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PFSRD; Advanced Players Guide

Acid Pit

Create Pit (Acid)

Conjuration \ Creation \ Acid
Save: Reflex
SR: None

Casting time: 1 standard action
Range: 100+10 ft. per level
Duration: 1 round + 1 round/level
Effect: 10 ft x 10 ft hole; 10 ft per every 2 levels deep
Targets: Area occupied by 1 or more creatures
Componenent: Verbal, Somatic, Focus (fine shovel worth 10 gp)


This spell functions as create pit, except that it places a 5-foot deep pool of acid at the bottom of the pit. The pit has a maximum depth of 100 feet. Creatures who fall into the pit take falling damage as normal (the acid counts as a yielding surface), plus 2d6 points of acid damage per round spent in contact with the acid. In addition, exposed items carried by a creature in the pit may be harmed. Refer to Table: Items Affected by Magical Attacks (also copied here for convenience).   Items are affected one at a time in the order listed on the table, and must make Fortitude saves after 3 consecutive rounds in the acid or gain the broken condition. Objects with the broken condition (regardless of how they became broken) must make a Fortitude Saving Throw each round spent within the acid or be destroyed. The walls of the pit are quite slippery and have a Climb DC of 30.   Order* Item 1st Shield 2nd Armor 3rd Magic helmet, hat, or headband 4th Item in hand (including weapon, wand, or the like) 5th Magic cloak 6th Stowed or sheathed weapon 7th Magic bracers 8th Magic clothing 9th Magic jewelry (including rings) 10th Anything else * In order of most likely to least likely to be affected.

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Pathfinder 1e

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