Summercamp 2023 Pledge & Preparation

I Hereby Pledge... participate in World Anvil's Summercamp 2023, and to make every attempt to complete articles for the thirty-two prompts needed to achieve the Diamond Badge. The articles will be focused on expanding the worldbuilding within the Kingdom of Tyrnabay in the World of Cartyrion. This is a region overseen by a noble class, but the true power lies with the Pirate and Mercenary Guilds that call Tyrnabay home. Law depends on who you are, and how much wealth and martial might you possess. I further resolve to stream a portion of my efforts live on Twitch every day in the month of July.
— signed by RPGDinosaurBob on 06 June, 2023
The World of Cartyrion is a huge and varied one, designed to be a TTRPG setting with many regions for many different tastes and play styles. In past summercamps, I have focused on the Feywood (a "starter region" of classic magical wilderness gaming opportunities) and the Kingdoms of Humankind (a more 'civilized', though somewhat xenophobic land rife with political intrigue and infighting among nobles and various organized religious sects).

This year, the focus shifts to the land of Tyrnabay. While this kingdom has its traditional scattering of landed nobility who hold sway over the commoner farmers, laborers, and artisans, the true power in the kingdom lies elsewhere. It is the assortment of pirate bands and mercenary companies that are the true masters of this land, for the nobles dare not anger them.

The most powerful of these bands comprise a cabal that calls itself the Wolf's Bay Free Traders' League. This collection of pirates and mercenaries was first described in a Summercamp 2021 article, but little has been done to expand on the region since then. Now, in Summercamp 2023, the time has come to do so.

I also have the advantage of already possessing a region-level map of Tyrnabay. This map already identifies major cities and towns, and includes pin overlays that identify the members of the Free Traders' League - though most of the organizations in the league have not yet been fully described. (An opportunity for Summercamp 2023!)

Summercamp will no doubt offer more opportunities to place new points of interest on the map as well.

Week 1 - Power

The theme for Summercamp Week 1 will be "Power". I've already described the high-level power structure in Tyrnabay, but there is still much to tell. How much sway does the League hold over the noble ruling class? Is the basis for their hold monetary? Does it involve blackmail or other intrigue? Is it simply fear?

There will cerainly be rivalries among nobles as well as between and within the pirate and mercenary groups. What major rivalries have impacted the region in the past, or threaten to upend things in the future?
The Tyrnabay Region

The leaders of these groups exist as little more than stub articles now; and I have not written of any interactions among them yet. Who are they? What are their goals and driving motivations? Who do they trust? Who do they hate?

And what about the commoners? What is life like under the control of these two different controlling forces? Unlike other regions where birth into nobility is the only true road to gaining power, the League factions offer the possiblity of rising above even the lowliest of common births. What opportunities exist for a talented and motivated commoner to acquire riches and renown? What threats accompany those opportunities?

All these and other questions regarding to the desire for, acquisition of, and wielding of Power in Tyrnabay are potential fodder for article ideas once the prompts are released.

A Brief Meta Update

After a brief review of the World of Cartyrion Meta, there was little that needed to be changed with respect to the overall worldbuilding objectives. However, new subsections were added to describe the Themes involving the Tyrnabay region. (Different regions are being built out in sufficiently different 'styles' that it is necessary to describe regional themes rather than an overall world theme.)

Week 2 - Frontier

The Silver Prompts this year will be themed around "Frontier". This is another theme that should fit perfectly into my goal of building out Tyrnabay. There are several noteworthy physical/geographical frontiers, and a few cultural frontiers as well. There is even the possibility for an "ethical frontier" to be explored, as Tyrnabay is a place where - especially for those of Human descent - a clash between "good of the community" and "every man for himself" is a critical underpinning of society.

On the geographical side, Tyrnabay is a land with nearly impassible mountains to the west, trackless jungle to the south, and a broad expanse of ashen desolation to the northeast where the last great battles of the Great Strife took place. And then there's the sea - Tyrnabay is far from the major sea routes that its pirates frequent in pursuit of their exploits.

On the cultural side, the settled areas of Tyrnabay are relatively new, arising only since the Great Strife, and consisting mostly of outcasts from other soceital centers of Cartyrion. And yet, the westernmost wilderness areas of the land claimed by the rulers of Tyrnabay have been the home of Orc clans for far longer.
Older still is the Dwarven presence in the region, as their First Delve is just to the south. Large migrations of Dwarves have passed through these lands many times as they set off to found new Delves all across the world, and trade among those Delves continues to this day.

As for the ethics of Tyrnabay, the clash between the deep-seated nature of its Human population to work cooperatively to build strong communities and the tendency to give into selfish desires is stronger in this land than anywhere else in Cartyrion. The kingdom of Tyrnabay's very origin is built upon the remnants of the defeated forces loyal to the The Gods of Coercion. In the centuries since the end of the god-war, it has been a magnet for individuals and groups that were either driven out of other parts of the world, or who left voluntarily seeking a place where they could pursue their interests.

All this means there is no shortage of organizations, customs, battle histories, historical events and figures, and current power players that need to be identified and explored -- plenty of opportunity for Summercamp ideas.

A Bit of Organizing

I have not made extensive use of Tags within World Anvil, but this "extra credit" has given me an opportunity to get started. For starters, I've gone through all my back catalog of articles to tag whatever I could that has anything to do with Tyrnabay.

