
Fryx (a.k.a. the Handygob)

One day five years ago, a scrawny, sorry looking goblin wandered into the vegetable patch behind the Inn and began acting like a kid in a candy store. Fortunately for him, it was Clotilde rather than Agilbert who first noticed him as he began to consume anything and everything in the garden -- ready for picking or not. She took pity on “the poor, starving child” and brought him into the kitchen for “a proper meal”. Fryx hasn’t left since.

Having lived alone for a few years before finding the Inn, Fryx learned to fend for himself; his goblin ingenuity manifesting in an ability to cobble together makeshift tools for any occasion. (In game mechanics, use Rogue class with a tinker/artisan background.) He now earns his keep by puttering around the Inn, smithy, grain mill and brewery doing minor maintenance and cleanup jobs. He lives in a small, crude wooden shack that he built for himself at the edge of the Inn’s vegetable garden. He is very good with locks, and since nobody seems to notice him while he putters around the Inn, he is also very good at picking up the odd bit of interesting information from the patrons of the Inn.
Current Location
Date of Birth
10th of Caleran's Crown (assigned by Clotilde Oldbuck as Fryx did not know his birth date)
Sparse, green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Olive green
3' 3" (1m)
49lbs (22kg)

Cover image: The Inn from the Bridge over Daphinia's Stream by RPGDinosaurBob (with Flowscape)


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