Nature Magic
The Six Energies flow through every plant, every animal, every character, and even every stone and grain of dirt in the world. Characters who have put in the study time to acquire the Power of Nature Specialty have learned to channel those Energies to achieve magical effects.
Here is the tiered list of the various cantrips, spells, and special abilities available to those who acquired this Specialty. Click on the name of a spell or effect to see the full description:
The caster can sense the current disposition of a single creature with animal intelligence or lower within range. The caster can determine whether the target creature is Hostile, Unfriendly, Neutral, Friendly, or Helpful. No further information is given.
Animal Influence
The caster is able to alter the current mood/intent of a single target warm-blooded animal within range. The taret's attitude on the Hostile-to-Helpful scale can be altered by one position either up or down as the caster desires. The effect lasts for 10 minutes, during which the target creature is immune to any further attempts to magically influence its mood. Other actions, events, or circumstances could, however, non-magically alter the target's mood during this period!
If the caster is attempting to improve the mood of the target relative to them or their party - i.e. shift the mood closer to Friendly - a Material component consisting of a morsel of food desirable to the target creature is required, and will be consumed. If the caster is attempting to move the creature toward the Hostile side of the scale, no Material component is required.
Nature's Light
Tte caster causes plants wiitin 100ft (30m) to eit a faint luminescence - enough to emulate the dim light of a torch. If bioluminescent plants already exist, their light is increased to emulate sunlight within the range. The area of effect is stationary once the spell is cast, and it lasts as long as the caster remains within the lit space. If the caster should leave the space and return, the light is not restored.
The plants affected to cause the light must be native and well-rooted to the space; the caster or others cannot carry plants into a barren area in order to illuminate them.
Sense Direction
The caster is able to accurately determie the "as the crow flies" direction of travel required to reach some known destination. The caster must have visited the destination before. Additionally, the caster can sense whether a passageway (either natural or folk-made) is sloping either upwards or downwards.
Sense Magic
The caster is able to sense the presence of magically enhanced or altered creatures or items within the area of effect. This awareness is a "sensation", the magic triggering the sensation does not reveal itself is any way. By turning slowly in place, the caster can get a general sense of direction from which the sensation emanates, but no indication of strength or exact source is revealed. If multiple magical creatures or entities are within the area of effect, the caster may detect more than one emanation, but only if the sources are well separated. Multiple magical sources closely grouped together (like several items in a chest) will only generate one sensation.
During the round in which this spell is cast, the caster cannot make any movement, other than the slow turning in place mentioned above.
Illusions can only be detected by this spell if the caster is of higher level than the level of the creator of the illusion at the time the illusion was created.
Tiny Messenger
You summon a small common, natural creature no larger than a common squirrel or rat - perhaps a songbird, chipmunk, or field mouse - to deliver a message to another target creature within the spell's range.
After completion of casting, the woodland creature (chosen by the Gamemaster) appears before you. You can then provide it with a brief of no more than a sentence or two. The animal will then travel to the intended recipient of the message at its top movement speed and deliver the message. The recipient will be able to understand the "speech" of the animal while any other creatures nearby will hear only the chirping, twittering, chitting, or whatever of the creature's natural vocalizations. The message recipient can then provide a similarly brief response if desired; the animal will bring that response back to the caster. As before, only the caster will understand the vocalizations of the creature when receiving the response. After delivering the response, the animal will depart return to its normal life.
There must be at least one such creature available within the spell's range in order for it to work. The summoned animal does not "poof" into existence; it must travel from wherever it was to reach the caster. The animal must be capable of some sort of vocalizations. Zones of magical silence can prevent messages and/or responses from being provided or delivered.
The caster is able to alter the current mood/intent of a single target warm-blooded animal within range. The target's attitude on the Hostile-to-Helpful scale can be altered by as many as three positions either up or down as the caster desires. The effect lasts for 1 hour, during which the target creature is immune to any further attempts to magically influence its mood. Other actions, events, or circumstances could, however, non-magically alter the target's mood during this period!
This spell simply alters the target's mood; it does not provide any compulsion to follow orders. Given that, though, a Helpful target is quite likely to go along with suggestions made by the caster - provided they can understand the caster. This spell does not grant any language or comprehensive benefits, though it could work quite well in conjunction with Speak With Animals.
