Wade tripp Author's page | World Anvil


Wade Tripp

Wade Tripp | Member Since 9 Sep, 2020
2 Followers 26217 Page views 1 Likes

Dear Player,   My name is Wade Tripp, and I will be your Dungeon Master and fellow player for this adventure. I've written this page to let you know more about how I run a generic roleplaying game without going into a specific story/system and what you can expect.   Firstly, your comfort is important to me. If there's anything that makes you feel uncomfortable during the game, let me know. I have an X Card that you can use to signal that something is making you uneasy. I want to make sure that everyone feels safe and respected while playing. I have seen content range from arachnophobia to a villain being really really evil that might have upset people, and I would prefer it not to happen again.   Secondly, I want your choices to matter. The group will sometimes face difficult decisions where you can't have it all, and you'll need to prioritize. I'll challenge you to come up with creative solutions and use your unique skills to overcome obstacles. I may also add some unpredictability to the game with the occasional random dice roll, but your choices will always be the driving force behind the adventure.   Thirdly, I aim to make encounters challenging, but not impossible. I'll adapt the rules to create engaging encounters that test your abilities, skills, and creativity. You won't always have to resort to combat to win. Sometimes avoiding a fight altogether can be just as rewarding. I'll make sure that earlier encounters are manageable, so you can get a feel for the game before facing tougher foes. Still, if you go up against the Big Bad Evil monster, it will be a rare challenge for everyone to survive unscathed.   I also want to make it clear that I'm not beholden to strict, RAW rules. I may tweak things to make the game more interesting or challenging. I'll also may not be transparent about any changes during the story for narrative reasons. I make. I'll also give you hints about significant modifications before they happen. I want you to feel like you have a fair chance of success, and that your choices matter. But I want it to be a challenge and mystery about how the goblins are strong enough to fight your characters.   I believe that all players should have an equal opportunity to contribute to the narrative and feel like they're making a meaningful impact on the game. If I notice that one player's character is dominating the story or having an outsized effect on gameplay, I will try to take steps to rebalance things. This could involve either nerfing or boosting players' abilities to adjust the character's abilities to make them more in line with the rest of the group and story. My goal is to ensure that everyone has a chance to shine and that no one feels left out or overshadowed.   Finally, my top priority is for everyone to have fun. Whether you're interested in combat, roleplaying, exploration, or anything else, let me know what you want to focus on, and I'll do my best to create an adventure that caters to your interests. If you want to focus on the silk supply because of a drider beneath the local store, we can go that way. Remember, we're all here to have a good time and escape from the real world for a while.   Thank you for joining me on this adventure. Let's have some fun!   Now off to adventure,,.   Wade Tripp