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Sat Jul 27th - Sat Sep 21st

The World Anvil Anthology presented by Kyanite Publishing

Create an amazing piece of speculative fiction, and get your work published.
This event has ended!
Scroll down to see all submitted entries


It is time! Time to place your best fiction-writing foot forward and get your work published as part of the Kyanite Publishing Anthology.   In this multi-month challenge, we want to see your best speculative fiction novelette. Make it about your existing world, or make a new world to support your story. It can be science fiction, fantasy, alternative history, as long as it is pure fiction and owned by you.   At the end of the competition, ten entries will find a home in the coveted World Anvil Anthology, published by Kyanite Publishing. One lucky grand prize winner will get the chance to snag a World Anvil and Kyanite exclusive book deal!  

About Kyanite Publishing

Founded in 2018, Kyanite Publishing is a growing publisher with several novels under its belt and plenty of love for Speculative Fiction. B.K Bass, the Acquisitions Director for Kyanite, has been a fantastic Anvilite since the early days of World Anvil and sees the inspiring stories that the community provides on a daily basis. Kyanite Publishing is excited to work with other Anvilites on getting those stories out to the world!   If you want to read more about the amazing folks at Kyanite Publishing, you can check out their website!

Standard League Winner
M.K. Beutymhill

The Rules

How to Enter

Firstly, all competitors will need a World Anvil account (don’t worry, it’s free!) to get started. Once you’ve logged in and created your first world, you’re ready to enter the competition.   Write your entry using the Prose template on World Anvil. Once you have finished your entry and are ready to submit it, make sure that your article is not a draft and then click on the button on the right hand side to submit it to the challenge.  

Social media sharing

Because community likes are an important part of the competition, competitors may wish to share their entries on social media to garner more interest from the community. Entries which are tagged with #KyaniteChallenge and mention @WorldAnvil might get shared by World Anvil social media!

More About the Prizes

The Grand Prize

Kyanite Publishing is excited to offer a contract for a stand-alone novella or novel to the grand prize winner of the Anthology contest. In addition to inclusion of the winner's novelette in the Anthology, the grand prize winner will have the opportunity to expand on their story and have their very own book published in both eBook and Paperback formats!  

The Anthology

The Anthology will be the first of its kind: a series of stories, all made from World Anvil Worlds, placed together in a published book. Each author chosen to be published in the anthology will receive full credit for their work as well as a share of royalties from the sales.

Adjudication Criteria and Process

The process for this massive challenge will be different than the previous ones. Please read the below carefully so you know the stages of judgement.
  • The judgement will start on a first pass based on likes. Forty entries will be taken based on the most likes.
  • World Anvil Staff will do skims of the entries to determine that they follow the rules of the competition.
  • Twenty entries will be picked by Janet and Dimitris
  • Twenty entries will be sent to Kyanite. They will pick their ten favorites and their grand prize winner.
  • World Anvil will announce the winners in a celebration with Kyanite Publishing who will then work with the winners on getting their works published!

Other Rules

  • Articles for Submission must use the Prose Template.
  • It is highly recommended to have a fleshed out world that ties into your story.
  • You do not have to use all fields of the Prose Template.
  • Articles must be in English.
  • Stories must be submitted before the closing time, else they will not be judged.
  • Stories can be between 7500 and 12500 words in length!
  • You will be able to submit your article only if it is public!
  • Only one story may be submitted per author, this does not mean one article per world. Mulitple Coauthors working on a single world may each submit a single entry.

Prize Details

Publishing contracts from Kyanite Publishing will be offered after the end of the contest. Contract terms and conditions have been pre-negotiated with the ownership of World Anvil for Anthology contributors. Contract terms for the grand prize winner will be negotiated after the contest. Entry into the contest does not imply any legal commitment with Kyanite Publishing, and rights to any work remain the property of the author until such time as they transfer said rights to Kyanite Publishing upon signing of their individual contributor agreements.   Kyanite Publishing reserves all rights to edit, correct, and otherwise modify any work submitted prior to publication so long as the original integrity of the work is not substantially altered.  


The Countdown

This Countdown Clock is set to when the Challenge will end!
For the Kyanite Competition, it will be open on the 27th of July at 1300 GMT and closed on the 21st of September at 0300 GMT.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I use work I started before the competition?

No, you can not. It would not be fair to other competitors if people were allowed to use works they have done before the competition start.

What is Speculative Fiction

As defined by B.K Bass "Speculative Fiction is any fiction that incorporates elements of the fantastic, futuristic, or supernatural."


People who make it into the Anthology will be getting a royalty based on the words contributed, shared with all other authors.

Do I maintain the rights to my work?

You as the author maintain the rights to their world, but Kyanite gains rights over the story. If you want the fine print, please message B.K Bass of Kyanite publishing!

Challenge entries