Traggana Hornsby

Traggana Hornsby is a human-orc hybrid in charge of the Sweetwater Customs House. Every shipment in and out of Sweetwater needs to be inspected, recorded, and possibly taxed, and Traganna ensures this is done.


Traggana Hornsby's appearance make it clear that there's Orc blood in her makeup, but her skin tone is that of a slightly tanned human. At 6ft 6in (198cm) tall and 231lb (105kg), she is a rather imposing figure. Her clothing is tidy and in good repair, with a style typical of a relatively well off, if not wealthy, city dweller.

First Impression

The first challenge upon meeting Traggana is getting her attention. The Customs House can get quite busy, and when it is, she doesn't have time for idle chatter. A typical bureaucrat, the degree of attention she will pay to anyone seeking an audience will depend on her perception of their relative importance in the town, county, or kingdom.

Full Name
Traggana Hornsby
Primary Location
Sweetwater Customs House
Customs Master
Date of Birth
23 Time of Knimvort's Engine, 2231CR
GM Only - Goal/Attitude/Stake
In the Case of the Wayward Wine Adventure, the Customs House is extremely busy - and Traggana is therefore extremely difficult to pin down for questioning. She will, however, take note if the name of Marquis Wyrdswyrth Spikeberry is dropped.


Traggana's goal is to keep her Customs House running efficiently - and mostly to ensure that any import or export tariffs on goods moving through the port are properly assessed and collected.


Traggana doesn't have time for interruptions, and will brush off or ignore most who attempt to get between her and whatever she thinks she needs to be doing at any given moment. She is the consummate bureaucrat.


If Traggana doesn't know what's coming or going, she can't assess tariffs. And if she can't assess tariffs, she's not collecting money for her Count - and is in danger of losing her job. It's a rather lucrative job, too, since it's her records that determine how much tariff money gets turned over, and how much might find its way into her own pockets.


Page Banner Orc Warrior Image by Yuri_B from Pixabay
Page Banner Sailing Ship Image by GLady from Pixabay


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