Inner Focus Magic

The Six Energies flow through everything and everybody in the World. Most Folk are unaware of their presence or effects, but a special few have learned to manipulate those Energies. These are the practitioners of the Inner Focus Acquired Specialty, and they are capable of amazing physical and mental feats.

Characters who have acquired this Specialty use mental focus, concentration, and sometimes special gestures and utterances to control the flows of the Six Energies within themselves to achieve desired effects.

The majority of the abilities achievable by those with this Specialty manifest and enhanced physical abilities of the caster - often enhanced beyond what would normally be considered possible. Very few involve projecting magical effects beyond the caster. Nevertheless, the range of abilities provided by this Specialty is broad and powerful.
The magic-related Acquired Specialties are designed to allow players to obtain character abilities that other game systems attributed to specific classes.

The Inner Focus Specialty is designed to provide access to abilitites that some systems may call "magic", while others systems call "Chi", or "Ki", or some similar term. These are the abilities that other systems generally attribute to Monk-like classes.
Characters with the Inner Focus Acquired Specialty do not think of themselves as casting spells, but as the effects they provoke are the result of manipulating the Six Energies, they will be referred to in these rules as spells (and/or cantrips), and unless specifically stated otherwise in their individual descriptions, are subject to all of the common rules for spellcasting. This includes Stamina Drain, Spellbook handling, and Preparing Spells.

Here is the tiered list of the various cantrips, spells, and special abilities available to those who have acquired this Specialty. Click on the name of a spell or effect to see the full description:

Tier 0 Spells (Cantrips)

Ears of the Owl
Ears of the Owl
Tier 0 (Cantrip)

Discipline: Inner Focus
Elements: Gesture
Target: self
Duration: 10 minutes
Rarity: Common
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: self
Area of Effect: self

The caster alters their normal hearing, giving themself the ability to hear extremely faint sounds. The rustling of tiny creatures scuttling across the ground or burrowing near the surface... the breathing of a hidden creature waiting to spring an ambush... the distant clink of chainmail... sounds like this can not only be heard, but the caster can accurately determine the direction from which they emanate.

Faint sounds generated within 30ft (9m) can be heard as if they were at normal conversation volumes, as can distant sounds from as far as 200ft (60m) away. Conversations that others detect as too muffled to understand can be easiily discerned as well.

Eyes of the Owl
Eyes of the Owl
Tier 0 (Cantrip)

Discipline: Inner Focus
Elements: Gesture
Target: self
Duration: 10 minutes
Rarity: Common
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: self
Area of Effect: self

The caster alters their normal eyesight, effectively granting themself Darkvision. In poorly lit environments, the caster is able to see out to a distance of 60ft (9m) as if the area were brightly lit. In environments of total darkness - but not magically induced darkness - the caster is able to see as if the area were torch-lit (i.e. normal vision to 30ft (4.5m), dimly lit vision for another 30ft (4.5m).
Inner Confidence
Inner Confidence
Tier 0 (Cantrip)

Discipline: Inner Focus
Elements: Audible
Target: self
Duration: special (see below)
Rarity: Common
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: self
Area of Effect: self

The caster directs the Energies within them to improve the likelihood of success on their next Skill Check. The next Skill Check performed by the caster after casting this spell gains a +1 per WIL bonus.

The concentration required to achieve this inner gathering of the Energies requires that the caster not take any Movement during the round the spell is cast. The caster utters a focusing sound (a mantra, effectively) which must be Audible.

This effects of this spell are not stackable with themselves. Casting the spell again essentially has no effect. The spell can, however, be stacked with the Tonal spell Inspire Confidence.

Nose of the Hound
Nose of the Hound
Tier 0 (Cantrip)

Discipline: Inner Focus
Elements: Gesture
Target: self
Duration: 1 minute
Rarity: Common
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: self
Area of Effect: self

The caster alters their normal sense of smell, significantly improving their ability to detect faint scents given off by creatures in their immediate vicinity. Creatures within 30ft (9m) of the caster can be detected whether or not they can be seen. Precise location of the detected creatures is not possible, but general direction can be discerned.

Scents can be blocked by any solid, unbroken surface, but something as small as a keyhole or door seam is enough to permit the effect to work. Normal wind currents do not affect the ability, but various magic spells may (see their spell explanations).

Furthermore, if the creature is of a species or parentage that the caster has encountered in the past, the caster is able to identify the species or parentage.