If the caster is attempting to improve the mood of the target relative to them or their party - i.e. shift the mood closer to Friendly - a Material component consisting of a morsel of food desirable to the target creature is required, and will be consumed. If the caster is attempting to move the creature toward the Hostile side of the scale, no Material component is required.
Elemental Shield
An invisible barrier of force protects the character from all incoming effects of elemental damage, regardless of its source. If a weapon imbued with elementatl magic strikes the caster, this shield only prevents the Elemental damage; the sword slash itself may still inflict damage.
The shield lasts for 1 minute or until it absorbs a number of incoming spell levels equal to the INT of the caster. If cast again before all damage is absorbed, the first shield dissipates - protection cannot be "stacked". The caster can, however, bring up Combat, Magical, and/or Psychic Shields on subsequent turns without the Elemental Shield dissipating.
This spell allows the caster to effect repairs upon items made of soft materials derived from nature: i.e. cloth, leather, and wood - but not metal or stone.
Unlike most spells, Fibermend takes much longer to cast, and can only be used once per day to target any particular item for repair. The casting time is one hour, during which the caster must be handling and focusing on the item being repaired.
A single casting will fully repair common items such as backpacks, bedrolls, and the like. It can also be used to repair Light Armor, Medium Armor, and Soft Shields (both Large and Small). When used to repair armor or shields, a number of durability points up to the caster's AWA ability score can be restored. No special tools are required, but if the caster also has the appropriate Acquired Specialty for the material in question, and the tools for that specialty, an additional 2 points of durability can be restored.
The material component for the casting is the item being restored. No additional costs are associated with repairs performed with this spell (even those extra durability points provided by knowledge of an Acquired Specialty.)
Lesser Naturecraft
This is not a spell; Naturecraft refers to the knowledge of how to create an item capable of storing spell energy which can be called upon by the caster at some time in the future. Lesser Naturecraft provides the knowledge of how to create a Lesser Headdress of natural materials such as ivy tendrils, feathers, small bones, etc. to be worn upon the caster's head.
Once formed, the headdress can be imbued with a number of Tier 0, 1, or 2 spells (equal to 2 plus the caster's level). These spells must be cast into the wreath; they can then be invoked by the caster at any time in the future. Spells stored in the headdress have the same attributes as those cast normally, except that discharging them does not reduce Stamina Points. The Stamina drain occurs when the spells are charged into the headdress. If the spell requires a material component that is consumed by the target, that component must be provided at the time the spell is discharged. Otherwise, any material components are required and consumed at the time the headdress is charged.
Crafting a Lesser Headdress requires three full day of devoted effort, and costs 50gp for materials. Crafting must be done in a Safe Environment; is typically a Downtime activity. Charging a Lesser Headdress requires the time to cast the desired spells, It also requires a place that can be properly prepared for the charging ritual -- this must also be in a Safe Environment.
Nature's Spark
The caster draws upo te power of one of the Six Energies tot produce a small bolt of force that can be projected at a single target creature. The bolt does 1d4 damage, but the first point of damage is Direct Damage. The remainder, if any, reduces the target's Stamina Points. If the target's SP drops to zero, or is already at zero, remaining damage is treated as Direct Damage.
The caster must specify a type of Elemental Damage: Fire, Water, Air, or Earth to define the nature of the damage done. Target creature's immunities may reduce or negate the effect of the Cantrip.
The caster draws upon the energies flowing through their surroundings to impart some Stamina to a single target character or creature. After uttering the brief imploration, the caster must touch the intended target, upon which the target has 1d12 Stamina Points instantanously restored to them. If the target was Exhausted due to Stamina Points being reduced to 0, that condition is removed. The target cannot be restored to a Stamina Point level higher than their current Maximum Stamina Points. The caster may target themself with this spell.
Speak With Animal
The caster is able to carry on a conversation with a common, nonmagical animal. The discourse may be related to anything that may be of interest to the caster and/or the target animal. For example, questions about recent events in an area may be asked, or directions to a particular location or landmark in the region may be requested.
The animal's attitude (i.e. Hostile / Unfriendly / Neutral / Friendly / Helpful) will affect the nature of their side of the conversation, and their willingness to consider suggested actions by the caster. The animal is under no magical compulsion to respond to queries, or to tell the truth (though most creatures with animal intelligence are unlikely to intentionally deceive).
Other characters nearby will only be able to understand the caster's side of any conversation; they will hear natural animal grunts, growls, etc. coming from the target animal. Other animals with the target may get a sense of the target's side of the conversation, but unless the animals have a complete natural language, they will not comprehend word-for-word.
