Vengeful Magic | Spell | Pathfinder 2e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Vengeful Magic - Focus 1

Traditions Components
arcane verbal
Cast Range Target Duration Saving Throw
60 feet 1 creature instant basic Reflex
After being targeted by an attack, you may unleash a retributive maelstrom of magic on the attacking creature within range, dealing 1d8 Acid, Fire, Cold, Lightning, or Sonic (your choice) damage. The creature attempts a basic Reflex save against your Class DC.
  Critical Success: The target is unaffected.
Success: The target takes half damage.
Failure: The target takes full damage.
Critical Failure: The target takes double damage.
  Heightened (+2): Increase damage by 1d8.

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Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

