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Lighting Genasi

Lightning Genasi had sharper facial features than the average person. Their skin, hair, and eyes can be orange, green, black, grey, red, yellow, cyan, blue, pink, or violet. Some have eyes and arms that constantly glow and some also have electricity appearing in their eyes when they are angered. More less common specimens have staticky hair. Lightning Genasi are often attractive, tall, and they are often loud speakers. When coming into contact with sparks they tend to move towards some Lightning Genasi as if it is attracted to them. A faint but constant crackling can be heard as they walk. Some Lightning Genasi speak with sudden starts and stops, marked by a faint crackling noise at the end of each word. A few display odd glowing patterns in their flesh or have sparks running down their hair from its roots. Most smell like ozone. Most have sparks randomly appearing on their flesh.
ability score increase: Your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Size: Medium
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Lucentian.
parent race: Genasi
race features:
Conductive Body: You have resistance to lightning damage and once per round when you take lightning damage you next melee weapon attack you make with a metal weapon also deals an extra of your weapon’s damange dice but lightning damage.   Lightning Recovery: You have advantage on saving throws against being paralyzed or stunned.   Static Shock: You know the shocking grasp cantrip and Constitution is your spellcasting ability for it.

Created by

Lord Mcberry.

Statblock Type

