Summer Camp 2019 Write about a tale surrounding a mythological creature in your world. | World Anvil | World Anvil

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Summer Camp 2019

Somewhere in your setting, describe
Write about a tale surrounding a mythological creature in your world.
A total of 262 entries

Vel'on The First Light and the creation of the Universe

The ghost in the hollow hill

The Story of the First Dragon

The Cat with the knowledge of the universe

A Sidhe-Ouro Tale of the Prince of Cats

Misvir and the Birth of the Jotunns

Xarnnaval the undying flame

The Beast of the Separation

Alavara, the Sunset Dragon

The Saga of the Five-Tailed Wolf

The Shadow of the Steaming Forest

Aquake'ian "The ocean's comet"

The great Dragon of the north

Nobrin and the Dreamweaver

Cuzera and her Hunting Beast

The Silver Pond of the Ginka Mountains

The Horrors of the Voru-Gai, the Blast Dragons

Kro A'aruaiki: Great Sovereignfly

Beware the Stalker of the Stars!

Tale of the Accursed Warrior King

Dust Devil of the Parched Expanse

Legend of the Silver Raven

Fujimori and the Fox: Shrines of the Nonogawa Valley Myth

Les bêtes géantes de l'intercité

The man who lead the beetles.

The Dragon of the Ashen Lake

The Cliff Hopper and the Mountain Goat

The Children of Mud and Moss

The light that burned the darkness

The Almighty and the Birth of the World