The material component for the casting of this spell is a piece of food attractive to the target animal, and which the target must consume to complete the casting.
The caster gains some protection from physical attacks. Roll 1d20 to determine the number of points of damage the spell can absorb before its effects expire. Damage which reduces Stamina Points as well as injury-causing Direct Damage can be mitigated by this spell, but not if the Direct Damage is of elemental or magical nature.
The spell expires 10 minutes after casting; any remaining mitigation points are lost at this time.
(TBD) Obscuring Fog
(TBD) Sharpened Senses
(TBD) Speak With Insects
(TBD) Tangled Growth
(TBD) Totemcraft
Here is the tiered list of the various cantrips, spells, and special abilities available to those who acquired this Specialty. Click on the name of a spell or effect to see the full description:
Tier 0 Spells (Cantrips)
Animal Empathy Animal Empathy
Tier 0 (Cantrip)
Discipline: Nature Magic
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: 1 creature
Duration: instantaneous
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: 1 creature
Duration: instantaneous
Rarity: Common
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: 30ft (9m)
Area of Effect: target creature
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: 30ft (9m)
Area of Effect: target creature
The caster can sense the current disposition of a single creature with animal intelligence or lower within range. The caster can determine whether the target creature is Hostile, Unfriendly, Neutral, Friendly, or Helpful. No further information is given.
Animal Influence
Tier 0 (Cantrip)
Discipline: Nature Magic
Elements: Audible, Gesture, Material
Target: One creature
Duration: 10 minutes
Elements: Audible, Gesture, Material
Target: One creature
Duration: 10 minutes
Rarity: Common
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: 30ft (9m)
Area of Effect: target creature
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: 30ft (9m)
Area of Effect: target creature
The caster is able to alter the current mood/intent of a single target warm-blooded animal within range. The taret's attitude on the Hostile-to-Helpful scale can be altered by one position either up or down as the caster desires. The effect lasts for 10 minutes, during which the target creature is immune to any further attempts to magically influence its mood. Other actions, events, or circumstances could, however, non-magically alter the target's mood during this period!
If the caster is attempting to improve the mood of the target relative to them or their party - i.e. shift the mood closer to Friendly - a Material component consisting of a morsel of food desirable to the target creature is required, and will be consumed. If the caster is attempting to move the creature toward the Hostile side of the scale, no Material component is required.
Nature's Light
Tier 0 (Cantrip)
Discipline: Nature Magic
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: special (see below)
Duration: special (see below)
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: special (see below)
Duration: special (see below)
Rarity: Common
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: special (see below)
Area of Effect: special (seee below)
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: special (see below)
Area of Effect: special (seee below)
Tte caster causes plants wiitin 100ft (30m) to eit a faint luminescence - enough to emulate the dim light of a torch. If bioluminescent plants already exist, their light is increased to emulate sunlight within the range. The area of effect is stationary once the spell is cast, and it lasts as long as the caster remains within the lit space. If the caster should leave the space and return, the light is not restored.
The plants affected to cause the light must be native and well-rooted to the space; the caster or others cannot carry plants into a barren area in order to illuminate them.
Sense Direction
Tier 0 (Cantrip)
Discipline: Nature Magic
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: self
Duration: instantaneous
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: self
Duration: instantaneous
Rarity: Common
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: self
Area of Effect: self
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: self
Area of Effect: self
The caster is able to accurately determie the "as the crow flies" direction of travel required to reach some known destination. The caster must have visited the destination before. Additionally, the caster can sense whether a passageway (either natural or folk-made) is sloping either upwards or downwards.
Sense Magic
Tier 0 (Cantrip)
Discipline: Inner Focus, Nature
Elements: Gesture
Target: self
Duration: 1 min
Elements: Gesture
Target: self
Duration: 1 min
Rarity: Common
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: self
Area of Effect: 30' (9m) radius sphere
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: self
Area of Effect: 30' (9m) radius sphere
The caster is able to sense the presence of magically enhanced or altered creatures or items within the area of effect. This awareness is a "sensation", the magic triggering the sensation does not reveal itself is any way. By turning slowly in place, the caster can get a general sense of direction from which the sensation emanates, but no indication of strength or exact source is revealed. If multiple magical creatures or entities are within the area of effect, the caster may detect more than one emanation, but only if the sources are well separated. Multiple magical sources closely grouped together (like several items in a chest) will only generate one sensation.
