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Whale Spider - Creature 20

These massive underwater spiders are the product of evolution gone mad. They are large enough to snare and eat adult whales. They are harvested for their silk.
Perception +10, Darkvision, Tremorsense
Skills Acrobatics +27 Athletics +20 Stealth +17

STR +8 , DEX +4 , CON +7 , INT +2 , WIS +4 , CHA +4

AC 44
Saving Throws Fort +32, Ref +33, Will +20 , +10 to all saves vs Magic
HP+365 - Resistances Acid +10, cold +10
Speed 50 ft, Swim 50 ft
Melee Strike fangs +35 Damage: 5d10+8piercing plus whale spider venom
Ranged Strike web +35 (range increment 30ft) Effect: Web Trap
Special Abilities Whale Spider Venom (poison) A target damaged by the spider's fangs must succeed at DC40 Fortitude Save or take 10d12 poison damage and gain doomed 3
Spells Web Trap A creature hit by the giant spider's web Strike gets stuck to the nearest surface. It can't move until it successfully Escapes (DC17)

Created by



Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
