Appendix 2 - Acquired Specialties
As part of character creation, each player character begins with one Specialty learned in a prior career that provides them with some ability or talent that other player characters may not have. Over the course of play, a player character can obtain up to four additional specialties provided they meet the criteria required, and can find somebody to teach them the skill. Obtaining a specialty after character creation always requires finding a character (PC or NPC) with the specialty, and who is willing to teach it. Payment, either in the form of coin or perhaps in service, may be required. Regardless, a dedicated two-week period of study with the teacher is required. This can be done during downtime between play sessions.
When appraising an item, the Gamemaster should roll a d10. On a 1-3, the characters appraisal is 10% low. On a 4-7, it is accurate, and on a 8-10, it is 10% high. Note that when actually selling an item, a particular buyer may not agree on the "proper value" as a price. The character must have access to an Appraiser's Toolset in order to make use of this specialty.
There are several grades or levels of this specialty; each must be acquired separately and in sequence. These grant access to increasingly higher tiers of spells, but are likely to be more expensive and difficult to attain. Each time a new level is acquired, it immediately replaces its lower level version.
Characters with this specialty acquire a Book of Rubrics that specify the entreaties, prayers and gestures required to perform Bestowed Magic.
There are several grades or levels of this specialty; each must be acquired separately and in sequence. These grant access to increasingly higher tiers of spells, but are likely to be more expensive and difficult to attain. Each time a new level is acquired, it immediately replaces its lower level version.
These characters are capable of casting Inner Focus Magic spells apprpriate to their level.
There are several grades or levels of this specialty; each must be acquired separately and in sequence. These grant access to increasingly higher tiers of spells, but are likely to be more expensive and difficult to attain. Each time a new level is acquired, it immediately replaces its lower level version.
Characters with this specialty can use their singing voice and/or a musical instrument to unlock the powers of Musical Magic. They acquire a Composition Book containing musical scores which, when performed, cast Musical Magic spells.
There are several grades or levels of this specialty; each must be acquired separately and in sequence. These grant access to increasingly higher tiers of spells, but are likely to be more expensive and difficult to attain. Each time a new level is acquired, it immediately replaces its lower level version.
Characters with this specialty acquire a Formulary that describes the manners in which the Energies may be drawn out of the surroundings to perform Nature Magic.
There are several grades or levels of this specialty; each must be acquired separately and in sequence. These grant access to increasingly higher tiers of spells, but are likely to be more expensive and difficult to attain. Each time a new level is acquired, it immediately replaces its lower level version.
If taken as a specialty during character creation, the character also receives a weapon of the chosen category in their inventory if it is not already present. Possession of the desired weapon is required. If a character desired to obtain this specialty later in their career, an appropriate mentor must be sought, arrangements for suitale payment must be made, and the character must have obtained a weapon of the desired category.
This specialty can be taken more than once (subject to the character's limit of Acquired Specialties). Each time, a different weapon group is chosen. The available weapon group specialties are: knife, shortsword, longsword, greatsword, axe, mace, bow, sling, and polearm.
Animal Handling
A character with this skill has the ability to understand how to deal with domestic or wild animals. An animal's attitude toward such a character starts out one degree more favorable than the situation would otherwise call for. With encounter-specific appropriate actions (e.g. providing a treat for an animal), and a Charisma check, the character may improve attitude further provided the animal is not attacked.Appraisal
A character with this skill has the ability to assess an item and determine its proper value within 10%. It does not grant the ability to determine the magical nature of an object. If an item is not otherwise determined to be magical, it will be appraised as if it is non-magical. If, however, other means to determine the presence of magic are successful, this knowledge will factor into any appraisal.When appraising an item, the Gamemaster should roll a d10. On a 1-3, the characters appraisal is 10% low. On a 4-7, it is accurate, and on a 8-10, it is 10% high. Note that when actually selling an item, a particular buyer may not agree on the "proper value" as a price. The character must have access to an Appraiser's Toolset in order to make use of this specialty.
