Alter Ego
Hit Points
Hit Dice: d8 per Alter Ego level
Hit Points at first Level: 8 + Constitution Modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 5 + Constitution Modifier per Alter Ego level after 1st
Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: Simple Weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Constitution and Charisma
Skills: Choose any three.
Overview & Creation
The alter ego is multiple people in one. Just as there is a difference between someone with a sword and a real fighter, there is a difference between someone with a mask and an alter ego.
Whether through possession, transformation, or acting so good it can even fool magic, an alter ego is at least two people in one shared body. Even the great divinations of powerful mages treat an alter-ego’s hidden identities as separate people, and it is this ability that allows the alter ego to adapt to any situation.
Quick Build
You can make an alter ego quickly by following these suggestions. First, choose the Charlatan background, with Companion (Wis), Flamboyant Combatant (Cha), or Grifter (Int) as your martial tradition. The martial tradition you choose determines your highest ability score. Your next-highest score should be Strength or Dexterity, depending upon whether you want to focus on melee weapons or ranged combat (or finesse weapons). Your third-highest score should be Constitution.
Class Features
Martial Training
You gain a martial talent at 2nd level and every two levels after that, according to Table: Alter Ego.
Every alter ego walks the path of a particular archetype, which determines what type of personas they possess.
As an alter ego, you have multiple identities so distinct that, for most intents and purposes, they are different people. This might be as simple as having a second personality inside you or as elaborate as sharing a body with a separate entity with its own name and its own appearance (which could be accomplished through a costume or a full-body change). The archetype you choose will determine more about the nature of this change, as well as determine how many personas you ultimately have.
An alter ego has at least two personas. Only one persona can be active at a time, and switching between them requires some form of action on your part (changing form, putting on makeup and costumes, etc.), as outlined in your archetype.
While each of your personas is an extension of you, each persona is, in many ways, treated like a completely different being; personas may be of different alignments, and so long as a magic-user does not know that various personas are all part of the same being, any attempts they make to scry on or locate one of your personas with magic only functions when that persona is currently active. Likewise, attempts to divine information about one persona does not reveal information about any others.
Persona Trope
Every persona has its own powers, perspectives, and capabilities that make it distinct from its fellows. Each persona you possess gains at least one trope listed below, along with its associated benefits. Your archetype might allow a persona to gain more than one trope.
The Antihero
The antihero is willing to use all manner of secret and underhanded tricks to accomplish their goals and prefers to keep themselves ambiguous and in the shadows.
Antiheroes deal 1d6 sneak attack like a 1st level rogue. This increases by +1d6 at 6th (2d6), 10th, (3d6), 14th levels (4d6), and 18th levels (5d6). If you already possess sneak attack, you may instead add half your alter ego levels to your rogue level to determine your total sneak attack.
The Dragon
Dragons are more a force of nature than anything else, bringing fear and havoc wherever they go. Dragons gain the ability to rage twice per long rest like a 1st level barbarian. You may rage an additional time at 7th and 15th levels and deal an additional point of rage damage at 15th level.
If you possess barbarian levels, you may add half your alter ego levels to your barbarian level when determining how many times you may rage a day and how many points of rage damage you deal.
The Fool
The fool is easy to dismiss as comic relief, but that makes it all the more powerful of a twist when the fool ends up saving the day.
Whenever the fool fails an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw with a natural dice roll of 4 or less, they can perform a ‘fumble.’ Whenever you fumble, you may choose and gain advantage on a single attack roll, saving throw, or ability check made the next round.
The die roll required to produce a fumble increases by 2 at 7th (6 or lower) and 15th level (8 or lower).
A fumble can only be achieved when performing an action you want to succeed at, and that carries real risk; most checks made in combat can produce a fumble, but you cannot, for example, roll to tie your shoes in hopes of producing a fumble.
The Hero
Heroes are personas of action, taking center stage to accomplish great deeds. A hero needn’t be a ‘good guy,’ but whatever they do they perform deeds worth remembering.
