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Dwarven Farmer - Laborer 0

Workers of the fields, vineyards, and orchards of the world, farmers are known for their rugged endurance and their skill with both plants and animals.
Perception Expert
Languages Common, Dwarven
Skills Athletics Trained , Farming Lore Expert , Nature Trained , Survival Trained

STR +3 , DEX +1 , CON +4 , WIS +3 , CHA -1

Items apple (4), leather armor, pitchfork, Clan Dagger
AC 14
Saving Throws Fort +8, Ref +5, Will +5
Speed 20 ft
Melee Pitchfork Expert +1 -4 reach 10 feet Piercing
Ranged Rock Expert +1 -3 (agile, nonlethal, thrown 20 feet), Damage bludgeoning
Special Abilities Pitch Bale Single Action (attack)
  • Requirements The farmer's last action was a successful pitchfork Strike
  • Effect The farmer moves the creature they hit with their pitchfork up to 5 feet, and the target falls prone. The target can attempt a DC 13 Reflex save to avoid falling prone, and avoids being moved altogether on a critical success.

Created by



Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
