The Truthseekers

In this age of lies, we are Seekers of the Truth. If we do not know the Truth, we cannot know the will of our gods.
— founding principle of the Truthseekers
Since Caronalyn, the Mother Goddess of the Human folk, mysteriously failed to appear as expected? on Awakening Day in Elderkeep a few years ago, there has been a tension growing amid the faithful of the True Church of the Humanar, especially in the The First Kingdom. Since then, the priests of the Church have tried to dismiss any fears that something is amiss, and have even officially denied what hundreds in attendence on that Awakening Day witnessed. Many of the faithful are willing to believe their priests, but not all. And among the most militant of the latter are those who call themselves the Truthseekers.


The Truthseekers are a relatively new organization, founded by a group of citizens of the city of Elderkeep shortly after the Awakening Day of two years ago when Mother Caronalyn failed to appear in the Elderkeep Cathedral. Shortly after, the first rumors began to reach the city that the Goddess Mother had instead chosen to appear to a Reformed Church acolyte in some backwater village somewher in the Frontier Lands.

A small group of former adventurers, led by devout follower of the goddess, Rickhart Delagrassie, were greatly disturbed by these rumors, as they suggested two things if true: first, that something was amiss in the World that needed attention, and second, that the clergy of the True Church - supposedly the link between Humans and their creator gods - was lying to the people. They decided to investigate these rumors to find out the truth about the situation. They journeyed to the Feywood, where they discovered enough evidence to convince them that the rumors were indeed true.

The group returned to Elderkeep, now intent on three goals: to investigate the depth of conspiracy within the True Church to hide the truth from the people, to do what they could to spread what they knew to be the truth, and finally to prepare themselves and as many others as they could convince to join them for when Caronalyn - perhaps through this young acolyte and perhaps by some other manner - called them to action.
Organization Name
The Truthseekers
There is but one Truth
Founding Date
01 Time of Twixxil's Lenses, 2269CR
Rickhart Delagrassie
To seek and spread the truth about the appearange of Caronalyn on Awakening Day, 2269CR
Delagrassie Manor, Elderkeep, First Kingdom


Delagrassie and his companions knew enough about the True Church and its hierarchy to understand that they would not obtain the truth by simply asking the First Servant. The leader of the church was almost certainly the source of the propaganda and lies. They would need to work covertly to seek information. Then they would need to continue covert work to convince others that they were being lied to. The Church had a long history of dealing with heretics - and if they openly denied the official declaration of the First Servant that the Goddess Mother had appeared, they would surely be branded as heretics.

Fortunately, as adventurers, Delagrassie and his companions had many friends and contacts capable of conducting the "research" they required, and of quietly starting to spread the word among the Folk. Working out of his manor house in the wealthy quarter of Elderkeep, Delagrassie has begun to establish a network of clandestine Truthseeker across the First Kingdom.

In the past year, he, his original companions, and many other former adventuring "recruits" have begun dipping into the vast wealth they accumulated as adventurers to secretly arm, equip, and traint their fellow Truthseeker members. Delagrassie has, in the meantime, also been compiling lists of clergy - acolytes, priests, and bishops of the True Church - trying to determine which were faithful and which were complicit in the ongoing deceit. When the time came, his plan was for the Truthseekers to see to it that the lies were revealed and the Church hierarchy purged what he called the "real heresy".


Banner images by Vinson Tan ( 楊 祖 武 ) from Pixabay

Page background cathedral Image by 5163451 on Pixabay
Page background manor house image by Josef Pichler on Pixabay
Page background hut image by PamelaAndrey15 on Pixabay
Page background forest image by Waldkunst on Pixabay
Character portraits by RPGDinosaurBob on Hero Forge®


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