Character 6 - Halfling Barbarian Character in The World of Cartyrion | World Anvil

Character 6 - Halfling Barbarian

You were born in a small, mostly halfling farming community just outside of the Free CIty of Endmere, a large city on the north coast of the region called the Frontier Lands. It offered typical surprising halflings of the Pastoral culture, but there was something about you that never quite fit in. And you know what it is... it's that occasional feeling of rage that wells up inside you from time to time. Halflings are a friendly and trusting people, and they love a good practical joke from time to time, but your acquaintances learned early on that you were not a good choice of target for these. After you broke Adalhard's arm when he slipped an egg onto your chair during your 12th birthday party, you were never the target of a practical joke again. But you knew your friends were a bit afraid of you. A few stuck with you -- Sophie and Odulf Hornwood would always be there for you. And you had lots of good times. But even with all the good times, you just didn't quite fit in.

You once talked to your parents about this, and after a few minutes of them looking at each other in funny ways, they told you the "family secret". It seems that your great, great, great, great, grandmother wasn't "Pastoral Folk" like everyone else around here... she was a Free-Spirit. And those Free-Spirits have always been a little odd. Something must have snuck into the bloodline through her, and it's coming out in you. That must be it, your parents decided. What "it" was, they either didn't know, or wouldn't say, but you were a good, happy Pastoral... surely you'll manage. You weren't so sure.

As you reached physical maturity, you turned out to be one of the tallest halflings in the village. Not a lot taller... just a few inches... but enough for everyone to notice. You were exceptionally strong, too. At last year's Harvest Festival, you won a few of the "test of strength" contests - even beating out some of the Tall Folk that were visiting the event. One of these, a huge, burly, bearded human wearing some sort of animal skin armor approached you afterward, claiming there was something "kin-like" about you. You accompanied him back to his tent at the edge of town, listening to his tales of adventure.

When you reached the tent, he retrieved a sword - the biggest sword you've ever seen - and handed it to you. "Let's see if you can swing this around at all, though it be as tall as two of you." To your mutual amazement, you wielded it easily. What's more, swinging it around felt... good! You felt your strength surging... almost but not quite like the anger that welled up in you in the past, and as it did, your control of the weapon improved. The burly adventurer just smiled. "I knew it when I saw ye," he said. "Ye're not meant fer this quiet life here... Ye're meant for Adventure!" He tapped the sword, adding "Ye keep that. Ye'll be needin' it once ye make up ye're own mind". The few times you saw him again during the rest of the Festival, he'd just smile at you and wink.

It took another year for you to build up the courage to say your goodbyes to your family, and to Sophie and Odulf. Another year to convince yourself that the burly adventurer was right -- you didn't belong here. It also took you almost that whole year to fashion crude hide armor for yourself in secret - made from the memory of what the stranger was wearing.

For a year and and a half, you traveled. You learned to survive on your own, relying sometimes on tips and tricks you learned as a child from the others of your village, and sometimes on your sheer will and determination. You performed odd jobs in the towns and villages you passed through, but you never stayed in one place too long. You got by, and your skills grew. What became apparent to you, though, was that life would be easier if you found a group to travel with. This realization came as you were loading crates onto a wagon for a shopkeeper in Feybridge Crossing.

You had heard that an Inn along the the road to Karnstown was a gathering place for adventurers, so that is where you decided to travel to next. And so, here you are... sitting in the Bugbear's Head Inn. As you quaff another pint of that great summer ale that Maydillbass makes across the road from where you sit, you wonder where life will take you.
Barbarian (Giant Instinct)

Trained Skills
Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation, Stealth, Survival, Forest Lore

Hide Armor
Melee Weapons
Fist, Greatsword
Ranged Weapons
Halfling Staff-Sling

Physical Description

Halflings are short humanoids who look vaguely like smaller humans. They rarely grow to be more than 3 feet in height. Halfling proportions vary, with some looking like shorter adult humans with slightly larger heads and others having proportions closer to those of a human child. Most halflings prefer to walk barefoot rather than wearing shoes, and those who do so develop roughly calloused soles on their feet over time. Tufts of thick, often-curly hair warm the tops of their broad, tanned feet. Halfling skin tones tend toward rich, tawny shades like amber or oak, and their hair color ranges from a light golden blond to raven black. Halflings reach physical adulthood around the age of 20. A typical halfling can live to be around 150 years old.

Other Characteristics

As a Halfling...

You typically get along well with a wide variety of people and enjoy meeting new friends. You find it difficult to resist indulging your curiosity, even when you know it’s going to lead to trouble. You love freedom, and hold a deep and personal hatred of the practice of slavery; you would take action wherever you find it to free those who labor against their will. Others will appreciate your ability to always find a silver lining or something to laugh about, no matter how dire the situation. Many truly believe that you - or any halfling - will bring good luck with you wherever you go. You will also find them constantly underestimating your strength, endurance, and fighting prowess.

As a Pastoral Halfling...

You are from a culture centered around a calm, low-key life away from the bustle of any large town. Even where a village is established it will mainly consist of small homes dug at least partly into the hillsides if possible and surrounded by a family vegetable garden - just like your home in Spudbarrow. A shop or two around what passes for the village square... and a tavern of course, but that's about it. Relaxation and sleep are always welcome, and are the best solution to anything that ails you. Rest... and food. Lots of food. Pastoral Halflings will never shy away from an opportunity for a group celebration, for these usually mean the best kinds of treats as well as music, dancing, and a general good time.

As a Former Nomad...

Traveling far and wide, you picked up basic tactics for surviving on the road and in unknown lands, getting by with few supplies and even fewer comforts. Given your heritage as a Pastoral Halfling, this has been a bit more uncomfortable for you than it would have been for some of your more free-wandering cousins, but such is your life so far. As an adventurer, you know you will travel still, often into even more dangerous places, but you need to find your place.

As a Barbarian...

During combat encounters, you summon your rage and rush to the front lines to smash your way through. Offense is your best defense; you need to drop foes before they can exploit your relatively low defenses. During social encounters, despite your small size, you use intimidation to get what you need, especially when gentler persuasion can’t get the job done. Whene exploring, you look out for danger, ready to rush headfirst into battle in an instant. You climb the challenging rock wall and drop a rope for others to follow, and you wade into the risky currents to reach the hidden switch beneath the water’s surface. If something needs breaking, you’re up to the task! IN between adventures, you might head to a tavern to carouse, build up the fearsome legend of your mighty deeds, or recruit followers to become a warlord in your own right.

You know you have a deep-seated well of anger, though you are still not quite sure where it comes from. You prefer a straightforward approach to one requiring patience and tedium. You enjoy engaging in a regimen of intense physical fitness, and punch anyone who says this conflicts with your distaste for patience and tedium. Others probably rely on your courage and your strength, and trust that you can hold your own in a fight. They may see you as uncivilized or a boorish lout unfit for high society (though they will most likely not tell you this outright). They will believe that you are loyal to your friends and allies and will never relent until the fight is done.

Cover image: The Inn from the Bridge over Daphinia's Stream by RPGDinosaurBob (with Flowscape)


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