Ragnath the Foreperson
Ragnath the Foreperson is a employee of the shipping firm Glendicoot and Flindwhistler, located on the docks of the town of Sweetwater in the Kingdom of Tyrnabay.
Full Name
Ragnath (no surname known)
Primary Location
Sweetwater Town
Foreperson at Glendicoot and Flindwhistler
Date of Birth
16 Time of Enfindiel's Diadem, 2239CR
Important Associates
Hallifrazzle Glendicoot
Nartibrane Flindwhistler
GM Only - Goal/Attitude/Stake
Ragnath is a full Orc male standing an imposing 6ft 9in (206cm) tall and weighing 252lb (115kg). He dresses in "commoner garb" typical of any citizen of Tyrnabay.First Impression
Ragnath is a typical "city Orc": gruff in manner, imposing in stature, but fully understanding of the expectations of civility that come with being in any settlement of mixed folk. It's obvious that he's been around, and worked with, non-Orcs for much of his life.Nartibrane Flindwhistler