All heroes gain a Fighting Style like a 1st fighter and gain a bonus Equipment talent of their choice.
At 7th level, you gain Action Surge like a 2nd level fighter.
At 15th level, you gain Indomitable like a 9th level fighter. If you already possess the Action Surge or Indomitable class features, you may add half your alter ego levels to your fighter level to determine when you gain a second or third use, as outlined in the fighter class.
The Lover
The lover inspires those around them to greater heights than would otherwise be possible.
Lovers gain a 1d6 bardic inspiration die, which they may use as if they were a level 1 bard. They may use bardic inspiration a number of times equal to their Charisma modifier, regaining uses after a long rest.
At 7th level, your bardic inspiration die becomes a d8, and you regain your uses of bardic inspiration after a short or long rest.
At 15th level, your bardic inspiration die becomes a d10. If you possess bard levels, you may add half your alter ego levels to your bard level determine the size of your bardic inspiration die.
The Mentor
Wise and knowledgeable, mentors are looked up to for their skill and great powers.
You can combine spheres and talents to create magical effects. You gain a spell pool, magic talents, and a casting tradition.
Spell Pool
You gain a small reservoir of energy you can call on to create truly wondrous effects, called a spell pool. This pool contains a number of spell points equal to your key ability modifier (minimum: 1). You gain additional spell points equal to one fourth your alter ego level (rounded down). This pool replenishes once per day after a long rest. (Note: if multiclassing, spell points from your key ability modifier are only gained once.)
If you have multiple personas with the mentor trope, they all share the same spell pool.
Magic Talents
You may select magic talents with a mentor’s persona talents. You also gain a bonus magic talent at 7th and 15th levels.
Casting Tradition
You gain a casting tradition. While in a persona with the mentor trope, you can determine your key ability modifier using either your casting tradition or your martial tradition. If you have multiple personas with the mentor trope, they all share the same casting tradition.
The Socialite
The socialite might be a mild-mannered and unassuming nobody trying to blend into the background, or perhaps a loud and vapant playboy who always steals the spotlight, but whoever they are, they rarely engage in combat.
Instead, they make friends, deal with the public, and often go underestimated just long enough to switch personas and take their enemies by surprise.
Regardless of circumstances, you are never the first suspect when it comes to being guilty of an action. You are proficient in Deception checks and gain advantage on any Deception check made to convince others of your innocence, to deny being associated with one of your other personas, or provide a cover story for where your socialite persona was while another persona was active. If you are already proficient with Deception, you may instead double their proficiency bonus with that skill, as the expertise rogue class feature.
At 7th level, you are adept at making connections and contacts. You gain advantage on all Charisma (Persuasion) checks made to spread or investigate news, rumors, gossip, or gather information from the masses. Also, so long as you have spent at least a week carousing to get to know the populous in a settlement, you can make most purchases from its market at 90% of the actual market price. This can apply to even grand purchases such as boats or buildings but might not apply to certain specialty purchases, such as commissioning the creation of a magic item.
At 15th level, you can survive almost anything to reach a safe place to change your persona. You become proficient with all saving throws.
The Support
Whether they are a friend in times of need or perhaps a witty servant who constantly saves their less-intelligent employer, supports possess the knowledge, skill, and capabilities necessary to fix problems or overcome obstacles.
Supports possess two extra skill or tool proficiencies. If the support picks a skill or tool they are already proficient with, they may instead double their proficient bonus with that skill or tool, as the expertise rogue class feature.
They gain an additional 2 skill or tool proficiencies at 7th and 15th level.
Persona Talent
At 3rd level, each of your personas gain two martial talents. These talents are unique to each persona. For example, if one persona chooses Warleader talents and your other persona chooses Barroom talents, you would only have access to the Warleader talents in the first persona and the Barroom talents in the other persona.
