Dragon’s Wrath Weapon (Slumbering) | Item | Dungeons & Dragons 5e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Fizban's Treasury of Dragons, pg. 25

Dragon’s Wrath Weapon (Slumbering)


Uncommon Requires Attunement

Slumbering (Uncommon). Whenever you roll a 20 on your attack roll with this weapon, each creature of your choice within 5 feet of the target takes 5 damage of the type dealt by the dragon’s breath weapon.

This weapon is decorated with dragon heads, claws, wings, scales, or Draconic letters. When it steeps in a dragon’s hoard, it absorbs the energy of the dragon’s breath weapon and deals damage of that type with its special properties.

Any Weapon

Roll the Dice
1ClubSimple Melee Weapon1d4 bludgeoningLight1 sp2 lbs.
2DaggerSimple Melee Weapon1d4 piercingFinesse, Light, Thrown (Range 20/60 ft.)2 gp1 lb.
3GreatclubSimple Melee Weapon1d8 bludgeoningTwo-Handed2 sp10 lbs.
4HandaxeSimple Melee Weapon1d6 slashingLight, Thrown (Range 20/60 ft.)5 gp2 lbs.
5JavelinSimple Melee Weapon1d6 piercingThrown (Range 30/120 ft.)5 sp2 lbs.
6Light HammerSimple Melee Weapon1d4 bludgeoningLight, Thrown (Range 20/60 ft.)2 gp2 lbs.
7MaceSimple Melee Weapon1d6 bludgeoning--5 gp4 lbs.
8Quarterstaff Simple Melee Weapon1d6 bludgeoningVersatile (1d8)2 sp4 lbs.
9SickleSimple Melee Weapon1d4 slashingLight1 gp2 lbs.
10SpearSimple Melee Weapon1d6 piercingThrown (Range 20/60 ft.), Versatile (1d8)1 gp3 lbs.
11YlkwaSimple Melee Weapon1d8 piercingThrown (Range 10/30 ft.)1 gp2 lbs.
12BoomerangSimple Ranged Weapon1d4 bludgeoningThrown (Range 60/120 ft.)1 gp1 lb.
13DartSimple Ranged Weapon1d4 piercingFinesse, Thrown (Range 20/60 ft.)5 cp1/4 lbs.
14Light CrossbowSimple Ranged Weapon1d8 piercingAmmunition, (Range 80/320 ft.), Loading, Two-Handed25 gp5 lbs.
15ShortbowSimple Ranged Weapon1d6 piercingAmmunition, (Range 80/320 ft.), Two-Handed25 gp2 lbs.
16SlingSimple Ranged Weapon1d4 bludgeoningAmmunition, (Range 30/120 ft.)1 sp-
17BattleaxeMartial Melee Weapon1d8 slashingVersatile (1d10)10 gp4 lbs.
18FlailMartial Melee Weapon1d8 bludgeoning--10 gp2 lbs.
19GlaiveMartial Melee Weapon1d10 slashingHeavy, Reach, Two-Handed20 gp6 lbs.
20GreataxeMartial Melee Weapon1d12 slashingHeavy, Two-Handed30 gp7 lbs.
21GreatswordMartial Melee Weapon2d6 slashingHeavy, Two-Handed50 gp6 lbs.
22HalberdMartial Melee Weapon1d10 slashingHeavy, Reach, Two-Handed20 gp6 lbs.
23HoopakMartial Melee Weapon1d6 piercingFinesse, Special (Range 30/120 ft.), Two-Handed1 gp2 lbs.
24LanceMartial Melee Weapon1d12 piercingReach, Special10 gp6 lbs.
25LongswordMartial Melee Weapon1d8 slashingVersatile (1d10)15 gp3 lbs.
26MaulMartial Melee Weapon2d6 bludgeoningHeavy, Two-Handed10 gp10 lbs.
27MorningstarMartial Melee Weapon1d8 piercing--15 gp4 lbs.
28PikeMartial Melee Weapon1d10 piercingHeavy, Reach, Two-Handed5 gp18 lbs.
29RapierMartial Melee Weapon1d8 piercingFinesse25 gp2 lbs.
30ScimitarMartial Melee Weapon1d6 slashingFinesse, Light25 gp3 lbs.
31ShortswordMartial Melee Weapon1d6 piercingFinesse, Light10 gp2 lbs.
32TridentMartial Melee Weapon1d6 piercingThrown (Range 20/60 ft.), Versatile (1d8)5 gp4 lbs.
33War PickMartial Melee Weapon1d8 piercing--5 gp2 lbs.
34WarhammerMartial Melee Weapon1d8 bludgeoningVersatile (1d10)15 gp2 lbs.
35WhipMartial Melee Weapon1d4 slashingFinesse, Reach2 gp3 lbs.
36BlowgunMartial Ranged Weapon1 piercingAmmunition, (Range 25/100 ft.), Loading10 gp1 lb.
37Hand Crossbow Martial Ranged Weapon1d6 piercingAmmunition, (Range 30/120 ft.), Light, Loading75 gp3 lbs.
38Heavy CrossbowMartial Ranged Weapon1d10 piercingAmmunition, (Range 100/400 ft.), Heavy, Loading, Two-Handed50 gp18 lbs.
39LongbowMartial Ranged Weapon1d8 piercingAmmunition, (Range 150/600 ft.), Heavy, Two-Handed50 gp2 lbs.
40NetMartial Ranged Weapon-Special, Thrown (Range 5/15 ft.)1 gp3 lbs.

Dragon Color

Roll the Dice
Dragon ColorDamage Type

Type Damage Damage Range
None Same as base None

Cost: Base weapon cost +600 gp
Weight: Same as base

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