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Swampscale Spirits - Hazard 2

A half-dozen ghostly kobolds rise from the rubble in a howling vortex.
Perception DC 21
Skills Intimidate DC 18 to frighten the spirits with a threatening display, or DC 21 Religion to exorcise the spirits

STR +0 , DEX +3 , CON +0 , INT +0 , WIS +1 , CHA -1

AC 17
Saving Throws Fort 0, Ref 0, Will +8
Special Abilities Confusing Confrontation (emotion, enchantment, fear, mental)
TriggerA creature enters a square either fully or partially filled with rubble in the middle of the room Effect Six ghostly kobolds surge out of the rubble with eerie yowls. Each creature in area A7 must attempt a DC 18 Will save with the following results. The haunt then rolls initiative.
  • Critical Success- The creature is unaffected is temporarily immune to Confusing Confrontation for 24 hours, and realizes that a display of intimidating dominance might quell the ghostly kobolds’ assault.
  • Success- The creature is frightened 1.
  • Failure- The creature is confused for 1 round and is frightened 2.
  • Critical Failure The creature is confused for 2 rounds and is frightened 3.
  • Routine The spirits swoop together toward one creature in the dining room who’s frightened, instilling feelings of betrayal and confusion. The target takes mental damage (DC 18 basic Will save) Reset The haunt deactivates if there are no frightened creatures in the dining room at the start of its turn. The ghostly kobolds return to the rubble pile. The haunt can’t activate again for 1 hour.

Created by



Pathfinder 2e

Statblock Type

Monster / NPC
