: Touch
    Area of Effect: None

    This spell allows the caster to create an illusion which obscures the visual appearance of the target item in some way. A polished, glowing sword could be disguised as a battered and rusted weapon of questionable utility, for example, or vice versa.

    The spell cannot conceal the magical nature of an item against scrutiny by Detect Magic, nor can it imbue any sort of false magical aura. The overall size and shape of the item cannot be significantly altered, but beyond this limitation, players and Gamemasters are encouraged to get "creative". (A sword might be disguised as something like a broom or a walking cane, for example - but it could not be disguised as a block of stone, or a coin.)

    The illusion, which can be dispelled by the caster at any time, lasts for up to 1 hour plus an additional hour for each INT bonus the caster possesses.

    (TBD) Elemental Shield
    (TBD) Energy Fan
    (TBD) Scrollcraft

    Tier 3 Spells and Abilities

    (TBD) Wandcraft

    Tier 4 Spells and Abilities

    (TBD) Lesser Arcane Itemcraft

    Tier 5 Spells and Abilities

    (TBD) Greater Staffcraft

    Tier 6 Spells and Abilities

    Tier 7 Spells and Abilities

    (TBD) Greater Arcane Itemcraft

    Tier 8 Spells and Abilities

    Tier 9 Spells and Abilities


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