Fire Yokai | Monster | Dungeons & Dragons 3.5 | Statblocks & Sheets | World Anvil

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Fire Yokai - CR: 8
TypeOutsider (Chaotic, Evil, Fire)
Hit Dice8d8+24 (88hp)
EnvironmentAny land and underground
AlignmentAlways Chaotic Evil
Advancement9 - 12 HD (Medium-size)
Bluff +10, Diplomacy +12, Hide + 9, Intimidate +2, Knowledge any one +12, Listen +6, Sense Motive +12, Search +12, Spellcraft +6, Spot +8
Dodge, Expertise, Weapon Finesse (Katana)

Immune to Electricity and Poison, Telepathy

Demonic Burn: A creature hit with the Fire Yokai's flame attack must succeed on a DC 17 reflex save or catch fire. The fire burns 1d4 rounds. Damage 1d6
Fiery Shield: 1d6+8 fire damage when attacked with natural or melee weapons. Weapons with reach are exempt.
Initiative 1d20+3
Armor Class (AC)23, touch 13, flat footed 20
Base Attack+14/+9 or Slam +12
Attack+1 flaming katana 1d20+14 Damage 1d10+7+1d6
Full Attack2 Slams 1d20+14 damage: 1d8+4
Space/Reach5ft x 5ft/ 5 ft
Special AttacksDemonic Burn, Spell-like abilities
SavesFort 1d20+9 , Reflex 1d20+9 , Will 1d20+7
Flame Oni Samurai
Str 19, Dex 16, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 11

Special Qualities: DR 20+2, Fiery Shield, Fire Subtype, Outsider Traits, SR 18, summon oni, dark vision, immune to fire, electricity and poison, resistance acid 20, double damage from cold.

According to legends, these tortured samurai were once a group of yokai who sought to rule Yomi, but failed a "trial by fire" and were consequently set to burn for eternity.

They are tall, gaunt humanoids, with blood-red or blue skin. The entire length of their bodies are sheathed in fire. These yokai can alter the appearance of their flames at will, making them appear translucent and ghostly, or the red-orange shade of a fiery forge, or even blue-white and delicate. No matter how the flames look, their effects remain the same.

Spell-Like Abilities: At will - Detect Good, Detect Magic, See Invisibility; 1/day - Fear (30ft radius). Caster level 8th; Save DC 10 + Spell level.

Loot: +1 Flaming Katana

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