Figurine of Wondrous Power (crystal Griffon) | Item | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Figurine of Wondrous Power (crystal Griffon)

Wondrous Item


It remains a figurine form until the magic word is uttered. The magic word is Ice. After which it becomes a full sized ice peak griffon. It has the normal stats as an ice peak griffon with the addition of understanding all languages you speak though it cannot speak itself. It also has true sight. It will follow the summoner’s commands to the best of its abilities. If the summoner is unconscious it will do what it can to protect itself and its summoner. If dropped to 0 hit points it will immediately revert back to its dormant state. Once used it cannot be used again for 1 day.

while in its dormant state, it’s a small Griffon figurine made of semi transparent ice like cristal. While in its active state it becomes A Griffon with cool gray and white feathers, black talons and beak, and ice blue eyes.

Cost: 2,750 gp
Weight: 1/2lb

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