Arcane Understanding
A character with this specialty have learned how to use certain gestures, vocalizations, and even written symbols to release the power of the Six Energies. They also learn the cryptic language of magic enabling them to record magical formulas and rituals in their spellbooks, and to read those spells written by others with the same skill.There are several grades or levels of this specialty; each must be acquired separately and in sequence. These grant access to increasingly higher tiers of spells, but are likely to be more expensive and difficult to attain. Each time a new level is acquired, it immediately replaces its lower level version.
This specialty allows a character to produce clay and create items (including crude figurines) out of it. With the proper firing facilities, stoneware, ceramic, or porcelain items can be fashioned. The character has the knowledge to construct a firing kiln as well as glazes and stains with which to decorate clay pieces with mundane decoration and magical runes.Clothcraft
This specialty allows a character to create or repair articles of clothing or other items made of cloth. It also provides the character with the skill to successfully stitch magical runes onto a cloth item. A Sewing Kit, or access to a Tailor's Shop, is required to perform clothcraft activities.Defensive Fighting
This specialty allows a character to add an additional bonus of +1 or +2 to their Defense Points when in combat - at the expense of subtracting an equal penalty from any Damage they do during that combat turn. Players with this specialty must declare they are using it, and what bonus/penalty level they wish, at the beginning of each combat turn; the effects remain in force until the beginning of their next turn.Diplomacy
This specialty provides a +2 bonus to all Charisma checks that involve persuading another character or group to act in a desired manner without resorting to threats, intimidation, or violence. It comes into play when the opponent is presented with a potential benefit for going along - a benefit that the player character must describe.Direction Sense
This specialty allows a character to directionally orient themselves in any wilderness or underground setting. A character with direction sense can unerringly follow a straight path in the wilderness (proving obstacles do not block the way), and can sense even subtle shifts in direction in caves or dungeon passages.Patronal Intercession
A character with this skill has acquired a special relationship with one or more of the gods, or perhaps some other powerful being not of the Folk. They can draw upon this relationship to have their patron channel the Energies through them to perform Deific Magic. They also come to understand what their patron will likely expect certain behavior, and possibly the occasional "favor" in return for these magical gifts.Characters with this specialty acquire a Book of Rubrics that specify the entreaties, prayers and gestures required to perform Bestowed Magic.
There are several grades or levels of this specialty; each must be acquired separately and in sequence. These grant access to increasingly higher tiers of spells, but are likely to be more expensive and difficult to attain. Each time a new level is acquired, it immediately replaces its lower level version.
Efficient Packing
Additional Inventory slot.Endurance
Accustomed to long hours of hard labor and hauling goods, characters with this specialty gain an extra Inventory/Injury slot. (The maximum of 20 slots remains in effect.) Also, whenever dice are rolled to determine Stamina Points, treat all 1's rolled as 2's.Entertaining
A character with this skill gains a +2 bonus to Charisma checks when attempting to Entertain an audience. This specialty can be used to generate income by performing on the street or in a tavern, but it might also be used to distract city guards or others while other party members attempt some covert action.Forgery
A character with this skill gains a +2 bonus to Dexterity checks when attempting to forge a signature or official document. The character must have seen the original document or signature before. If the character has ongoing physical access to an original signature or document, this bonus increases to +4. Access to appropriate paper, parchment, vellum, inks, sealing wax, etc. are also required.Gemcraft
This specialty allows a character to cut and polish raw gemstones, or recut finished gemstones to alter their shape and/or value. It also provides the character with the skill to successfully etch magical runes onto a gem. A Gemcutter's Toolset is required.Healing
A character with this specialty, and with access to Healer's Tools, can speed the healing of Injuries suffered by themselves or other characters. Even if not in a Safe Environment, one injury per patient can be removed in a 24 hour period provided the character spends an hour tending to it. If in a Safe Environment, two injuries can be healed per patient per day.Horsemanship
A character with this specialty can perform jumps and execute attacks while riding that others without the specialty cannot.Inner Focus
A character with this specialty has achieved an understanding of the flow of the Six Energies within themselves, and has gained the ability to consciously channel those energies to perform in ways beyond the abilities of most of the Folk.These characters are capable of casting Inner Focus Magic spells apprpriate to their level.
