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Name Chloe
Handle Starstride
Role Rockerboy
Role Ability Charismatic Impact
Rank 5
EMP 3 / 5
Awareness SkillsBASE
Concentration (WILL) 10
Conceal/Reveal Object (INT) -
Lip Reading (INT) -
Perception (INT) 5
Tracking (INT) -
Body SkillsBASE
Athletics (DEX) 7
Contortionist (DEX) -
Dance (DEX) -
Endurance (WILL) -
Resist Torture/Drugs (WILL) -
Stealth (DEX) 7
Control SkillsBASE
Drive Land Vehicle (REF) -
Pilot Air Vehicle (REF) x2 -
Pilot Sea Vehicle (REF) -
Riding (REF) -
Education SkillsBASE
Accounting (INT) -
Animal Handling (INT) -
Bureaucracy (INT) -
Business (INT) -
Composition (INT) -
Criminology (INT) 5
Cryptography (INT) -
Deduction (INT) -
Education (INT) 7
Gamble (INT) 7
Education SkillsBASE
Language: Streetslang (INT) 7
English (INT) 7
Library Search (INT) -
Local Expert: Your Home (INT) 5
Executive Zone (INT) 5
The Glen (INT) 5
Science:Chemisty (INT) 5
Science:Anthropology (INT) 5
Tactics (INT) -
Wilderness Survival (INT) -
Fighting SkillsBASE
Brawling (DEX) 7
Evasion (DEX) 7
Martial Arts (DEX) x2 7
Melee Weapon (DEX) 7
Performance SkillsBASE
Acting (COOL) -
Bass Guitar (TECH) 11
Electric Guitar (TECH) 11
Drums (TECH) 11
Ranged Weapon SkillsBASE
Archery (REF) -
Autofire (REF) x2 -
Handgun (REF) 11
Heavy Weapons (REF) x2 -
Shoulder Arms (REF) 9
Social SkillsBASE
Bribery (COOL) 9
Conversation (EMP) 5
Human Perception (EMP) 7
Interrogation (COOL) 9
Persuasion (COOL) 11
Personal Grooming (COOL) 9
Streetwise (COOL) 9
Trading (COOL) -
Wardrobe & Style (COOL) 11
Technique SkillsBASE
Air Vehicle Tech (TECH) -
Basic Tech (TECH) 9
Cybertech (TECH) -
Demolitions (TECH) x2 8
Electronics/Security Tech (TECH) x2 -
First Aid (TECH) 9
Forgery (TECH) -
Land Vehicle Tech (TECH) -
Paint/Draw/Sculpt (TECH) -
Paramedic (TECH) x2 -
Photography/Film (TECH) 11
Pick Lock (TECH) -
Pick Pocket (TECH) -
Sea Vehicle Tech (TECH) -
Weaponstech (TECH) 11
Humanity31 / 50
Hitpoints60 / 60
Death Save12
Seriously Wounded Threshold30
Critical Injuries
Name Damage Ammo ROF Notes
Heavy Melee Weapon 3d6 0 2
Very Heavy Pistol 4d6 V.Heavy Pistol 1
Magnum Opus Hellbringer 5d6 V.Heavy 1
Kendachi Mono-Star 2d6 Throwing Stars 2/2
Shuriken Tornado Grenade 6d6 2 This is Grenade Ammunition and does damage like an Armor Piercing Grenade. It can be loaded into a Grenade Launcher or thrown. Unlike with other explosions, the damage dealt by the Shuriken Tornado is rolled separately for each target damaged by it. Whenever damage caused by this grenade causes the Foreign Object Critical Injury, the victim rolls again on the Critical Injury table until they roll a Critical Injury that isn’t Foreign Object. The victim then suffers that Critical Injury as well. This second injury deals no Bonus Damage.
