Glare Elk

Glare Elk are a corrupted species of deer found only in the Oakwood Forest. They are so named because of the potentially deadly effect that befalls anyone who encounters one of these creatures in the wild and has the misfortune to lock eyes with it.

Sages speculate that these were once common elk such as those that have roamed the Feywood since before the Elves were Awakened. Their exposure to the lingering corruption that pervades the Oakwood has mutated them into the fearsome creatures they are now.
Glare Elk are distinguishable from their common Elk anceestors by one feature only: the glowing eyes that actually seem to emit a faint, blood-red aura of light around the creature's face. This is not the only way in which the Oakwood's contaminated environment has affected them; their demeanor is also far more aggressive and their territorial protection instincts are extreme. They will tolerate no medium or large creature within their perceived domain, except for a mate.

Anyone unfortunate enough to have one of these beasts turn its gaze toward them so they can see eye to eye has a high likelihood of becoming entranced with what they see. They find themselves unable to turn their eyes away, or to do anything else other than stand and stare as the creature charges. Victims are essentially defenseless against this initial charge attack. Fortunately, survivors of the creature's fearsome head-butt and antler charge regain their senses as they are knocked to the ground.
Glare Elk
Males are commonly referred to as Glarebucks; females as Glaredoes
Large, 6ft (180cm) at shoulder
40ft (80ft when Charging)
Uncommon: Oakwood Forest

Gamemaster Notes

Any creature of size medium or greater that locks eyes with a Glare Elk must attempt a save vs its Paralyzing Gaze attack. Failure results in the victim being unable to anything to defend itself until it either receives Charge Attack or the Elk averts its gaze.

Glare Elk are highly territorial and will not tolerate the intrusion of any creature other than a (potential) mate. Upon becoming aware of an intruder, they will use their Paralyzing Gaze attack to immobilize their victim, then perform a Charge Attack. If the victim survives, subsequent Head Butt attacks will ensue until either the Elk is significantly wounded, or the victim either flees or dies.
Laurels & Loot Statblock
Stamina Points: 24
Injury Points: 8 (Elk will attempt to flee combat if they sustain 3 or more Injury Points)

Paralyzing Gaze: WIL DC16 save or become Befuddled and Paralyzed - except they do not fall Prone. Paralyzing Gaze effects end when either the victim receives a Charge Attack or the Elk averts its gaze.

Charge Attack: 2d8 damage (head-butt) + 1d8 Direct Damage (antlers). This attack can be applied only once per encounter.
Head-Butt Attack: 1d6 damage + 1d4 Direct Damage


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