Encounter 2.2.1: Seeking Out the Satyr Plot in The World of Cartyrion | World Anvil

Encounter 2.2.1: Seeking Out the Satyr

The party seeks out Two-Twist, the Satyr whose name they were given by Elannia Altuliel, the half-elven singer of the Traveling Troupe performers. She provided the names of a few potential contacts, including this Fey creature who may be of help in their investigations.
In Dryad Falls, the party met with Elannia Altuliel of the Traveling Troupe, who provided them with the names of several contacts that may be of assistance as they try to investigate the mystery of the disappearing Sprites and Pixies. One of these contacts is Two-twist the Satyr, a Fey creature that lives somewhere north of the road and east of the village. Satyrs are a rather hedonistic lot, and not generally concerned with any affairs that are not directly affecting them or their ability to have fun, but Two-Twist is a bit different. He - at least sometimes - seems to care. Elannia thinks he may be of help.

Elannia had given you some landmarks to look for on the road entering Spirit Lake. These landmarks would tell you where to leave the road to seek out the glen that Two-Twist and his friends use for their many frolics. It is well off the road, and far enough from any farm or sign of civilized Folk so that they are not disturbed, but you should be able to find it given Elannia's instructions.

You spot the landmark you are looking for: two large oaks side-by-side, each with a large boulder beside it, on the north side of the road. Turning off here, you head north. The forest is not as dense here as it is in the souther parts of the Feywood, and there is a lot of undergrowth, but the terrain is passable. A few more landmarks... a few more twists and turns... and you finally come across a wide, grassy glen. Some wildflowers are starting to blossom around the single large boulder that sits almost at the center of the clearing that is ringed with tall trees and various shrubs.

This boulder is huge. Roughly dome-shaped, it is about 8 feet across at its base, and protrudes 6 feet up from the ground. The top is flattened, with enough room for one person to sit or stand atop it. Doing so would give a better view of anyone or anything approaching trough the undergrowth that rings the glen.

Let the party decide how to position themselves, and let them start to "summon" Two-twist. Ask them how they're standing/moiving around... and ask them if their backpacks are still being worn, or if they are placed on the ground.

Assuming they play the tune, they will in fact attract Two-Twist and a few of his friends, but they will also attract the attention of a local Quickling. The Quickling will suddenly appear at the edge of the clearing. Have the players do a Perception check. Any that beats a DC14 will have been watching the spot where the Quickling "magically" appears.

As you wait for the Satyr to hopefully appear, you are watching the edges of the clearing. Suddenly, a small creature appears. Some of you happened to be watching the very spot where one second it wasn't there, and the next second it was. The creature, about 3' tall and holding what appears to be either a short-sword or dagger in one hand, cackles. In a high pitched voice, it says, "Oh look! The Slowfolk have come to play!"

Roll for Initiative, please.

The Quickling will attack by dashing in toward its target; it will attack once, and then continue to dash to the opposite side of the clearing. The first time this happens, if the target has not yet acted in the turn, it will be Flat-footed. The first two attack runs, though, will not attempt to damage the target, but rather equipment.

For the first attack run... If packs are on the ground, the Quickling will run in and grab one at random, then run to the far edge of the clearing. They will end the turn at the edge of the clearing, holding the pack and laughing. If the packs are still being worn, the first attack will slash at the pack-straps of the biggest player character, and a successful hit will cut through one shoulder strap.

For the second attack run, the Quickling will target the leggings of the largest person - specifically the belt/waist - in an attempt to "pants" the target. A successful hit will cause the target's lower-body wear (trousers, pantaloons, skirt), to fall down, slashed badly.

For subsequent attack runs, the Quickling will target the largest person, but will now be slashing for damage.

At the end of every attack run, the Quickling's last action will be to run the their full 100' and end on the edge of the clearing.

Two-Twist and two companion Satyrs will appear at the beginning of combat round 6. If the Quickling has not yet been dealt with, they will shout at it, telling it to leave. Each of the Satyrs will fire arrows at the Quickling on their turns. If it survives, the Quickling will use its turn 6 actions to run away, ending the combat encounter.


With the blazing fast, but rather nasty little thing defeated / scared off, you find yourselves now being eyed cautiously by three figures - each about human-sized. From the waist up, they even appear human... or more likely elven, based on the pointed ears and almond-shaped eyes. But at the waist, where pants would be expected, their bodies transition from relatively hairless to hair (or fur) covered. Their legs resemble the hind legs of a goat, and even end in cloven hooves. There is no question that these are Satyrs. One calls out, "Which of you was playing that music? And how did you come by the tune?"

Let the party explain themselves. Two-Twist will approach to within 50 feet, but no further. The other two will remain at the clearing edge, with bows ready to fire. Two-Twist expects at least one member of the party to explain themselves. Have the person doing the explaining attempt a Make an Impression DC16 roll. On a success, Two-Twist will go from Indifferent to Friendly, and will now approach the party. He will interrogate the party as to their intent a bit further. Each significant response from any party member should be accompanied by a Make an Impression check. Failures don't change the situation. Critical Failures will reduce Two-Twist's feelings and cause him to back away, uncertain of the party's intention. If Two-Twists make it to Helpful, he will tell the other two Satyrs to leave, and will work with the party. If he remains Unfriendly for three checks, he will leave without helping. If he makes it to Hostile, he and his companions will open fire.

Once Helpful, Two-Twist will explain that the Sprites and Pixies haven't been seen in this immediate area in over a year, and their disappearance has meant far fewer fey showing up for the frolics that the Satyrs host regularly. It's been so bad that Two-Twist and his friends have had to start traveling to a Satyr's glen to the south and across the river in order to have a really good time. But the little winged Fey are starting to disappear there too recently. He was just at a frolic last night, in fact, and there was talk about how a good number of the "regular" Sprites and Pixies were missing. There was also talk of having seen a bunch of Humans in the forest not far from the frolic glen just yesterday afternoon. Two-Twist says he would be happy to guide the party there, but crossing the river may be a challenge - it's pretty wide and deep. (His Satyr friends from the other side brought a raft across to collect the revelers from this side.) But if the party could arrange for a boat, Two-Twist will guide them.

"You'll need one of those 'boat things', I suppose. Those other humans apparently had one, one of my friends said they saw one pulled up and badly hidden along the shoreline. There's lots of them along the shore in the town. If you could get hold of one, and meet me at a point south of here along the river, I could guide you to my friend's glen."

Two-Twist will agree to meet with the party again here at this glen. If they request a meeting elsewhere at a particular time (say, for example, at the river shore south of here in two days), Two-Twist will agree. Just play the tune, and if he hears it, he will respond.

This Encounter Ends

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Cover image: The Inn from the Bridge over Daphinia's Stream by RPGDinosaurBob (with Flowscape)


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