AddMoreLimes's WorldEmber 2022 - 11/ 24 prompts completed | World Anvil

AddMoreLimes Progress Report

Longest Night Levee

637 words

The Society of Cheesemeisters

The organization that maintains the cheesemaking ventures in the Towns of @[Dairy](settlement:3a6669d2-0edb-46c2-a3d3-27a3a42be7fe). While making sure that the towns remain profitable, they are highly influenced by their beliefs in Curdology.

810 words


An Affineur is a specialist Cheesemeister, with a special scope and focus within the Society of Cheesemeisters.

333 words

Strawberry Hill

137 words

Cheese Cellar

415 words

Smolder Dish

279 words

Nellie Gregory

67 words


192 words

Grand Affineur

The leader of the Society of Cheesemeisters.

49 words