Session 4: Father's Day Report

General Summary

The Inquisitor's Claw begins inspection of the new animated ballistae that Draxelas Aurak has provided, and Vutha takes the opportunity to grill him about the giants. The Morale Officer started with the typical talking points, but Vutha detected the underlying lies and reminded the wizard that when the truth comes to correct falsehood, it comes at the head of his hammer. Intimidation worked and Draxelas confessed that there have been giants secreted within the empire, and one of his tasks was to watch out for them.

Vutha accepted this and asked to be informed when more could be found as he wanted to send more to meet their ancestors. Nodding, Draxelas took leave to head to the basement to look over the slain giant the claw had slain, and review anything he can decipher from the runes upon it.

While the crew patrols the lighthouse, Kal senses the presence of danger. Nyxek opens his mind and senses low intelligence earthen creatures. Then, strange glass and metallic golems are dropped from flying gargoyles. Battle ensues, Kal breaks one of the golems which are rather fragile, but violently explode when broken. All the creatures are immune to Tad's poison, and the number of enemies is high. Vutha is able to knock one of the golems off the lighthouse to explode harmlessly. Tad does figure out how to explode one of the golems amidst the gargoyles. They then cry out to their master in primordial cry for help.

A strange flying lightning golem appears. He begins asking for the child of the master, and Vutha wonders what the golem wants with Skorjira. It then knocks Vutha almost completely out with one strike before Nyxek recognizes giant runes on the clockwork construction and realized the clockwork was looking for the slain giant. He quickly lied that the child was below and resting. The lie worked and the golem stopped its assault.

He then summoned the phantasm of his masters, two storm giants who asked for their child. They recognized Scorjira and asked after him and the playtime he used to have with their son. Mentioned they had been sleeping for millenia, but their child awoke first. The father mentioned traveling outisde the empire and back at will, raising Nyxek's suspicion. They also said they possessed the protection of the Emperor to stay in Darastrix Tolgalen which they thought was safer for their children.

Draxelas eventually showed up, recognized the Master and Mistress of Storms, and placated them. As negotiations continues, a smart young dragonborn appeared and led a a strange group of travelers across the lighthouse bridge from the pier. It was Draj, Nyxek's eldest child with news of his success at the administrative exams and possible inquisitorial career. He was escorting Vutha's spouse, Baethra the Slotherd; Jack Straw, Kal's Nezumi teacher; and Tatrini, three of Tad's tadpoles born by his frog princess.

The storm giants took their appearance as a chance to take their own hostages, and they abducted them until their son is returned. Draxelas quickly turned to Nyxek to help raise the slain giant child. Nyxek knew he would need a scroll and at least a 500gp diamond, but he was worried the child would report to his parents about his death. The wizard retorted that he could just enchant the child to easily change his memories.

Nyxek instead brought up a larger concern of his, that Draxelas was clearly consorting with enemies of the empire who had clearly

been corrupted by the Fallacy. He insisted that Draxelas explain himself. The morale officer balked, asking Nyxek how he could be so stupid. He said the storm giants were far too powerful for the claw to oppose, and they must return the child or they will all perish, he demanded inquisitor Nyxek face reality. Nyxek said he was slowly facing the reality that his Morale Officer is a traitor.

He ordered Vutha to sieze Draxelas and had Skorjira send a message to his father about the giant threat and possible treason. The dragon turtle wyrmling agreed to the message, but didn't want harm to come to Draxelas. The wizard continued to press Nyxek to follow his plan and placate the storm giants. Nyxek says Gammorranth will help get rid of them. Nyxek orders the claw to subdue the wizard, but to appease Skorjira he demands he be taken alive.

The wizard instantly disappears and appears outside of the away from the claw, but Vutha realized his claw was still wrapped around the enchanters true but invisible form. The claw tried to put him down, Nyxek revealing him with holy magic, and lots of biting and stabbing. The wizard was hard to hit and resilient. He used magic to teleport free and escaped into the sea.

Tad was able to track the fleeing inquisitor and launched himself into the water nearby to direct the rest of the claw. Kal then used a few shots to soften him up as Nyxek activated his wings and pursued him from the sky. They eventually took down his invisbility. An enlarged Vutha siezed the moment and launched himself into the sea then knocked the wizard under the waves and held him down to drown. In desperation, Draxelas unleashed a spell he's cast on the claw a hundred times, one that muddles the mind as to who is friend and foe. It causes Vutha to release the dragonborn and turn his murderous intent on the rest of his claw.

Draxelas tries to swim away, but the claw realizing they must destroy the wizard to end the charm on their executioner focus all their attacks on him. Finally, Nyxek flies over his counterpart stating the he has the high ground and asking Draxelas to concede and surrender. The wizard spews treason, 'the truth and the fallacy are just fairy tales the emperor orders be told. The real situation is far more complex but the fallacy tales keep the scaled obedient. I was sent to a useful idiot like you so I could magick you into believing them." Nyxek retorts "Well, I guess you did." before blasting him unconscious.

Draxelas is then taken to the dungeon and his hands, mouth and eyes are sealed against any chance of him using his spells. He is then subjected to interrogation under a zone of truth. He drops a truth bomb. He claims the fallacy is a lie, there is simply a world full of treasure beyond the warding stones. If dragonborn like himself or Nyxek could gather enough of it, they could become true dragons and surpass their limited dragonborn lives. He challenges Nyxek, don't you hear the call of the treasure. Nyxek, holding the magic spoils looted from the inquisitor wizard admits he does feel its call.

However, he demands to know who else knows of Draxelas' treason. He gives up the name of Skojira, his father the Dauphin and every ancient wyrm in the empire. The only imperial authority who denies the opportunity and potential of the outside world is the emperor himself. All his allies and courtiers simply await the chance for there to be a new emperor who will lead them to invade the outside world and conquer it. Additionally, the giants are survivors who have the protection fo the empire when they surrendered 99,000 some years ago and have been sleeping through the millenias somehow.

He also admits to hating the Nezumi, and that Nyxek had always been his favorite member of the claw. Oh, also, all the wizards and bards in the empire know that the truth and the fallacy is just a tale and not real which is why they are sent to every corner of the empire to keep everyone believing it. Nyxek ordered regular beatings for Draxelas, but left to rest. He needed to prepare to send a message to the emperor himself.

The next morning, Nyxek sends his findings to the emperor of treason, ancient enemies of the empire and widespread corruption. A vision of the emperor appears to his inquisitor, Harmonic Horizon bequeaths this message, 'Everyone must wear purple on the third day of the week. I like biscuits. Foxes are my friend. Potato. Potato.' Nyxek writes down each word, but despairs, "The words of the emperor are beyond my feeble understanding!"

It is then, the fox appears once again. "Now, can we talk?" he calmly inquires. Nyxek considers, "You are meat. you are the enemy, but I was told to oppose you by a traitor, and the emperor told me foxes are his friend. If only I knew what he meant by biscuits and potatoes!" The fox shrugged, "I have some ube latkes in my pouch?" The inquisitor exalts, "It is sign from THE EMPEROR!"

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