If you gain a talent that applies to all personas that one of your personas already possesses as a persona talent, you may immediately retrain that persona talent.
You gain additional persona talents, as listed on Table: Alter Ego.
Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Quick Change
At 10th level, you have enough experience changing your persona that you can sometimes change much quicker than normal. A minute change is reduced to an Action, an Action is reduced to a bonus action, and a bonus action is reduced to no action at all. You may do this once, but regain this use after a long rest. At 18th level, you may do this twice instead of once.
Starting Equipment
You start with equipment granted by your background, and either the following equipment or the equipment granted by your martial tradition; You must be proficient with the chosen class equipment to select it as part of your starting equipment:
- (a) a scholar’s pack, (b) a diplomat’s pack, or (c) an explorer’s pack
- (a) a martial or simple weapon, or (b) a shield
If this is your starting class (Character level 1), you may select a martial tradition.
Subclass Options
The Chemist
A chemist uses applied magic and chemical mysteries to enact their transformation, drinking a concoction and transforming physically into a completely different person.
Switching Personas: You possess two personas; one when you are transformed and one when you are not. Changing your personas requires an Action as you drink the concoction that enacts the switch and go through a quick transformation. You switch back to your untransformed persona after a short or long rest, but you may also drink another concoction to switch back at any time. The appearance of your transformed persona is up to you: you but taller, a demonic monster, a giant animal, etc.. However, it cannot mimic the appearance of another, specific creature of your choice, and once decided your transformed appearance cannot change. Unless your transformed persona appears similar to your untransformed persona, it is only through intense investigation or seeing a transformation take place that anyone can tell that your different personas are all different sides of the same person.
Changing a Persona: Abandoning a transformed persona and creating a new one in its place usually requires a week of downtime, as you experiment with different chemicals to enact an entirely new change.
Bonus Proficiencies
You gain proficiency with alchemist supplies and poisoner’s kits.
Your change is enacted through drinking small vials of your creation as an Action, known as concoctions. Because concoctions are as much applied magic as unstable science, you can only keep a few of them active at any one time; brewing new ones causes any old ones to go inert. Anyone other than you who drinks a concoction is poisoned for 1 hour. During a long rest you can brew up to your maximum.
You can maintain up to two concoctions at once. You may brew an additional concoction at 6th (3), 11th (4), 14th (5), and 20th levels (6).
In addition to changing your persona, you can brew one benefit into each concoction. If you use the concoction to adopt your transformed persona (instead of using it to return to your untransformed persona) you gain that benefit for as long as you are in your transformed persona. If you drink one while in your transformed persona, you may choose to stay in your transformed persona and switch the benefits rather than change back to your untransformed persona.
You may choose any of the following benefits. At 11th level, you may give a concoction two benefits instead of one. At 20th level, you may have three benefits instead of two. You may choose different benefits for each concoction you brew.
- Claws: You grow claws. Your unarmed strikes are considered light finesse weapons that deal 1d6 damage.
- Carapace: You grow natural armor. Your armor class becomes 14 + your Dex modifier.
- Darkvision: You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
- Extra Arm: You gain an extra arm. This arm can hold things and even wield weapons as if it were any other arm, but it does not grant extra attacks. It can, however, allow you to treat a one-handed melee weapon as if it had the light quality by holding it in two hands. You may take this benefit twice, gaining an extra arm each time. If you have two extra arms, you can treat two-handed weapons as if they had the light quality.
- Flight: You gain a 30 ft. fly speed. This counts as two benefits.
- Climb: You gain a climb speed equal to your land speed and can climb vertical surfaces and along ceilings.
- Swim: You gain a swimming speed equal to your land speed and can breathe underwater.
- Healing: You heal for an amount equal to 1/4th your total hit points. This can be chosen multiple times, and the effects stack.
- Super Ability: Your gain a +2 bonus to one ability score of your choice (maximum 20). You also suffer a -2 penalty to its corresponding ability score, as determined below. You can gain this benefit multiple times but must choose a different ability score each time.
