Poachers in the Feywood

Easy money, Tonric, it is! Ya jus' duck inter th' forest... lay down a few traps... an' in a few days, ye've got a few sprites! Pluck their wings and toss 'em away, and ye've got yer prize! There's a guy in town 'll give ya 5 silvers fer each wing!
— Helmont - a new Poacher - trying to convince his friend Tonric to give it a try.
For two thousand years after the The Great Strife, the Feywood was home to the few Elves that survived there, and the many races of Fey that had been instrumental in preserving the forest during the struggles. The rest of the Folk that had been encroaching on the edges of the wood were gone, and the Fey and Elves were free to restore their home.

Two hundred years ago, the Folk began to return.

The Fey have always been tolerant of the Folk as long as they behave themselves. Every creature needs to live, so as long as they used the resources of the forest responsibly, they were accepted. But there are some among the Folk that exploit the Feywood and its creatures; these Poachers are not so well received.



It doesn't require much to become a poacher. Of course it helps to have good forest survival and tracking skills in order to hunt successfully and identify likely trapping locations for prey. Good stealth and deception capabilities will help the aspiring poacher avoid the Fey and Elves, and allow a poacher to interact with others that may be encountered.

Perhaps the most important requirement is a simple disregard for the beauty and diversity of life. At the very least, the willingness to put any such concerns behind the need to put gold in one's purse is important for anyone wishing to stay in the profession for any length of time.

Career Progression

There are very few "old poachers". Many new to the trade never return from their first hunt. Some of those who do decide the perils are not worth the reward. But a few - especially those who secure good payments from the merchants that buy their goods to take to the Free Cities and beyond - return again and again. There are rumored to be a handful of "old hands", but this cannot be confirmed, as they cover their tracks well.


Social Status

In the The Free Cities and beyond, these exploiters are not called Poachers - they are Trappers, Fur Traders, or Purveyors of Rare Goods. They and their wares are much sought after in the Free Cities and as far away as the Kingdoms of Man. As a result the Poachers - at least the successful ones - enjoy more than their share of fame and wealth.

Within the Feywood, among the Fey and Elves, they are loathed. The lesser Fey will harass them at every turn, springing their traps and disrupting their camps whenever possible. The Greater Fey and Elves will deal with them more directly; driving them out of the forest or simply killing them on sight.

In the villages and along the trade roads, the reaction to these people is mixed. The Folk and even other Merchants that understand the Fey that essentially rule the Forest will at best keep their distance from poachers. Some inns in the villages and along the trade roads will refuse them service. Other less scrupulous (or, more likely new-to-the-region) traders along the road will interact with them more amicably.


Poaching has been a profession for as long as the Folk have put coin and comfort ahead of life and beauty in their priority lists. But in the Feywood, it is a recent thing - mainly because the Folk are a recent thing. The Greater Fey that recall the times before the Great Strife say that before that catastrophe, the Folk were better behaved - or at least more fearful of consequences, and thus poaching was not an issue. These Fey always end that thought with a comment that perhaps it is time for the Folk to re-acquire that fear.
Alternative Names
Trapper, Fur Trader, Purveyor of Rare Items
The demand for rare skins and furs, as well as exotic ingredients such as sprite wings and pixie dust is unfortunately very high in the Free Cities and Kingdoms.
Tools of the Trade
Traps and Snares are most frequently used - both live-capture and kill types.

Bow or crossbow hunting is also employed for certain "harvests".

Cages are needed where it is necessary to keep a capture alive at least for a time.

Goods Acquired
Exotic animal skins and furs - especially those of creatures originally from (and now extinct in) far-off lands that were rescued by the Elves and Fey during the Wasting.

More exotic goods such as Sprite wings, Pixie dust, and Leprechaun beards also bring a high price in the city markets. While all three are used by Alchemists and Magical Potion Masters, their demand is quite small. But the recent fashion of decorating headpieces with pixie-dusted sprite wings, and the superstitious belief that mingling hairs from a leprechaun's beard into a tea before drinking it will bring wealth to the imbiber have driven up demand - and thus cost - tremendously.
Ain't nobody seen Helmont? Not in a few weeks? Aye, me neither. Last I talked ter 'im 'e was goin' inter th' woods again... Was tellin' me he 'ad a great thing goin' on fer makin' some coin. Tried ter get me ter join 'im, but I'm not 'avin' anything ter do with tickin' off the Fey. Wonder if they got ter ol' Helmont?
— Tonric, inquiring in the tavern about his missing friend Helmont

Jaw Trap Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay


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