
Mitflits are a Gremlin subspecies. They are the corrupted form of Pixies, altered by Corizzea of the Alevar, who despises all things created by his rival, Berdea. They are among the most common types of gremlin that can be encountered almost anywhere on the surface of Cartyrion.

Mitflits, sometimes called Mites, are among the smaller gremlins. Because of their diminutive size and strength, and the fact that they lost much of their magical connection when they were corrupted, they are extremely self-conscious and despise the condition they now find themselves in. This self-loathing leads to them being easily bullied by stronger gremlins or other evil creatures - even the tiny Jinkins. They are usually found serving as menials or minions of some more powerful gremlin or other creature. If in a group exclusively of mitflits, the strongest will assume the bully role. The ease with which their cowardice allows them to be controlled only contributes to their feelings of inadequacy.

What little magical ability they retain is limited to minor prestidigitation feats and the ability to speak with some animals. This latter ability is limited to common insects, arachnids and, on occasion, small vermin. They have been known to tame insects, spiders, and other such creatures to serve as faithful allies. They seek friendship with the insects and small vermin of the world - the only creatures they might consider themselves worthy of - and that don't seem to mind their presence.
Mitflit (or Mite)
Fey, Gremlin
Original Nymph
Small - approx 2ft (60cm) tall
Common: forest, plain, mountain
Uncommon: urban, cavern

Despite their relative weakness, Mitflits should not be considered harmless. They can be quite viscious and cunning, lashing out whenever they can to vent their self-hatred. Once attacked, they will set their cowardice aside, and are capable of great rage and violence if injured.

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