+Strength: -Intelligence
+Dexterity: -Wisdom
+Constitution: -Charisma
+Intelligence: -Strength
+Wisdom: -Dexterity
+Charisma: -Constitution
The Empowered
The empowered change persona through the use of magic; perhaps they possess a powerful artifact that grants them an alternative persona, or perhaps it is a gift from a deity or powerful fey, or maybe it’s merely the awakening of an inherited side of themselves. Whatever the reason, the empowered can transform to awaken the depth of their power, changing from mere mortal to something altogether greater.
The empowered has two personas: A ‘base’ persona and an ‘empowered’ persona.
Switching Personas: Switching personas requires an Action. As one of the empowered, your transformation is quick, but it is also very noticeable; it might involve bright lights, swirling magical forces, choreographed dance movements, or require you to shout a magical phrase. Whatever the details, transforming reveals yourself to nearby creatures, breaking stealth once the transformation is complete.
Even if your empowered persona appears similar to your base persona, a disguise is part of the magic; only those with truesight can pierce it to see your hidden face.
Changing a Persona: Generally, changing your empowered persona is not possible without GM permission and some sort of quest to change your relationship with the source of your magical strength.
Magical Storage
During a long rest, you can associate an outfit or suit of armor, worn magical items such as rings or amulets, or items that can be held in your hands such as weapons or wands as part of your empowered persona. These items disappear into an extradimensional space when you are in your base persona and appear/are equipped onto you when you transform. If you are already wearing armor or an outfit or other items that would obstruct the summoned items (for example, summoning magical gloves when you are already wearing a different set of magical gloves), the replaced items are put into extradimensional storage until you change back into your base persona. If you should die, all items in your extradimensional storage are expelled harmlessly in the space around you.
Magical Health
The source of your transformed state grants your empowered persona additional protections. If you are reduced to 0 hp while in your empowered persona, you can choose to instead be transformed back to your base persona at 1 hp; you cannot access your empowered persona again until you take a short or long rest or until you are healed to at least half your hit points.
Your empowered form is powered by supernatural forces that grant you incredible magical power. Your empowered persona gains the mentor trope in addition to another trope of your choice. If you desire, you may choose to grant your empowered persona the mentor trope a second time instead of giving it two different tropes. Doing so increases the number of magic talents you gain to gaining one talent at every even level (2, 4, 6, etc.), and increase your spell pool to become equal to your key ability modifier +1/2 your alter ego level.
The Possessed
The possessed do not simply give the appearance of being two people; they really and truly are two completely different beings. Whether this second form is a ghost or demon that possesses the host or simply the result of magical or alchemical experimentation gone wrong, there are two minds inside the possessed, and they battle each other for control.
Switching Personas: Switching personas is very easy for the possessed, requiring only a bonus action. The trigger for this transformation could be as simple as getting angry, or could be involuntary as the minds battle for control of the body. This transformation is quick and silent and can be done while hiding. However, while switching personas is not physically demanding, it is emotionally taxing, as described under taxing transformation below. You cannot change personas if you are unconscious.
The alternate persona could appear the same as the base persona or could be radically different, even appearing as a different race or species. Once this choice is made, however, it cannot be changed.
Changing a Persona: This usually cannot be done without GM permission and some sort of quest to reconcile with the two minds to achieve a new relationship.
Second Life
Your two personas are truly different beings. Not only do both personas gain a trope and possibly different alignments, but both personas might have a different race, different ability scores, and a different background, complete with a different martial tradition. Ability score increases are done separately for each persona. If your personas have different maximum hit point totals, damage dealt to one persona affects both personas’ current hit points.
Taxing Transformation
Transformation takes a powerful emotional toll on you. You can only change your persona twice (usually from one persona to the other, then back again). You regain these uses after a short or long rest.
