Hit Points
Hit Dice: d10 per Warden level
Hit Points at first Level: See Ranger
Hit Points at Higher Levels: See Ranger
Armor: See Ranger
Weapons: See Ranger
Tools: See Ranger
Saving Throws: See Ranger
Skills: See Ranger
Overview & Creation
Wardens draw on primal power to defend nature against those who would corrupt or destroy it. Some use the power of the elements to shield others from harm. Others summon primal strength from within to increase their ferocity and tenacity.
Class Features
Warden Source
At 3rd level, you choose your Primal source: Earthstrength or Wildblood. This will determine your traits that you acquire from progressing as a Warden Ranger.
Warden Spells
You gain spells depending on your source, at the given ranger levels. These spells are always prepared, and do not count against the ranger spells you have prepared. They are ranger spells for you.
Earthstrength Spells
Ranger Level |
Spells |
3rd |
Chromatic Orb, Absorb Elements |
5th |
Earthbind, Aganazzer's Scorcher |
9th |
Fireball, Erupting Earth |
13th |
Elemental Bane, Conjure Minor Elementals |
17th |
Conjure Elemental, Maelstrom |
Wildblood Spells
Ranger Level |
Spells |
3rd |
Jump, Longstrider |
5th |
Enhance Ability, Enlarge/Reduce |
9th |
Haste, Fly |
13th |
Dominate Beast, Freedom of Movement |
17th |
Destructive Wave, Hold Monster |
Guardian Might
When you choose this subclass at 3rd level, you may use a reaction to reduce damage you take by 1d10 + your Ranger level. You may use this feature a number of times equal to your Wisdom modifier (min. 1). You regain expended uses of this feature after a long rest.
Warden's Aura
Starting at 7th level, you possess an ancient aura whose effects are dependent on your source. At level 15, the range of this Aura is increased to 30 feet.
Steadfast Aura (Earthstrength)
You and your allies within 10 feet of you add your Wisdom modifier (min. 1) as a bonus to checks and saves made against effects that knock a creature prone, or pushes or pulls them.
Feral Aura (Wildblood)
You and allies within 10 feet of you add a +1 Bonus to weapon attacks and damage rolls. This increases to a +2 bonus when you are below your HP maximum.
Nature's Guardian
At 11th level, while in your favored terrains, you gain a +2 Bonus to Armor Class and Saving Throws, as well as advantage on Perception, Survival, Investigation, or Stealth Checks.
Primal Aura
At 15th level, you and allies within 30 feet of you cannot be charmed nor frightened, and take 3 less damage from nonmagical weapons.
Starting Equipment
See Ranger
See Ranger
Ranger Level | Feature |
3rd | Warden Spells, Guardian Might |
7th | Warden's Aura |
11th | Nature's Guardian |
15th | Primal Aura |