The Truthseer Birdfolk
You have been set apart from others from the time of your first molting at about three years of age. This is when your snow-white plumage marked you as destined to become a Truthseer. You were separated from your nestmates and others of similar age in order to begin the studies needed to follow the calling for which the gods destined you. These studies have made you quite proficient in understanding the lore of your people, the Awkwana. You have been taught to reason through issues, and to be able to better detect many forms of deception that other Folk may fall for.
If a Truthseer manifests in a small settlement that does not already have a significant Truthseer population, the recently molted youth will be transported to the nearest Truthseer center of learning at the earliest convenience.
Cultural History
Even the sages of the Birdfolk are in dispute as to when the first white-plumed Birdfolk began to appear, or whether their innate ability to discern truth from deception is attribute has always been associated with the distinctive plumage coloration of the culture. But they are in agreement that the ability to "see the Truth" is certainly linked to the white plumage in today's world. Most Truthseers are destined to become the Adjudicators or enforcers of law within their society - resolving differences among the other Birdfolk and deciding guilt when one is accused of some crime. But their ability to detect deception has uses in other professions as well - some not nearly as noble as those already mentioned.Geographic Distribution
The white-plumed Truthseers can arise as a hatchling produced by any and all of the other Birdfolk cultures. In fact, even among Truthseers, the chance of producing white-plumed young is as small as it is for any other Birdfolk. As a result, there will likely be at least a few Truthseers in any Awkwana settlement of any size. And in the off chance there is not, any established Birdfolk settlement can petition the Truthseer Guild to assign one. Such assignments may be permanent if the Guild sees the need, or if the assigned Adjudicator likes the new surroundings.If a Truthseer manifests in a small settlement that does not already have a significant Truthseer population, the recently molted youth will be transported to the nearest Truthseer center of learning at the earliest convenience.
Role-Playing a Truthseer Birdfolk
Interacting with Other Birdfolk
Your plumage instantly identifies you to other Birdfolk, and as a result, your culture is the only one among the Awkwana that may see any distinct treatment from others. But the distinctions will be individual - not pan-cultural. Merchants that might, on occasion, put a thumb on a scale will make a show of being honest and upright for you. Those with something to hide may avoid you. You may even be dragged into small spats by complete strangers to resolve some minor household issue. But unless you are working, you are willing to follow the norms of all Birdfolk and stay out of the business of others.Traditions and Taboos
You will always strive to do what you promised to do, and to live according to the prevailing law of the land. You will not encourage others to violate law or societal norms either.You will never willingly lie to another for any reason. You may omit facts or warnings, but you will never speak a falsehood.
Likely Professions
Unless you somehow avoided the traditional training and placement that is common for the Truthseers, your former profession was most likely either as a Judge (Adjuticator) or some sort of Mediator, or you were involved somehow in law enforcement. Some Truthseers also serve as diplomatic liaisons to other Folk, and some are employed by private individuals or companies that want a "living lie detector" handy.Preferred Dress / Gear
Your adventuring gear will be typical of any Birdfolk. You will prefer lighter armors, though if you were involved in front-line law enforcement, you may be comfortable with heavier armor.For weapons, you will tend toward smaller, lighter blades, or bludgeoning weapons.
Ooo I like the sound of the Truthseers. It sounds like my kind of player character. :D
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