At 6th level, you can change your persona 4 times instead of two times. At 14th level, you are no longer restricted in how many times you can change your persona.
Transformative Healing
At 6th level, if you are affected by the charmed, frightened, or paralyzed conditions, these conditions are repressed when you change persona; their duration still continues, but since they affect the persona you are not currently in, they do not affect you.
At 11th level, this also affects the blinded, deafened, paralyzed, poisoned, and stunned conditions. At 14th level, this also affects all levels of exhaustion.
Separate Health
At 11th level, your two forms gain their own separate hit point pools; while healing applied to one persona heals both personas, damage lost in one persona does not lower the hit points of your other personas. However, if you are currently at 0 hp in one persona, you still cannot change personas even if your other personas are at higher health.
Masterful Transformation
Beginning at 14th level, you may change personas as a reaction.
Hybrid Form
At 20th level, you have learned how to marry your two halves, allowing both sides to manifest simultaneously. This new form counts as a separate persona for the purpose of your transformative healing and separate health powers. Your hybrid form appears as a mixture of your base and alternate personas, and you can choose which ability score it uses for each individual ability, selected from the different scores of your two personas. This new form possesses every trope power, racial bonus, proficiency, and talent that otherwise would have been possessed by only one of your personas.
You may transform effortlessly between either of your personas or your new hybrid form with no action required.
The Troubadour
The troubadour is a master actor able to create characters so vivid that, at least for a time, he is truly a different person. This level of acting is difficult to master and true troubadours are rare (and ruthlessly sought after by those in need of a spy), but those who walk the path of a troubadour find that they often have so many characters at their fingertips that they can easily wear whatever face best meets their present needs.
Switching Personas: Switching personas requires 1 minute of mental preparation, which may or may not involve donning a disguise as well. Your different personas needn’t use disguises to appear physically different, but not doing so makes it easy for someone who has met multiple personas to tell they are actually the same person.
If someone meets multiple personas that use a disguise kit to appear different, discovering they are all the same person is the same as seeing through any other disguise, but any roll you make to maintain the disguise treats any roll of 9 or lower as if it were a 10. This does not apply to any other attempt to create or maintain a disguise (even if, for example, you create a persona designed to mimic someone else; discovering you are an imposter would not trigger this benefit).
Changing a Persona: You can change one of your personas into a completely different persona during a long rest.
Bonus Proficiencies
You gain proficiency with Performance and Disguise kits.
Multiple Personas
As a troubadour, you are an expert at creating new characters to fit your needs. You have three personas instead of two. You gain a fourth persona at 11th level and a fifth persona at 20th level.
Flexible Truth
At 6th level, you have become so adept at living multiple ‘truths’ that you can make yourself temporarily believe anything for a short time. Whenever you are subject to truth-compelling or truth-detecting magic or magic that detects your surface thoughts, you may attempt a Wisdom saving throw before any other saving throw the effect may or may not require. If you succeed, the magic appears to work, except you can choose what thoughts you share and say whatever you wish, as well as decide if what you say is detected as being a lie or the truth.
This ability does not protect against mental attacks or mind-reading that delves deeper than surface thoughts.
Master Actor
At 14th level, your ability to pass as different people is strengthened. You regain your uses of quick change after a long or short rest.
The Vigilante
Vigilantes create a double life so they can avoid scrutiny; one identity is a mild-mannered member of polite society, while the other might fight crime, commit crimes, or simply go on dangerous adventures without their friends and family knowing. A vigilante possesses two personas: a ‘civilian’ persona and a ‘vigilante’ persona. Their vigilante persona is usually donned by putting on a mask that obscures their face, but this is not always the case. Rarely, the vigilante persona might wear their face unobscured while it is the civilian persona that uses glasses, concealing hairstyles, and other forms of obstruction to keep their identities separate.
