Amethyst Cove Harbor

The western shores of the Great Sea is a treacherous place respected - if not feared - by all who make their living plying the oceans of Cartyrion. Some therfore think it ironic that one of the most sheltered harbors in all the world is located along that shore: the natural harbor at Amethyst Cove.

Geography of the Cove

When some of the Dwarves of the Waking Delve felt the inexorable call of the sea, they sought out a place near their ancestral home where they build their ships and follow their nature as Seafarers. Southeast of the mountain stronghold, they discovered the perfect place: a large cove recessed into the rocky coastline, with a broad coral reef spanning almost the entire gap where it met the waters of the Great Sea.

Amethyst Cove Harbor

They called the natural harbor Amethyst Cove, because of the abundance of the semi-precious gems found in the rocks that formed its borders. It is said that the beaches were littered with glittering purple gems eroded from the rocks by the force of the sea, so it is little surprise the Dwarves established a settlement along the inner shores of the natural harbor, naming it after the cove.

The reefs guarding the cove are expansive, and provide a natural breakwater that prevents waves from even the greatest sea storms from affecting the harbor. These reefs, some of which actually peek above sea level at low tide, form not only a natural breakwater, but also a formidable defense against sea-based brigands. And while the latter would not be much of an issue for the first few thousand years of the settlement's existence, it became far more important during and after the Great Strife with the rise of the Kingdom of Tyrnabay.

Between the reefs and the hilly, rocky land that forms the coastline in this region of Tyrnabay, ships safely anchored in the cove with sails reefed have no difficulty riding out even the strongest tempests the Great Sea can muster. When warnings of the approach of one of these great storms are heard, vessels ranging from small fishing craft up to the largest of the three-masted merchant ships head for the safety of the cove to ride them out.

Environment and Ecosystem

The natural breakwater formed by the reefs that span almost the entire mouth of the cove result in the harbor's waters being considerably calmer than the sea -- with ocean-born waves breaking on the reefs, the waters of the harbor are no choppier than those of a large inland lake. Once beyond the reefs and inside the cove itself, the waters return to depths that cause no threat to the hulls of even the largest sailing ships. The white sandy floor of the cove causes the waters above to take on an aquamarine hue much lighter than the deep blue of the ocean.

Sea life is abundant in the waters of the cove. In addition to a variety of fish, the cove is home to the Amethyst Blue Crab, a crustacean highly prized by gourmands of the region, if not the entire world.

Development of the Harbor

Dwarves being Dwarves, the natural protections of the reefs and the shape of the cove itself were not enough. Over the years, the residents of the settlement at the cove made "improvements". One such improvement that truly was necessary was the clearing and dredging of one narrow stretch across the reefs to provide a single "safe passage" corridor into and out of the harbor.

They chose a path that ran alongside a curious rocky pinnacle that jutted out of the waters - a formation that would become Amethyst Tor. This glistening peak that appears to be capped with glistening gemstones marks the one narrow passage through the reefs that are capable of ripping a ship's hull to shreds.

During the Great Strife, the Dwarves who managed to hold the city against sea-borne attacks further strengthened the defenses of the harbor by erecting a gate across the safe channel. This consisted of two circular stone towers - one at the foot of Amethyst Tor and the other atop the reefs across the channel. The towers were formadable; each was fitted with a heavy ballista capable of launching bladed projectiles that could cut a ship's rigging and sails to shreds, and a catapult capable of launching Gnomish Alchemical Fire onto the decks of any invaders. But the true purpose of the towers was to house the mechanisms that raised and lowered a great chain that spanned the distance between the two towers. When raised, the chain completely blocked the passage of ships into or out of the harbor.


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Aug 16, 2024 01:53 by Lady Wynter

This is a fully developed area of your world. It's interesting to see Dwarves as seafarers. I do have a couple of questions, What types of fish are there here? And what are the reefs made out of? Even without the answers to these questions, I still enjoyed this article and it made more want to explore more.

Bringing the Light
Aug 16, 2024 13:58 by Bob O'Brien

Thanks for reading! And thanks for taking the time to leave a comment and ask a question or two! This is a tropical region of the world, so I'd envision rather colorful coral reefs - with bleached coral exposed at sea level forming the barrier reefs. Fish would be a variety of colorful tropicals, large and small - and would certainly include some sort of big, nasty shark. I wouldn't rule out a nearby colony of merfolk or other sentients either.   Seafarer Dwarves are a significant part of my world lore. They are by far the best parentage when it comes to sea-craft - and yet they maintain links to their roots under the great mountains of the world. There are several articles in Cartyrion that cover them.

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