Rotroot | Item | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Consumable, Injury, Poison

This yellowish, pusslike sap is harvested from the rotroot bush which tends to grow in graveyards. Those exposed to it find their minds clouding over.

Injury. This poison is acitvated by applying it to a weapon or piece of ammunition and it affects the first creature attacked by the poisoned item. When a creature takes slashing or piercing damage from the poisoned item it must attempt a saving throw against the poison. If the attack using the poisoned item misses, the target is unaffected but the poison remains on the weapon and can try again. If for some reason the attack hits but fails to cause any piercing or slashing damage, the target is unaffected by the poison and the poison is spent.

Saving Throw. DC 12 Constitution

Maximum Duration. 4 rounds

Stage 1. 1d10 poison damage (1 round)

Stage 2. 1d12 poison damage and stupified -1* (1 round)

Stage 3. 2d6 poison damage stupified -2* (1 round)

*Stupefied: Your thoughts sluggish and clouded. You take the listed penalty to all Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma skill checks and saving throws, including spell attacks and DCs that use these ability scores. If you try and cast a spell while stupefied, you must attempt at DC 6 flat check. On a failure the spell is disrupted and you lose the spell.

Cost: 10 gp

Created by

Lonely Djinn.

Statblock Type

