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Dryad Queen (Hamadryad) - Creature 13

A nymph queen is 6 to 10 levels higher than an ordinary nymph of the same type, with enhanced numerical statistics and improved Strikes to match. A nymph queen’s ward is a significant region, and she strengthens and vivifies this territory with her presence. Nymph queens are not dependent on their wards and lose the corresponding ability (such as a dryad’s tree dependent ability instead, they gain the tied to the land ability, as described below. A nymph queen also gains the nymph’s beauty aura and the Focus Beauty action, which have varying effects based on the queen’s original type. She gains the Inspiration ability, allowing her to bestow a gift of inspiration on those who catch her fancy, and the Change Shape ability to change her form. Finally, she gains primal prepared spells as a druid of her level.
Hamadryads rule over an entire forest, or a portion of an incredibly large forest, leading and protecting all dryads within. Hamadryads often have strange relationships with powerful and deadly fey, working together in a dualistic way despite their differences, with the hamadryad representing nature’s wonders and the other fey representing nature’s wrath.
Perception +25; Low-light vision
Languages Common, Elven, Sylvan, Speak With Plants
Skills Acrobatics+25, Athletics+19, Crafting+23 (+25 woodworking), Deception+30, Diplomacy+30, Intimidation+27, Nature+24, Performance+28, Stealth+25, Survival+24

STR +2 , DEX +6 , CON +6 , INT +4 , WIS +4 , CHA +8

AC 35
Saving Throws Fort +24, Ref +26, Will +24
HP220 - Weaknesses Cold Iron 10 - Resistances Fire 10
Speed 30 feet
Melee [one-action] Branch +27 (finesse, magical), Damage 3d12+8 bludgeoning
Ranged [one-action] Leaves +27 (conjuration, plant, primal, range increment 60 feet), Damage 3d8+6 slashing
Special Abilities Change Shape [one-action] (polymorph, primal, transmutation)
Dryad queens can transform between their original form, which looks much like a typical nymph of their kind, and any Small or Medium humanoid form, typically choosing a more humanoid-looking version of their natural form.
Focus Beauty [one-action] (emotion, enchantment, mental, primal, visual) DC 30
The dryad queen focuses her beauty upon a target within her aura. The creature must attempt a Will save. On a failed save, if the target was already affected by the dryad queen’s beauty, the target suffers the effects of a failed save against charm. A dryad queen can Focus Beauty on a given creature only once per turn.
Tree Meld [two-actions] (primal, transmutation)
The dryad queen touches any tree in her doman and she instead enters an extradimensional living space within the tree; Tree Meld gains the extradimensional trait. A dryad queen can bring up to eight other creatures with her when entering this space..She can Cast a Spell while inside as long as the spell doesn’t require a line of effect outside the tree. She can hear, but not see, what’s going on outside the tree. She can Dismiss this effect.
Significant physical damage dealt to the tree expels the dryad queen from the tree and deals 3d6 damage to her. Passwall expels the dryad queen without dealing damage.
Inspiration [three-actions] (emotion, enchantment, mental, primal)
A dryad queen can inspire a single intelligent creature by giving that creature a token of her favor, typically a lock of her hair. As long as the creature carries her token and remains in good standing with the dryad queem, the creature gains a +1 status bonus to all Crafting checks, Performance checks, and Will saves.
If a dryad queen grants her Inspiration to a bard and the nymph queen is that bard’s muse, the bard gains an additional benefit depending on their muse theme: for lore muse, the bard also gains a +1 status bonus to all Lore checks; for maestro muse, the status bonus to Performance checks increases to +2 for the purpose of determining the effects of compositions; for polymath muse, the bard gains a +4 status bonus to untrained skill checks; and for all other muses, the Will save bonus increases to +2 against fey.
Spells Primal Innate Spells DC 21, attack +11
5th Tree Stride (×2)
4th Charm (×3), Suggestion
3rd sleep
2nd Entangle (at will), Tree Shape (at will)
Cantrips (2nd) Tanglefoot
Constant (4th) Speak With Plants
Nymph’s Beauty (aura, emotion, enchantment, mental, primal, visual) DC 30, 30 feet
Creatures that start their turn in the aura must succeed at a Will save. On a failed save, the target is immobilized in awe for 1 minute..
Tied to the Land
A nymph queen is intrinsically tied to a specific region, such as a forest for a dryad queen. As long as the queen is healthy, the environment is exceptionally resilient, allowing the nymph queen to automatically attempt to counteract spells and rituals such as blight that would harm the environment, using her Spell DC with a counteract level equal to the highest-level druid spell she can cast. When the nymph queen becomes physically or psychologically unhealthy, however, her warded region eventually becomes twisted or unhealthy as well. In that case, restoring the nymph queen swiftly heals the entire region.

Created by



Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
