Maurice Ferrara | Character Sheet | Cyberpunk RED | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Name Maurice Ferrara
Handle Moe
Role Lawman
Role Ability Backup
Rank 4
EMP 5 / 7
Awareness SkillsBASE
Concentration (WILL) 12
Conceal/Reveal Object (INT) 10
Lip Reading (INT) 9
Perception (INT) 9
Tracking (INT) 10
Body SkillsBASE
Athletics (DEX) 10
Contortionist (DEX) 7
Dance (DEX) 8
Endurance (WILL) 11
Resist Torture/Drugs (WILL) 13
Stealth (DEX) 9
Control SkillsBASE
Drive Land Vehicle (REF) 12
Pilot Air Vehicle (REF) x2 8
Pilot Sea Vehicle (REF) 8
Riding (REF) 8
Education SkillsBASE
Accounting (INT) 8
Animal Handling (INT) 7
Bureaucracy (INT) 7
Business (INT) 10
Composition (INT) 7
Criminology (INT) 13
Cryptography (INT) 7
Deduction (INT) 10
Education (INT) 10
Gamble (INT) 7
Education SkillsBASE
Language: Streetslang (INT) 10
Language: (INT) 7
Language: (INT) 7
Library Search (INT) 8
Local Expert: Your Home (INT) 11
Tactics (INT) 11
Wilderness Survival (INT) 7
Fighting SkillsBASE
Brawling (DEX) 10
Evasion (DEX) 10
Martial Arts (DEX) x2 7
Melee Weapon (DEX) 9
Performance SkillsBASE
Acting (COOL) 11
Ranged Weapon SkillsBASE
Archery (REF) 8
Autofire (REF) x2 8
Handgun (REF) 14
Heavy Weapons (REF) x2 8
Shoulder Arms (REF) 13
Social SkillsBASE
Bribery (COOL) 13
Conversation (EMP) 9
Human Perception (EMP) 7
Interrogation (COOL) 11
Persuasion (COOL) 13
Personal Grooming (COOL) 9
Streetwise (COOL) 12
Trading (COOL) 9
Wardrobe & Style (COOL) 8
Technique SkillsBASE
Air Vehicle Tech (TECH) 3
Basic Tech (TECH) 3
Cybertech (TECH) 3
Demolitions (TECH) x2 3
Electronics/Security Tech (TECH) x2 3
First Aid (TECH) 5
Forgery (TECH) 3
Land Vehicle Tech (TECH) 3
Paint/Draw/Sculpt (TECH) 3
Paramedic (TECH) x2 3
Photography/Film (TECH) 3
Pick Lock (TECH) 4
Pick Pocket (TECH) 3
Sea Vehicle Tech (TECH) 3
Weaponstech (TECH) 4
Humanity51 / 70
Hitpoints45 / 45
Death Save6
Seriously Wounded Threshold23
Critical Injuries
Name Damage Ammo ROF Notes
Nova Model 338 Citygun 3d6+1 6 2 Variant Heavy Pistol - Standard Quality - Everyday
Stun Gun 3d6 8 2 When target is reduced to 1 HP with this gun, they are knocked unconscious rather than killed. Gun cannot ablate armor or Critical Injuries. Runs on a rechargeable battery that can fire 8 shots with a full charge and takes an hour to recharge fully.
Slice 'N Dice 2d6 N/A 2 Medium Melee Weapon, Concealable
Militech "Bulldog" Shotgun 5d6 4 1 Shotgun - Excellent Quality - Expensive - BM
Location Type SP AP
Head Kevlar 7 0
Body Light Armorjack 11 0
Shield None 0 0
Type SP AP Cost
Right Cybereye Data HL
Cybereye installed 7
MicroOptics Provides user with 400x Magnification. 2
Targeting Scope Adds +1 to Check when making Aimed Shot. Requires a Cybereye. 3
Right Arm Data HL
Slice 'N Dice Monofilament whip implanted in the thumb. Medium Melee Weapon. Can be concealed. 3
Internal Cyberware Data HL
Nasal Filters User immune to effects of toxic gases, fumes, and similar dangers. 2
Toxin Binders Adds +2 to Resists Torture/Drugs 2
Fashionware Data HL
Biomonitor Subdermal implant which generates a readout of vitals. Can link to Agent 0
Aliases N/A
Improvement Points0 / 0
Reputation 0: None
Reputation events 8 years ago during my second year as a beat cop, I encountered a Maelstrom Cyberpsycho named Samvel Al Hidin. After a bloody fight, I was able to subdue the Cyberpsycho with the assistance of 4 other beatcops and a civilian named Jordan Moltencloud. After the story of how I handled the fight with the Cyberpsycho got spread around, the chief decided to make me a detective.
Role specific lifepath Criminal Investigator operating in the heart of Heywood. One of the many corrupt cops in the precinct, pretends to be gunning for the Tyger Claws when in reality, is actively working with them in secret.
Addictions Alcoholic
Fashion Generic Chic
Jacket - Brown Leather Bomber Jacket | 50eb
Jacket - NCPD Uniform Bomber Jacket (Light Armorjack) | 150eb
Top - Black T-Shirt x2 | 40eb
Top - NCPD Uniform Shirt | 20eb
Bottoms - Beige Cargo Pants | 50eb
Bottoms - NCPD Uniform Pants | 50eb
Footwear - Black Steel-toed Boots | 20eb
Mirrorshades - Black Clubmaster Shades | 20eb

