The Free Spirit Halflings Ethnicity in The World of Cartyrion | World Anvil

The Free Spirit Halflings

This article is one of a series providing basic information for someone choosing to role-play a Halfling of the Free Spirit Culture in a TTRPG based in the World of Cartyrion. The series is designed to encourage preparation of a Player Character by focusing on the nature of the character without focusing on the game statistics.
Like most other Halflings, you set out to see a bit of the world when you became an adult. And you were ever so eager to do so! But even before you left, you found yourself wondering. You would look at the older folk in your community and wonder... what made them settle down? Is that going to be you some day? Puttering in a garden... having a few ales with a neighbor at the local tavern... then going home to bed?

You just don't see it -- and if you are a true Free Spirit, you never will. In all likelihood you won't settle down. You will convince yourself that there's more to see and do, and you'll settle down "soon". You know that other Halflings have behaved this way in the past, and the elders just shake their heads when talk of them arises. That won't bother you though, since you won't be around to see it!

Cultural History

Geographic Distribution

Role-Playing a Free Spirit Halfling

Interacting with Other Halflings

Interacting with Folk of other Races

Interacting with Your Adventuring Party

Traditions and Taboos

Likely Professions

Preferred Gear/Dress

Naming Conventions

All images of player races were generated by RPGDinosaurBob using HeroForge
All token images of player races were generated using Heroforge images and Token Tool by RPtools
Farmhouse Image by Ulrike Mai from Pixabay


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