Torrentha Cloak (Slumbering) | Item | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Homebrew (modified from Fizban's Treasury of Dragons)

Torrentha Cloak (Slumbering)

Wondrous Item

Uncommon Requires Attunement

  • You have advantage on saving throws you make to avoid being charmed or frightened or to end those conditions on you.
  • While on the grounds of the Torrentha Academy within the lair of Audrarith and Jadvigal, and you are wearing this item, whenever you drop to zero hit points and fall unconscious, you are automatically stabilized and do not begin making death saving throws at the start of your next turn. As usual, you stop being stable and must start making death saving throws if you take any damage while unconscious.

This cloak, made of deep violet, indigo, or blue fabric with golden trim and embroidery, is emblazoned with the insignia of the Torrentha Academy (a pair of stylized dragon wings, bearing the letters "TA"). Its power and magic is directly tied to that of the academy and the dragons who founded it, and its capabilities grow with those of the one who wears it.

Weight: Varies

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