There are several grades or levels of this specialty; each must be acquired separately and in sequence. These grant access to increasingly higher tiers of spells, but are likely to be more expensive and difficult to attain. Each time a new level is acquired, it immediately replaces its lower level version.
This specialty provides a +2 bonus to all Charisma checks that involve persuading another chracter or group to act in a desired manner by using threats. Threats are most often verbal, but in certain situations, the Gamemaster may also permit attempts to intimidate based on visual clues only, such as a gesture or a glare. The player must describe the intimidation being attempted.Investigation
This specialty provides a +2 bonus to all Awareness checks that involve examining a location for clues about some event that transpired, or for telltale signs that might give away the existence of a secret passage or hiding place, or concealed treasure. It also provides a +2 bonus to Intelligence checks involving examining a mechanism to determine its purpose. No bonus is given to actually operate or disable a device; that requires Mechanics.Jewelrycraft
This specialty allows a character to craft decorative items out of the precious metals: copper, sislver, gold, and platinum. Necklaces, bracelets, fine chains, brooch settings, medallions, and the like can be crafted. It also provides the character with the skill to successfully etch magical runes onto a item made of precious metal. A Jeweler's Toolset is required.Leathercraft
This specialty allows a character to craft or repair items from leather, such as leather armor or saddles. It also provides the character with the skill to successfully burn magical runes onto a leather item. A Leatherworker's Toolset is required.Lore
A character with this specialty has an increased chance to be aware of any lore relating to a specified area of expertise, chosen from among Geography, History, Nature, and Religion. The player should choose a particular subject of strongest interest within the area of expertise (e.g. History of Whereamiland). When adjudicating Lore checks, the Gamemaster should determine how close (if at all) the subject at hand is to the subject of interest and set bonuses accordingly.Mechanics
This specialty allows a character to examine and understand the workings of mechanical devices, including locks and trap triggers. Examining a lock allows a character to automatically detect a potential trap incorporated into the lock. It also allows the character to inspect a room to detect potential triggers for traps, though this may be a lengthy process. A +2 bonus to the Intelligence or Dexterity check to disarm the trigger or trap is also provided (Gamemaster's choice, depending on the mechanism). Access to Tinker's Tools are helpful or required for these activities.Metalcraft
This specialty allows a character to create or repair items made of metal, including armor and weapons. It also provides the character with the skill to successfully etch magical runes onto a metal item. A Portable Forge Kit, or access to a Smithy's Workshop is required.Power of Music
Characters who acquire this specialty have studied music - both vocal and instrumental - and have learned how certain patterns of sounds can be used to unlock the power of the Six Energies.Characters with this specialty can use their singing voice and/or a musical instrument to unlock the powers of Musical Magic. They acquire a Composition Book containing musical scores which, when performed, cast Musical Magic spells.
There are several grades or levels of this specialty; each must be acquired separately and in sequence. These grant access to increasingly higher tiers of spells, but are likely to be more expensive and difficult to attain. Each time a new level is acquired, it immediately replaces its lower level version.
Power of Nature
Characters who acquire this specialty have learned the secrets of tapping the Magical Energies that are infused into everything in the natural world around them.Characters with this specialty acquire a Formulary that describes the manners in which the Energies may be drawn out of the surroundings to perform Nature Magic.
There are several grades or levels of this specialty; each must be acquired separately and in sequence. These grant access to increasingly higher tiers of spells, but are likely to be more expensive and difficult to attain. Each time a new level is acquired, it immediately replaces its lower level version.