Jacket - Red and Gray Track Jacket | 100eb
Top - White T-shirt x2 | 40eb
Bottoms - Red and Gray Track Pants | 100eb
Footwear - Black running shoes | 50eb
Jewlery - Gold Chain | 100eb

Hat - Gray Flatcap (Kevlar) | 60eb
Gear Agent - 1x | 100eb
Audio Recorder - 1x | 100eb
Carryall - 1x | 20eb
Computer (Laptop) - 1x | 50eb
Disposable Cell Phone 2x | 100eb
Duct Tape - 1x | 20eb
Nova Model 338 Citygun - 1x | 100eb
Flashlight - 1x | 20eb
Handcuffs - 1x | 50eb
Medtech Bag - 1x | 100eb
Militech Job Fair Invite | Priceless
Militech "Bulldog" Shotgun - Excellent Quality | 1000eb
Radio Communicator - 1x | 100eb
Radio Scanner - 1x | 50eb
Road Flare - 5x | 50eb
Stun Gun - 1x | 100eb
Ammo Heavy pistol rounds - 40x | 40eb
Cash 1200
Housing Cargo Container (CC4 Eagle Rock Stadium) - Overpacked Suburbs (1000eb/Month)
Rent 1100eb
Lifestyle Kibble (100eb/Month)
Cultural Origins
North America
Sleazy, short tempered, narcissistic
Clothing Style
Generic Chic on duty, Leisurewear off duty
Never without
A slick pair of shades
Swept back black hair with a widow's peak
Value Most
Feeling about people
"Bunch of gullible fuckin' idiots"
Most valued person
Most valued possession
A pair of Black Clubmaster Shades
Family Background
Megastructure Warren Rat
Childhood Environment
Grew up in a Megastructure in Heywood with a neglectful mother
Family Crisis
My ma divorced my pa when I was like 6 or something, I never figured out why but it was pretty messy from what I remember. After the divorce went through my pa kinda just disappeared and I was stuck with my ma until I moved out 10 years later.
Tragic Love Affairs
Ended up divorcing my first wife after she caught me bangin' two hookers at once, whoops.
Life Goals
Make plenty of money and do whatever I can get away with.
Horatio Fujioka - Like a brother to me growing up back at the Megastructure, he ended up joining the Tyger Claws when we were teenagers and helped me set up the "arrangement" I have goin with them.   Detective Adriano - Guy was my neighbor and mentor back at the Megastructure, taught me everything I know about the world and even pushed me into becoming a cop like him. Despite how shady and corrupt he is, he's genuinely an amazing detective and his tutelage is the whole reason I became a criminal investigator so young.
Detective Zhāng - Absolute square loser who's been tryna get me off the force for years. Unfortunately he has the respect of most of the guys back at the station because of how valuable he is to the NCPD, if shit does end up goin down, I doubt anyone would side with me over him.   Veronica Willes - My stupid ass ex-wife. Tried to take my shit in the divorce but failed cause I had a few of my Tyger Claw friends "Persuade" her divorce lawyer into blowing the case. Haha what a dumb bitch. The worst she could do to me is shit talk me to her dumb bitch friends.
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Cyberpunk RED Character Sheet v1.1, made by Tillerz - 2021-10-23

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