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Heroes of the high court

Chado Benediction

Tea ceremony

Formation \ Spiritual \ Ritual
Level 4-level
Save: Skillcheck CD 20 Alchemy, Backlash: -2 strength for 24h

Casting time: 40 Minutes
Range: Personal
Duration: 24h
Area: Tea Drinkers
Effect: +4 ts morale bonus on will (fear effects)
Targets: Tea Drinkers/Casters
Domain: Spiritual
Componenent: V,S,M (enough excellent quality green leaves) (a 150g worth tripod)1-6 people


The primary caster brews a pot of tea and serves it to the secondary casters in a formal ceremony. Everything, from the amount poured into each cup to the tea’s temperature, must be precise. During this time, the casters can either remain silent or speak politely to one another, but never of anything crude. If the tea ceremony is interrupted in any way, the ritual fails, no matter how many successes the casters have accrued. When the casters have finished drinking the tea and successfully completed the ritual, they are filled with a sense of serenity. Each caster receives a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against fear effects for the next 24 hours.   Any caster can dismiss the ritual’s effect for herself as an immediate action and gain one of the following benefits.   The caster gains 2d10+4 temporary hit points that last for 4 hours. The caster is immediately cured of a single poison affecting her. The caster can reroll a failed Will saving throw, taking the better result. If this saving throw is against a fear effect, the caster still gains the +4 morale bonus on the reroll. The caster can cast a single spell of 3rd level or lower as if it were a silent and still spell.

Mythic Effects

HB: The first Spell dismissal will not consume the Will Save Bonus, granting the mythic character a second activation of the powers above.

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Pathfinder 1e

Statblock Type