In doing this, I've identified a number of articles - mostly "person" articles that eventually need to be written as they do not exist yet. A few other things that were mentioned in the The Wolf's Bay Free Traders' League article will also be potential sources of expansion into articles during Summercamp.

Week 3 - Relics

The Gold Prompts will be all about Relics - tangible remnants of a time long ago. Yet again, I could not have asked for a better theme to help guide the development of the Tyrnabay region of Cartyrion.

Tyrnabay is a kingdom with a two thousand year history stretching back to the aftermath of the Great Strife. The remains of the defeated forces allied with the Gods of Coercion gathered here. Some looked back upon their errors and sought to rebuild their lives.

Others were bitter, and looked for ways to continue the struggles in ways they felt would satisfy their gods. Most were too far from home to make it back; many had no homes left to return to. They remained in the region, and the current Kingdom of Tyrnabay rose from the rubble.

Some of the early leaders obtained and held their positions with the aid of items acquired and wielded during the god war - items that avoided destruction or capture by their victorious enemies. Such items are obvious candidates for "Relic" status.
But these are not the only relics of Tyrnabay's past that are worthy of investigation. Less tangible relics also exist as customs, practices, superstitions, and rituals.

The treatment of relics is not confined to the two thousand year history of the Tyrnabay kingdom. The region was there long before the kingdom. The lands have seen great Dwarven migrations. Orc and goblin tribes have come and gone. The great dragons who made the mountains of the Broken Ranges their homes once held mastery over much of the land, and where dragons have been, there too are the kobolds. These peoples have long histories in the region - histories that offer opportunities for worldbuilding.

The Tyrnabay region is also the setting for the long-forgotten Academy - an institution for the study of magical arts that has yet to be surpassed in Cartyrion's present. The Forgotten Academy is in the process of being built out as a 365+ room megadungeon as part of the #Dungeon23 Challenge, and surely there is the opportunity for relics of all sorts to be a part of that effort.

Images, Timelines and Chronicles

While I have many general concepts already formed about the history of the Tyrnabay region, the details have yet to be decided. As these concepts are developed, WA Timelines and Chronicles will begin to take shape. In addition to an overarching regional history, more detailed chronologies outlining the great Dwarven migrations and the influence of Dragons are possible. Closer to the present, the rise in power of the pirate and mercenary factions that are the true power in Tyrnabay today is another area of investigation for summercamp and beyond.

With regard to images that will embellish article work, I have always kept my images fairly well organized, so I'm already in good shape there. I do not tend to use images for inspiration; instead I look for specific things to augment words already written. Therefore I will not be spending much time looking for images until the prompts are out and the words are flowing.

Week 4 - Communication

The Diamond Prompts will focus on Communication. In a fantasy world like Cartyrion, designed to be a campaign setting for game systems where magical potential is everywhere, this is a theme that will offer many possibilities. And given the geographic, cultural, and political realities of Tyrnabay, communication is a critical concern.

Power in Tyrnabay is complicated, with an established nobility outwardly governing and directing, but with a parallel "shadow" conglomeration of pirate and mercenary guilds controlling the resources and information pipelines within the kingdom as well as with the rest of the world. Furthermore, communication - and trust - within that collection of guilds is critical to prevention of misunderstandings that could tear the kingom apart.
Language offers some interesting areas of consideration. Though predominantly human now, the effect on culture and language by long exposure to dwarven, orcish, and kobold history is visible. Beyond this, pirates and mercenaries are certain to have developed their own "languages" for rapid, and often secret, communication.

Magic offers its own opportunities. With the right knowledge, or access to the right people (and perhaps enough gold), messages or messengers can be gated or teleported. Combat tactics can be whispered across battlefields. Secret gatherings can be infiltrated by scrying.

Finally, there are the effects of times long forgotten. The Forgotten Academy, the long-lost school of magic, maintained a rookery that, to this day is haven for a flock of ravens. Why? They were bred to be messengers! And though years have passed, the effects of that breeding may still be active.

Existing Articles - A Foundation for New Things

This week's extra credit asked us to review old articles. I've already done this, thanks to the effort in week 2 to find and tag all of my past work that had anything to do with Tyrnabay. The key one is the Wolf's Bay Free Traders' League, which outlines the major pirate and mercenary factions in control of things. Their leaders are named as well. Beyond that, though, there really hasn't been much written about Tyrnabay - which is why I chose it as the focus for this year's Summercamp.

Once Summercamp 2023 begins, you can track my progress here


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Jun 6, 2023 18:21 by Mochi

I can't wait to read all about Tyrnabay! Good luck! :D

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.  
Jun 7, 2023 12:37 by Bob O'Brien

Thank yoU! And good luck to you too for this upcoming Summercamp! Here's hoping you reach whatever goals you set!

Check out my latest efforts:
Laurels & Loot is a new, lightweight TTRPG rules system that hearkens back to the early days.
Jun 8, 2023 22:12 by TJ Trewin

Diamond baaadge!! You can do it :D I wonder what the other prompt themes will be... do you have any guesses?

Journals of Yesteryear

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Jun 13, 2023 12:24 by Bob O'Brien

I've got an all-diamond streak to preserve! As for themes... we've got Power and Frontiers... I'm thinking Discovery might be coming?

Check out my latest efforts:
Laurels & Loot is a new, lightweight TTRPG rules system that hearkens back to the early days.
Jun 13, 2023 14:50 by TJ Trewin

Ooooooooo discovery would be amazing!!

Journals of Yesteryear

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