Fri, Sep 1st 2023 01:36   Edited on Fri, Sep 1st 2023 03:36

Basic Attributes... are 6 enough?

Anybody who has played Dungeons & Dragons - any of its many versions and descendents - is used to the concept of 6 defining stats for a character: Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma. But are these enough, or are they the right stats, to define a character's basic abilities? Some systems have toyed with subdividing one or more of these into more granular abilities, but I think that results in too much complication and I want Laurels & Loot to be easy to learn.   Overall, I'm happy with the six abilities that have been around for 50 years. I really only have one "problem" stat: Wisdom. In L&L, Wisdom is used for two things that are not really the same. We can think of these as Awareness of Surroundings, and Willpower. Awareness includes perception of surroundings, common sense, and the innate ability to judge effects of surroundings on certain actions (e.g. "knowing" how to aim a bow to account for windage, a moving target, etc.) Willpower affects the ability to resist certain forms of mental attack.   So... Would it be so bad if we SEVEN stats instead of six? What if we split "Wisdom" into "Awareness" and "Willpower"? What are your thoughts?
Fri, Sep 1st 2023 01:47

Breaking Wisdom in two does make a lot of sense. I can see it working very well. In my game Meaty Bones I followed the 6 attribute trope. I define Wisdom as Focus to try to include awareness and mental fortitude.
Fri, Sep 1st 2023 03:36

I had less issue with Wisdom needing to be split, I could see the justification and logic, as having been a hunter and done survival training, a large part of awareness is actually mental discipline, or Willpower to put it another way, so arguably, it can be seen as making sense. However where I struggled back and forth, (and have not made a decision yet) is Dexterity. Conceptually to me it is to broad a physical descriptor and one that in a base DnD or Pathfinder style sense, is actually arguably not representative properly of what its meant to represent. Dexterity getting added to Armor class and to say sleight of hand, or lockpicking or disarming traps are inherently actually two very different biomechanic functions and very different skill sets. I would humbly submit keep dexterity to represent those manual dexterity tasks like sleight of hand, lockpicking, disarming traps, etc, and then Armor Class and saving throws that we would associate to Dex should perhaps be tied to a seperate attribute called "Agility" or some such. Because having also done HEMA, what it Dex to Armor class/saving throws is representing is not anything close to those manually delicate and dexterous tasks the state otherwise represents, but is representing your ability to move your entire body suddenly, rapidly and with great control. It is a very different skill set.   However even I am not sold on this difference yet, so as of now Exemplari (working title only) in its barest of bones thus far sticks with 6 attributes at this time.
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