Fangfist 2d6 1 1 ROF turn drawn
Rostović Kleaver 4d6 1 When uncharged, the Rostović Kleaver is a Two-Handed Exotic Very Heavy Melee Weapon that requires BODY 11 or higher to wield. Charging the weapon begins with an Action, which starts a 1-minute-long (20 rounds in combat) heating process, during which the blade must be wielded, or it will melt itself into any surface it’s left touching, destroying the weapon. Starting the heating process also requires the blade be loaded with three fresh 50eb (Costly) battery packs, which get as hot as the length of the blade during the heating process, destroying them beyond repair. As a safety feature, you can only reload these battery packs while the blade is uncharged, which takes an Action. After the heating process is complete, the blade begins to vibrate automatically. Once charged, the Rostović Kleaver will remain charged for exactly 5 minutes. While charged, the Kleaver is a Two-Handed Exotic Very Heavy Melee Weapon, which deals 5d6 damage that requires BODY 11 or higher to wield. While charged, damage dealt by this weapon ignores the target’s armor entirely if it is lower than SP11. Armor with SP11 and higher is still interacted with as normal. Additionally, anyone or anything hit by the Kleaver is now Mildly On Fire (see CP:R page 180). If the Kleaver is unequipped while charged, it will melt itself into any surface it’s left touching, destroying the weapon. Thirty seconds before time is up, the battery compartment begins to smoke. Due to its massive size, this Kleaver cannot be wielded in a single hand by any means.
Location Type SP AP
Head None 0 0
Body None 0 0
Shield None 0 0
Type SP AP Cost
Upgraded Armorjack 12
Upgraded Armorjack 12
Left Arm Data HL
Right Arm Data HL
Neural Link Data HL
Left Cyberleg Data HL
Right Cyberleg Data HL
Internal Cyberware Data HL
Midnight Lady Sexual Implant 9
Grafted Muscle and Bone Lace Increases BODY by 2. The increase changes HP, Wound Threshold, and Death Save. Cannot raise BODY above 10. 15
External Cyberware Data HL
Fashionware Data HL
3x Light Tattoo Subdermal patches store light and project colored tattoos under the skin. +2 to Wardrobe and Style if user has three or more tattoos. 0
Techhair Color-light-emitting artificial hair. +2 to Personal Grooming if user also has Chemskin 0
Kill Display Kills:2 0
Lead’s Turn-On-Show-Off Nails 0
Borgware Data HL
Implanted Linear Frame ∑ (Sigma Enhanced skeleton and support structure. Increases BODY to 12. The increase changes HP, Wound Threshold, and Death Save. Requires BODY 6 and Grafted Muscles and Bone Lace. 16
Improvement Points 110 / 380
Reputation 2: Stories have gotten around to immediate friends.
Reputation events Smasher,Smasher,Smashers "Savior of Catkind"
Role specific lifepath Rock Artist
Gear Agent, Computer, 5x glow paint, Electic Guitar, Pocket Amp, Music Player, Video Camera, Urban Flash Top, Urban flash shoes, Urban Flash Jacket, Techhair, 3x Light tattoo, Baggy Lady Chick Bottoms, V.Heavy Pistol(prob just a normal glock) and a Heavy Melee mic stand), KillStrom Sonic
Boom Amp x20 Black Lace,
Ammo Heavy Pistol ammo (45?), 30 Incendiary Ammunition
Cash 8200
Housing Cargo container
Rent 1000
Lifestyle Generic
Notes Charismatic Impact Ranks 5 and 6
Venues You Can Play: Large, important clubs
Impact on a Single Fan (DV8): Rockerboy can convince fan to commit a minor
crime for Rockerboy; shoplift, help out in a fight.
Impact on a Small Group of Fans (DV10): Convince a group of up to 6 fans to
act as the Rockerboy's personal "posse"; constantly hang out with them, do Rockerboy
favors, and provide things for their personal needs.
Impact on a Huge Group of Fans (DV12): Rockerboy's fans are all over the
City, often in nearby cities. They are strongly loyal and will often do major favors for
the Rockerboy in exchange for attention
Cultural Origins
North American
Shy and Unpredictable if you make me angry I may snap at any moment
Clothing Style
Generic Chick
Never without
Nose rings or hair dye
Long Straight and Multicolored
Value Most
Feeling about people
People are tools, used a discarded
Most valued person
A pet
Most valued possession
Musical Instrument
Family Background
Reclaimers. You started out on the road but then moved out in deserted ghost towns to rebuild them, A Pioneer life. But with enough food and a place to sleep, I was homeschooled if anyone had the time
Childhood Environment
Corporate, luxury "skyscraper", high above the rest of the city.
Family Crisis
My family was killed, I am the only survivor.
Tragic Love Affairs
My lover was killed in a fight and I vowed to take revenge on the killer.
Life Goals
Get what is rightfully mine
Kiera Starstride(Sister), Macey Lyne(Girlfriend)
Corpo exec
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Cyberpunk RED Character Sheet v1.1, made by Tillerz - 2021-10-23

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Cyberpunk RED

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