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Mountainborn Goliath

Born on the Mountains and decedents of Mountain Giants, the Mountainborn live on the edges or base of Mountains, near forests. They have gained a connection with nature from their peaceful life and learnt from Firbolgs the way of connecting nature to help in hunting and daily life. Known as the cousins of the Hillborn, the Mountainborn have decided to never talk about their cousins, instead counting them more close to Stoneborn then the Hillborn.
ability score increase:
Size: Medium
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Mountianborn Giant.
parent race: Goliath
race features:
Mountain Magic: You know the Mold Earth cantrip.   Stoneskin: You are resistance to Piercing and Slashing damange.   Tremorsense: Sensitive to vibrations in the ground and can automatically pinpoint the location of anything that is in contact with the ground in a 30 feet radius.

Created by

Lord Mcberry.

Statblock Type