Recall Detail
Recall Detail
Tier 0 (Cantrip)

Discipline: Inner Focus
Elements: Audible
Target: self
Duration: instantaneous
Rarity: Common
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: self
Area of Effect: self

The caster directs the Energies within them to enhance their memories and recall details of events and activities they have lived through in their past. This spell's effect is "meta-gaming" in nature; when cast, as long as the player can recall that some event occurred (meeting someone, having a conversation, seeing some spectacle, etc.), the GameMaster should accurately provide any and all details about that event or encounter to the Player.

The concentration required to achieve this inner gathering of the Energies requires that the caster not take any Movement during the round the spell is cast. The caster utters a focusing sound (a mantra, effectively) which must be Audible.

Note: The existence of this spell is not intended to be a substitute for players keeping notes and records. If the GameMaster feels it is being abused, it would not be unreasonable to impose a 50%/50% Pass/Fail die roll to see if the spell succeeds - and if it fails, the caster must wait aa full game day to try again.

Sense Magic
Sense Magic
Tier 0 (Cantrip)

Discipline: Inner Focus, Nature
Elements: Gesture
Target: self
Duration: 1 min
Rarity: Common
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: self
Area of Effect: 30' (9m) radius sphere

The caster is able to sense the presence of magically enhanced or altered creatures or items within the area of effect. This awareness is a "sensation", the magic triggering the sensation does not reveal itself is any way. By turning slowly in place, the caster can get a general sense of direction from which the sensation emanates, but no indication of strength or exact source is revealed. If multiple magical creatures or entities are within the area of effect, the caster may detect more than one emanation, but only if the sources are well separated. Multiple magical sources closely grouped together (like several items in a chest) will only generate one sensation.

During the round in which this spell is cast, the caster cannot make any movement, other than the slow turning in place mentioned above.

Illusions can only be detected by this spell if the caster is of higher level than the level of the creator of the illusion at the time the illusion was created.

Tier 1 Spells and Abilities

Burst of Speed
Burst of Speed
Tier 1

Discipline: Inner Focus
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: self
Duration: See below
Rarity: Common
Trigger: Completion of casting
Range: self
Area of Effect: self

The caster is able to double their movement speed and perform two actions instead of one in the combat round following the one in which the spell was cast.
The additional action could result in two attack actions, or even casting of two spells.

Multiple castings of this spell are not cumulative - the caster cannot cast it in round 1, then cast it twice more in round 2 to have triple or quadruple speed in round 3.

Deflect Missile
Deflect Missile
Tier 1

Discipline: Inner Focus
Elements: Gesture
Target: self
Duration: Instantaneous
Rarity: Common
Trigger: Caster is target of a missile attack
Range: self
Area of Effect: self

The caster is able to move in such a way as to deflect the path of an incoming missile without sustaining any Injury. When this spell is cast, the caster converts any incoming damage from the missile attack to Stamina Drain.

Unlike other spells, no additional Stamina Drain is rolled for. Also unlike other spells, this spell is not cast during the player's combat turn; it is cast instantaneously during an opponents turn if that opponent targets the caster with a missile attack. The caster can "react" in this manner as many times and they wish, provided their Stamina Points will permit during a single combat round.

If an incoming missile damage roll is greater than the caster's remaining Stamina Points, Stamina is reduced to zero and any remaining damage is sustained as Injury Points.

Energy Touch
Energy Touch
Tier 1

Discipline: Inner Focus
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: one creature
Duration: instantaneous
Rarity: Common
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: touch
Area of Effect: target creature

The caster delivers an unarmed melee strike at a target opponent while shouting a syllable/sound that releases a burst of simple elemental energy. This blow does 1d4 (x Damage Multiplier) damage, with the first 1 point (x Damage Multiplier) being assessed as Direct Damage The remainder, if any, reduces the target's Stamina Points. If the target's SP drops to zero, or is already at zero, remaining damage is treated as Direct Damage.

The caster must specify a simple type of Elemental Damage: Fire, Water, Air, or Earth to define the nature of the damage done. The target creature's immunities may reduce or negate the effect of the Cantrip.