Switching Personas: Switching personas requires 1 minute of work to mentally prepare and make any necessary costume changes. So long as you remain in costume when in your vigilante persona, even people familiar with both your civilian and vigilante personas cannot tell they are the same person; if a Perception or Investigation check is made against you to discover your identity without ample evidence, assume your Deception or disguise roll is a natural 20.
Changing a Persona: You may replace your vigilante persona with a different one, but doing so requires a week of downtime as new costumes are built, new methodologies are created, and the old ways are left behind.
Bonus Proficiencies
You gain proficiency with both Persuasion and Intimidation.
Cover Story
Your civilian persona is equipped to give all the appearance of an everyday life, and you are well-versed in providing that appearance quickly so that your other activities can be done unnoticed.
You can perform many actions that generally require downtime, even if you are adventuring. Examples of such actions include getting a day’s worth of crafting done for magical or mundane items, spending a day running a business, performing research, carousing, etc. In essence, your civilian persona can spend time performing downtime activities even while your vigilante persona is out adventuring. This is subject to reasonable restrictions; your civilian persona cannot provide a cover story if you are in jail or provide an alibi in one city while you are adventuring in another. However, if you are adventuring in your vigilante persona and are taking at least one short rest per day, your civilian persona can perform downtime activity in that location on your behalf.
You cannot perform retraining as a downtime activity in this manner, as doing so requires too much time and focus.
Your two personas are well-versed in supporting each other, whether it be using your civilian persona to promote the fame of your vigilante persona or using your vigilante persona to funnel valuable intelligence to your civilian persona.
So long as you have spent at least a week in a particular settlement and have had time to communicate with, spread rumors through, and build a reputation among the locals, your civilian persona gains advantage on all Persuasion checks, and your vigilante persona has advantage on all Intimidation checks within that settlement, as if your personas were using the Help action on each other.
With GM permission, other checks might gain this advantage as well (for example, if your civilian persona has had the chance to visit a building during a party and you return later in your vigilante persona, you might gain advantage on Investigation checks within that location).
Strength of the Mask
Beginning at 6th level, you gain proficiency with Wisdom saving throws while in your vigilante persona.
Powerful Persona
At 11th level, your vigilante persona gains a second trope, with all its associated benefits. As you gain levels, you gain the powers of both tropes.
Greater Celebrity
Beginning at 14th level, your renown has grown such that it is much easier to establish yourself. You only need a short rest within a settlement rather than a week to gain the benefits of your celebrity class ability (or socialite trope power, if you have it). Once you have established your reputation in a settlement, this benefit can quickly travel to neighboring settlements as well, as rumors of your personas travel along trade routes.
At 20th level, you become proficient in all saving throws and immune to the frightened and charmed conditions while in your vigilante persona.
Level | Proficiency Bonus | Features | Martial Talents | Persona Talents |
1st | +2 | Alter Ego Archetype, Persona, Persona Trope | 0 | - |
2nd | +2 | - | 1 | - |
3rd | +2 | Persona Talents | 1 | 2 |
4th | +2 | Ability Score Improvement | 2 | 2 |
5th | +3 | Extra Attack | 2 | 3 |
6th | +3 | Archetype Power | 3 | 3 |
7th | +3 | Trope Benefit | 3 | 3 |
8th | +3 | Ability Score Improvement | 4 | 3 |
9th | +4 | - | 4 | 4 |
10th | +4 | Quick Change | 5 | 4 |
11th | +4 | Archetype Power | 5 | 4 |
12th | +4 | Ability Score Improvement | 6 | 4 |
13th | +5 | - | 6 | 5 |
14th | +5 | Archetype Power | 7 | 5 |
15th | +5 | Trope Benefit | 7 | 5 |
16th | +5 | Ability Score Improvement | 8 | 5 |
17th | +6 | - | 8 | 6 |
18th | +6 | Quick Change (2) | 9 | 6 |
19th | +6 | Ability Score Improvement | 9 | 6 |
20th | +6 | Archetype Power | 10 | 6 |