Proper Decorum
This specialty provides a +2 bonus to all Charisma checks made to determine whether or not a character is aware of the appropriate manners and decorum associated with a particular situation. Knowing how to behave when before a Magistrate, or in a royal court, or when encountering the chief of a remote, primitive village can make all the difference in how the situation will unfold.Ration Management
This specialty allows a character to create a meal for up to four characters while in a wilderness camp that consumes only one unit of rations. (This can be multiplied if necessary: 2 rations to feed 8 people, etc.) It requires access to a campfire of some sort.Reading the Sky
This specialty allows a character to orient themselves using the sun by day and the stars by night. It requires that the sky is not completely obscured by clouds. As long as the character is outdoors, it also allows a character to determine the upcoming weather for the next full day.Seamanship
This specialty allows a character to handle a sail-driven craft on the water, or to effectively direct a crew to do so. It also allow the character to orient and navigate by the sun and stars if the sky is not obscured by clouds. Finally, it provides the character with the ability to perform complex ropework tasks such as special knots.Sleight of Hand
This specialty grants a character a +2 bonus to all Dexterity checks to palm an item or pick a pocket. If others are present, but not actively observing the character, this bonus increases to +4.Stonecraft
This specialty allows a character to construct or direct the construction of sturdy structures out of stone, or to assess the age and workmanship of existing stone structures. It also allows the character to chisel magical runes into stone. A Stonemason's Toolset is required.Tracking
This specialty provides a +2 bonus to all Awareness checks associated with attempting to track a creature in either the wilderness or urban environment.Trade Negotiation
This specialty provides a +2 bonus to all Charisma checks that involve attempting to negotiate the price for the purchase or sale of something. Not all transactions are subject to negotiation; this is at the discretion of the Gamemaster, as are the results of any successful negotiation.Waxcraft
This specialty allows a character to make candles, provided wax and wicking is available, but it also allows a character to create molds for duplicating keys or other intricate shapes when working with a metalsmith.Armed Combat
This specialty allows a character to learn new tactics and techniques related to one class of weapon. The damage done by attacks with any weapon of the chosen group increases, and a special technique or combat maneuver related to that weapon becomes available.If taken as a specialty during character creation, the character also receives a weapon of the chosen category in their inventory if it is not already present. Possession of the desired weapon is required. If a character desired to obtain this specialty later in their career, an appropriate mentor must be sought, arrangements for suitale payment must be made, and the character must have obtained a weapon of the desired category.
This specialty can be taken more than once (subject to the character's limit of Acquired Specialties). Each time, a different weapon group is chosen. The available weapon group specialties are: knife, shortsword, longsword, greatsword, axe, mace, bow, sling, and polearm.
Wilderness Survival
This specialty allows a character to create a "safety" environment in a wilderness camp. Such a camp allows for treatment and healing of Injuries, though it does not affect the time required to do so. Wilderness camps cannot be established underground.Woodcraft
This specialty allows a character to construct or shape items or structures out of wood, or to assess the age and condition of wooden structures. It also allows the character to carve or burn magical runes into wooden items. A Woodworker's Toolset is required.
Regional maps prepared using Inkarnate
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(with many map assets courtesy of Caeora)
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copyright© 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025 Robert O'Brien
Game Rules described herein are governed by
Open Game License version 1.0a
Descriptions of the World of Cartyrion, including, but not limited to its cosmology, deities, geography, political structures, religious sects, regional names, villages, towns, cities, and characters, are governed by Non-Commercial, Share-alike Creative Commonse License
Battle maps prepared using DungeonFog
(with many map assets courtesy of Caeora)
Artwork designated as being from Pixabay is governed by
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copyright© 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025 Robert O'Brien
Game Rules described herein are governed by
Open Game License version 1.0a
Descriptions of the World of Cartyrion, including, but not limited to its cosmology, deities, geography, political structures, religious sects, regional names, villages, towns, cities, and characters, are governed by Non-Commercial, Share-alike Creative Commonse License