Hide of the Bear
Hide of the Bear
Tier 1

Discipline: Inner Focus
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: self
Duration: 3 combat rounds
Rarity: Common
Trigger: Completion of casting
Range: self
Area of Effect: self

The caster gains some protection from physical attacks. For the duration of the spell, all damage that causes Stamina Drain is ignored, and any Direct Damage of a purely physical nature is halved (round down, minimum 1). Direct Damage of an elemental, mental, or other magical nature (e.g. fire damage, psychic damage) is not mitigated by this spell.

Hold Breath
Hold Breath
Tier 1

Discipline: Inner Focus
Elements: Gesture
Target: self
Duration: 10 minutes
Rarity: Common
Trigger: Completion of casting
Range: self
Area of Effect: self

The caster is able to hold their breath for the duration of the spell. This allows the caster to perform subsequent actions in a normal fashion in environments that would otherwise prove detrimental, such as underwater, within a poisonous atmosphere, or even in a vacuum.

The spell does not grant any special movement capabilities that the hostile environment would otherwise impose, nor does it provide any protection against threats other than suffocation. (An acid cloud, for example, will still burn the caster's skin. Moving through wet mud would still be difficult.) Furthermore, the caster is unable to cast any subsequent spells that require an Audible component while this spell is in effect.

The caster can choose to end the effect early by simply resuming normal breathing.

Lesser Mantra
Lesser Mantra
Tier 1

Discipline: Inner Focus
Elements: See below
Target: See below
Duration: See below
Rarity: Common
Trigger: See below
Range: See below
Area of Effect: See below

This is not a spell; Mantra refers to the knowledge of how to focus inner strength to store up the stamina and magical energy associated with invoking Inner Focus magic. That energy can be called upon by the caster at some time in the future without expending Stamina. Lesser Mantra provides the knowledge of how to create a "focusing sound" which can be used to store and later invoke these spells.

Once devised, the mantra can be imbued with a number of Tier 0, 1, or 2 spells; the number is equal to 2 plus the caster's level. These spells must be "cast" by the caster while in meditation as described below; they can then be invoked by the caster at any time in the future by uttering the mantra. Spells stored with a Lesser Mantra have the same attributes as those cast normally, except that discharging them does not reduce Stamina Points. (It is presumed that the Stamina drain occurred during the preparing meditation.)

Devising a Lesser Mantra requires three full days of devoted meditation, with breaks only to take meals and rest. It costs 50gp for materials to aaid concentration during the meditation. This meditation must be done in a Safe Environment; is typically a Downtime activity.  Devising a Lesser Mantra requires that the desired spells be cast during the meditation.

Second Wind
Second Wind
Tier 1

Discipline: Inner Focus
Elements: Gesture
Target: self
Duration: See below
Rarity: Common
Trigger: Completion of casting
Range: self
Area of Effect: self

When this spell is cast, the caster regains a number of Stamina Points equal to half their maximum number. (For example, if Strom has a Stamina Point maximum of 22, casting this spell will restore up to 11 Stamina Points. If Strom's current Stamina Points have been reduced to 5, he will have 16 after casting.)

Unlike other spells, casting this spell does not require rolling a Stamina Drain. This spell can only be cast once in between "normal" rest periods that restore Stamina Points.

Silent Steps
Silent Steps
Tier 1

Discipline: Inner Focus
Elements: Gesture
Target: self
Duration: 2 Combat Rounds
Rarity: Common
Trigger: Completion of casting
Range: self
Area of Effect: self

The caster is able to move at normal speed without creating any sound at all for the duration of the spell. At a minimum, this grants a +2 bonus to any DEX check attempted by the caster to move in a stealthy manner, but if additional precautions and/or conditions warrant (e.g. moving under cover of darkness past a guard that is not aware of the caster's presence and isn't looking in the right direction), the Gamemaster may decide such stealthy movement automatically succeeds.

Actions performed by the caster will still generate whatever sounds would typically be associated with them. (Doors may still creak when opened; weapons clashing will still make noise, etc.)

Tier 2 Spells and Abilities

(TBD) Comprehend Language
(TBD) Endure Extremes
(TBD) Hide of the Crocodile
(TBD) Resist Natural Poison
(TBD) Unobserved Movement
(TBD) Psychic Shield

Tier 3 Spells and Abilities

Tier 4 Spells and Abilities

Tier 5 Spells and Abilities

Tier 6 Spells and Abilities

Tier 7 Spells and Abilities

Tier 8 Spells and Abilities

Tier 9 Spells and Abilities


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