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Irontusk Boar - Animal Arcanium 4

Wvota by Keon Croucher (discord name, drizzt103) was the input operator, Midjourney AI took those inputs and put the image together.
The symbol of the north and a holy creature to the church of Sir Kartheart, these unique boar are large, ornery, and seem to possess a natural resistance and aggressive distaste for arcane magick, launching themselves into a snorting, squealing, ferocious and violent frenzy at the merest sense of arcane magick being called upon within their presence or in their general vicinity.
Perception 1d20+8
Languages N/A
Skills Athletics: 1d20+11 , Intimidate: 1d20+8 , Survival: 1d20+8

STR +6 , DEX +2 , CON +6 , INT -4 , WIS +3 , CHA -3

AC 20
Saving Throws Fort 1d20+13 , Ref 1d20+7 , Will 1d20+8 , Power Save (Strength): 1d20+11 , Logic Save (Intelligence): 1d20+1 , Ego Save (Charisma): 1d20-3
HP55 4d12+30 - Immunities N/A - Weaknesses N/A - Resistances Resist (4) Cold, Slashing and Piercing
Speed 40 feet
Melee Melee, Tusk: 1d20+11 to hit. 2d8+6 piercing damage.
Special Abilities Armored Hide (3): +3 to Natural Armor Score   Aggressive: An Irontusk Boar that decides to attack a creature will usually not be easily driven off. No matter how bad the fight is going, the boar must attempt a DC 19 Will Save to decide to retreat or flee combat if it chooses to start a fight or is forced into one. This DC increases to 24 if it is in a fury or protecting piglets, and becomes impossible if it is in a fury and protecting piglets.   Bulky: Adds 1/2 of Constitution Modifier to AC as a Deflection Bonus, already accounted for.   Cold Adaptation: Irontusk Boars treat the effects of cold weather as 1 step lower.   Environmental Familiarity (Highlands and Tundra): Irontusk Boars are masterfully adapted to rocky, craggy and icy terrain that dominates the nation of Suranth. They suffer no movement penalties from naturally occuring terrain features in these environments.   Fury: An Irontusk Boar can enter a Fury as if a Braserker of first level. This Fury lasts for only 3 rounds, but they do gain all the benefits and negatives that a Braserker would gain at first level for that time. When it ends, they gain Exhausted (1) Condition for 1 minute.   Fury Damage Dice: When in a Fury an Iron-Tusk Boar's melee attacks deal an extra 1d6 damage.   Ferocity: This is an automatically triggered reaction. Whenever an Irontusk Boar's wound total should drop to 0 or less (so they should go down and stop fighting) it immediately becomes 1, and they gain the Wounded (1) condition instead. This will stack until Wounded (3) after which if it happens again, the creature will immediately die.   Magick Resistance (1): Irontusk Boars are well known for being noticably resistant to magick. They gain +2 to any and all Saves against any effects from any Arcane or Occult magickal sources.   Melee Attack; Frenzy: An Irontusk Boar in a Fury can use this ability to attack a target it is adjacent to with two tusk attacks, ignoring multiple attack penalty until after both attacks resolve (so if they attempt a third attack, it invokes the -10). It cannot move or target two different creatures with these attacks, they must both be against the same target.   Scent: 30 feet, +2 to Perception if sense of smell could apply.
NOTE: Iron-Tusk Boars are specialized mount companions to Priests or Templars of Sir Kartheart only.

Created by

Keon Croucher.


Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
