Carnivorous Squirrel

Anyone wandering through any forest will be familiar with the occasional sound of rustling in the trees overhead as a squirrel leaps from tree to tree. In the Oakwood, however, this sound should be a cause for alarm. For if the squirrels leaping about are the Oakwood's carnivorous variety, and if more than one or two seem to be gathering in the trees above, a rather unpleasant experience is likely in store for the observer.

Carnivous squirrels are larger than the typical acorn-hording varieties found in every forest on Cartyrion - approximately twice their size. This still leaves them small enough to nimbly move through the trees as they search for prey on the ground below. Apart from their size, their most distinguishing feature is their slightly oversized mouth filled with sharp, pointed, blade-like teeth that can shred flesh and quickly slice through bone.

Their usual targets usually are usually smaller ground-dwelling creatures of the forest, but a pack of the creatures attacking together have been known to bring down much larger prey - including unsuspecting Folk and the horses they are riding.

They have a highly attuned sense of smell is capable of detecting the scent of fresh blood up to a mile away, and sucn a scent will inevitably draw a pack of 3-18 Carnivorous Squirrels within about 20 minutes - and the pack will attack the source of the blood scent as soon it senses there are enough predators present to bring down their prey.
Carnivorous Squirrel
Alternate Name/Nickname
Tree Shark
Small, 1ft body length (30cm) plus 1ft (30cm) tail
40ft (40ft climb)
Uncommon: Oakwood Forest

Gamemaster Notes

Single carnivorous squirrels will never attack creatures larger than themselves, but if the scent of fresh blood is present, they will persistently pursue their prey, often without their potential victim being aware as they will stay high in the limbs of the trees above. When enough squirrels have gathered together, they will attack in unison. Four squirrels will attack a size M creature; they will wait for at least 8 before taking on a size L or larger. Apparently, the creatures see a rider on a mount as if it were one potential victim. (Base size on the mount's size in this case.)
Laurels & Loot Statblock
Stamina Points:12
Injury Points:3 (Creatures will attempt to flee combat if they reach 2 Injury Points)

Pack Attack: Initial attack will involve all carnivorous squirrels leaping onto one target from above. Unless the target makes a DC18 AWA save, their first attacks avoids any DEX bonuses the target may have, and the pack is assumed to have Surprise for the first combat round.

Bite: 1d4 damage (head-butt) + 1d4 Direct Damage



Side Panel Image by Dorothe from Pixabay
Banner Image from Pixabay (No creator cited there!)


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