
Most of those who consciously manipulate the Six Energies understand they are dealing with remarkably powerful forces, and whether they are being wielded for good or evil, there is always the possibility of an unforeseen side-effect of their use. The collateral effects of Fire, Air, Earth, and Water Energies are usually easy enough to anticipate and even deal with. But those whose magic heavily involves the manipulation of the other two Energies - whether they be called Light and Dark, Life and Death, Positive and Negative - run the risk of encountering more subtle and insidious side effects. One such is an affliction called Darkwither, an effect likely to manifest after years of manipulating Death Energy.


Darkwither causes premature aging in living tissue that is routinely exposed to large flows of Dark, or Negative Energy. For spellcasters that rely on gestures - manual manipulation of the weave of Energies - this most commonly begins in the fingers and hands. The skin of the hands begins to get thinner and wrinkle. Fingernails tend to yellow and become brittle. Age spots may appear. In more advanced cases, the joints will begin to stiffen and become painful as arthritic inflammation set in.

The next area to commonly show aging symptons is around the afflicted's mouth, since verbal spellcasting causes the Dark Energy to flow in this manner as well. Again, skin will dry and wrinkle; age lines will begin to form around the face. This aging will spread from the mouth region to the cheeks and around the eyes. By this time, a sufferered of Darkwither will likely appear to be many years - possibly even decades - older than they truly are.

Hands and face are the firsts things to show outward signs of aging, but damage is also being done internally. Vital organs are also aged and withered prematurely, and failure of these could bring about premature - and sudden - death. Muscle mass begins to decline. And, for those whose family history suggests the possiility of senility or age-related demetia, this degradation may also be accelerated by the condition.

The outward symptoms are most notably visible among Elves, as they normally resist aging even while being the longest-lived among the Folk. Interestingly, Dwarves, Gnomes, and Taxlatl do not seem to ever show outward evidence of this premature aging, though internal aging occurs. This makes the condition much harder to diagnose in these Folk, and gives rise to the myth that these races are never affected by Darkwither.

Living with the Disease

Spellcasters who are diagnosed with Darkwither have few choices available to them. If noticed early, and magic use is either terminated or drastically altered so as not to rely upon necromantic energies, a spellcaster could continue with few ill effects. It is well understood that complete cessation of spellcasting will stop the progression of the disease.
Condition Name
Alternate Names
Arcane Necritis
Necromancer's Rot
Affected Species
any capable of spellcasting
Continued manipulation of Dark Energy once symptoms appear causes the body to continue age prematurely, eventually to the point where critical organs and systems will begin to fail. For those with family histories of mental degradation during aging, this process too will likely be accelerated.
Progression can be stopped by cessation of magical manipulation of Dark Energy. Reversal of symptoms may be possible by treating with Light/Life energy, though results are mixed

Treatment of symptoms by the application of Light/Life energy has had mixed results. In some cases where the spellcaster has ceased magicaal activity, repeated applications of Light/Life Energy via healing spells has reversed some of the worst aging effects. But in casters who continue to practice, restorative measures have been seen to stop working entirely - possibly resulting in the patient effectively becoming immune to healing magic entirely.

Frequency and Communicability

Darkwither is not contagious. It is not possible to contract the disease from a sufferer of the condition; it is only through one's own magical practices that susceptibility arises. Fortunately, even among experienced spellcasters, the condition is quite rare. It appears that manipulating the Six Energies in a balanced approach does not lead to the condition. It is those whose practice focuses on necromantic effects that seem to suffer most from the condition.


Character portraits by RPGDinosaurBob using HeroForge.


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