Episode 01: Inherit The Blackjack Report

General Summary

The funeral of Baron Nikolaus Silversång takes place in Morozzo, a bustling port in the xenophobic Grand Duchy of Molndal. Our motley crew gathers with Niamhi Silversång at the Cathedral of the Order of Light where the final rites are to be held.

We met her sweetly speciest mother and mostly hang in the back with the Tourney folk while Lance went up front to hang out with his powerful cousin Harmony Tun-Razak, Legionmaster of the Order of Light. Her father, Count Hellenbrecht Tun-Razak bid the old Baron his final farewell than elevated Niami to the 4th Baron Silversång.

Upon being elevated to the rank of Baron, the Count handed her a letter from her father and upon receiving it Nia fainted (to maximum dramatic effect). The baron mother shooed most of the guests into the reception, but Niami's new crew stayed behind.

Lance Uppercut checked up on her magically while Of the Forge the Spark and Xeno the Navigator brought refreshments for those remaining in the chapel.

Niami awoke shortly and seemed uninterested in the reception. She decided she wanted to see her ship as the new Captain of the H.C.S. Blackjack and the whole crew joined her.

We found the mysterious magic schoolbus of a ship which did not fit Niami's memories, but it was a magic Hex Crystal skyship and the crew investigated and attuned to the ship's magic. Onboard were enough supplies for a few days journey and Niami announced she had an errand to go to the Kirinal Concordance Zone.

The crew all went for their maiden voyage on the Blackjack and took the safe route of following the train tracks to the Zone.

On the way, they were accosted by Minaran Witch Hunters who had been watching for the ship. The crew tried to talk the way out of a conflict, but failed and took down the hunters. There they found a note showing the Witchmaster General of the Sovranty of Lozar had put out the watch for the Blackjack specifically. The crew questioned Niamhi if she knew anything about it, but she did not.

They sailed into KCZ at dawn of Shatter as the Abyss appeared in the Pit

Rewards Granted

Official roles as officers of the Blackjack.

The Blackjack Heritage

Of the Forge the Spark

8 / 8 HP
Report Date
03 Dec 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Kirinal Concordance Zone
The Blackjack Heritage

Episode 1: Inherit The Blackjack Report

Episode 2: The Shattered Zone Report

Episode 2.5: Contacts & Contracts Report

Episode 3: The Excursion to Eladriel Report

Episode 4: Adventures in Eladriel Report

Episode 5: Flight to Razun Report

Episode 6: Arrival in Razun Report

Episode 7: Rendezvous in Razun Report

Episode 8: Return to the Zone Report

Episode 9: Escape From Goblin Town Report

Episode 10: Magister's Enclave Report

Episode 11: From the Zone to Greystone Barony Report

Episode 12: Revelations in Graystone Report

Episode 13: The Gray Angels Report

Episode 14: The Fall of Xeno Report

Episode 15: Searching for Answers Report

Episode 16: Nia's Birthday Party Report

Episode 17: The Last Baron Silversang Report

Episode 18: Bailing Out Nels Report

Episode 19: Fast Times in Ta-Arma Report

Episode 20: Rising With the Wood Report

Episode 21: Lunapalooza Report

Episode 22: The After Party Report

Episode 23: The Squid Hunt Report

Episode 24: The Squid Hunt Part 2 Report

Episode 25: Regrouping and Moon Planning Report

Episode 26: The King's Hunt Report

Episode 27: Elven Starships Ahead

Episode 28: Revelations in Three Acts Report

Episode 29: Flight of the Blackjack Report

Episode 30: New Moon Rising Report

Episode 30.5: Girls Night! Report

Episode 31: City of Sleeping Elves Report

Episode 32: A Night and a Day in Carrot Town Report

Episode 33: Riding a Balloon to the Lapin Shard Report

Episode 34: Lunapalooza But For Kids Report

Episode 35: The Chamber of the Ginunting Report

Episode 36: Return to the Temple of Thaya Report

Episode 37: Lunapalooza on the Moon! Report

Campaign Interlude: The Two-Year Jump

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