Bar'Tor Tactician | Monster / NPC | Pathfinder 1e | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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CR 1/2

Bar'Tor Tactician

Tactician 1 CN S Humanoid, Goblin
Initiative: +1 Senses: darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +10


AC: 16, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+4 armor, +1 Dex, +1 size)
HP: 9 1d8+1
Fortitude: +1 Reflex: +1 Will: +6


Speed: 30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)
Melee: sap -1 ( 1d4-2 nonlethal) or short sword -1 ( 1d4-2 /19-20) or unarmed strike - -1 ( 1d2-2 nonlethal)
Ranged: light crossbow +2 ( 1d6 /19-20)
Space: 5 ft Reach: 5 ft
Spell-like Abilities: Tactician Powers Known (power points 7, ML 1st; concentration +1 1st—inevitable strike; 0 (at will)—conceal thoughts, distract (DC 14), telepathic lash (DC 14)


Str 6, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 19, Wis 18, Cha 11
Base Attack: +0 CMB: -3 CMD: 8
Feats: Body Fuel, Psionic Talent
Skills: Acrobatics -2 ([roll1d20-6|-6] to jump), Bluff +4 ([roll1d20+4|+4] to feint., +5 vs non-goblin humanoids., +3 vs goblins.), Diplomacy +4 ( +5 vs non-goblin humanoids., +3 vs goblins.), Disguise +0 ( +1 vs non-goblin humanoids., -1 vs goblins.), Intimidate +4 ( +5 vs non-goblin humanoids., +3 vs goblins.), Perception +10 , Sense Motive +8 , Spellcraft +8 , Stealth +10 , Use Magic Device +4 ( +5 vs non-goblin humanoids., +3 vs goblins.)
Racial Modifiers: +4 Perception, +4 Stealth
Languages: Elfin, Goblin, Orc
SQ: active energy type, collective, coordinated strike, pariah, repletion, weapon familiarity


Environment: Temperate forest and plains (usually coastal regions)
Organization: Ves'a (1-6), Ves-ka (6-36 + 1 Vee of 5th level, and 1-5 Kax'Ves of 3-4th level), or Warren (37+ plus 100% female noncombatants; 1 Vee of 5th level per 36 adults; 1-5 Kax'Ves of 3-4th per 36 adults; 1-2 Kax'Vee of 6th-8th level; and 10-40 goblin worgs)
Treasure: hide armor, light crossbow with 10 bolts, sap, short sword

Bar’tor are blue, they may be sky blue, they may be royal blue, they may even be slightly hinted green. Their eyes are blue or blue-green, and their hair is either blue or green. A male adult Bar’tor stand about 2 feet 8 inches tall and weighs roughly 30 pounds, female Bar’tor are about 2 inches shorter at 2 feet 6 inches tall, and weigh about 35 pounds.

The Bar’tor are social pariahs due to the fact that they have the only physical feature that immediately distinguishes them from other goblins, blue skin, hair, and eyes. This tends to make them surly and bad tempered, and since they are smaller than other goblins, passive-aggressive and vindictive. They make up about 15% of the population of the warren.   Active Energy Type (Fire): Lets you set your psionic active energy type.   Body Fuel: You can expand your power point total at the expense of your health.   Collective (4 members, 110 feet) (Su): You have a collective of up to 4 individuals within 110 feet   Coordinated Strike (+1) 5/day (Su): The tactician is able to direct his allies to coordinating their attacks upon a single target to devastating effect. As a swift action, the tactician can declare one target within his line of sight as the primary foe.   Darkvision (60 feet/b} You can see in the dark (black and white only).   Pariah: The appearance of the bar'tor can affect the reactions of those nearby. A bar'tor takes a -1 penalty to Charisma-based skill checks when dealing with goblin humanoids, but gains a +1 bonus to Charisma-based skill checks while interacting with non-gobins   Psionic Talent: Gain 2 or 1 extra power points.   Repletion (Su): Spend 1 power point to go without food or drink for 24 hours.   Weapon Familiarity: Bar’tor are proficient with blackjacks, whips, rapiers and shortswords, and treat any weapon with the word “Goblin” in its name as a martial weapon.

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Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