During the round in which this spell is cast, the caster cannot make any movement, other than the slow turning in place mentioned above.
Illusions can only be detected by this spell if the caster is of higher level than the level of the creator of the illusion at the time the illusion was created.
Tiny Messenger
Tier 0 (Cantrip)
Discipline: Nature Magic
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: 1 creature
Duration: 10 minutes
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: 1 creature
Duration: 10 minutes
Rarity: Common
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: 120ft (36m)
Area of Effect: target creature
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: 120ft (36m)
Area of Effect: target creature
You summon a small common, natural creature no larger than a common squirrel or rat - perhaps a songbird, chipmunk, or field mouse - to deliver a message to another target creature within the spell's range.
After completion of casting, the woodland creature (chosen by the Gamemaster) appears before you. You can then provide it with a brief of no more than a sentence or two. The animal will then travel to the intended recipient of the message at its top movement speed and deliver the message. The recipient will be able to understand the "speech" of the animal while any other creatures nearby will hear only the chirping, twittering, chitting, or whatever of the creature's natural vocalizations. The message recipient can then provide a similarly brief response if desired; the animal will bring that response back to the caster. As before, only the caster will understand the vocalizations of the creature when receiving the response. After delivering the response, the animal will depart return to its normal life.
There must be at least one such creature available within the spell's range in order for it to work. The summoned animal does not "poof" into existence; it must travel from wherever it was to reach the caster. The animal must be capable of some sort of vocalizations. Zones of magical silence can prevent messages and/or responses from being provided or delivered.
Tier 1 Spells and Abilities
Charm Animal Charm Animal
Tier 1
Discipline: Nature Magic
Elements: Audible, Gesture, Material (see below)
Target: 1 Animal Creature
Duration: 1 hour
Elements: Audible, Gesture, Material (see below)
Target: 1 Animal Creature
Duration: 1 hour
Rarity: Common
Trigger: Completion of Casting
Range: 30ft (9m)
Area of Effect: Target Creature
Trigger: Completion of Casting
Range: 30ft (9m)
Area of Effect: Target Creature
The caster is able to alter the current mood/intent of a single target warm-blooded animal within range. The target's attitude on the Hostile-to-Helpful scale can be altered by as many as three positions either up or down as the caster desires. The effect lasts for 1 hour, during which the target creature is immune to any further attempts to magically influence its mood. Other actions, events, or circumstances could, however, non-magically alter the target's mood during this period!
This spell simply alters the target's mood; it does not provide any compulsion to follow orders. Given that, though, a Helpful target is quite likely to go along with suggestions made by the caster - provided they can understand the caster. This spell does not grant any language or comprehensive benefits, though it could work quite well in conjunction with Speak With Animals.
If the caster is attempting to improve the mood of the target relative to them or their party - i.e. shift the mood closer to Friendly - a Material component consisting of a morsel of food desirable to the target creature is required, and will be consumed. If the caster is attempting to move the creature toward the Hostile side of the scale, no Material component is required.
Elemental Shield
Tier 1
Discipline: Nature Magic
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: Self
Duration: Up to 1 min (see below)
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: Self
Duration: Up to 1 min (see below)
Rarity: Common
Trigger: Completion of Casting
Range: Self
Area of Effect: None
Trigger: Completion of Casting
Range: Self
Area of Effect: None
An invisible barrier of force protects the character from all incoming effects of elemental damage, regardless of its source. If a weapon imbued with elementatl magic strikes the caster, this shield only prevents the Elemental damage; the sword slash itself may still inflict damage.
The shield lasts for 1 minute or until it absorbs a number of incoming spell levels equal to the INT of the caster. If cast again before all damage is absorbed, the first shield dissipates - protection cannot be "stacked". The caster can, however, bring up Combat, Magical, and/or Psychic Shields on subsequent turns without the Elemental Shield dissipating.
Tier 1
Discipline: Nature Magic
Elements: Gesture, Material
Target: One item
Duration: See Description
Elements: Gesture, Material
Target: One item
Duration: See Description
Rarity: Common
Trigger: Completion of Casting
Range: Self
Area of Effect: Self
Trigger: Completion of Casting
Range: Self
Area of Effect: Self
This spell allows the caster to effect repairs upon items made of soft materials derived from nature: i.e. cloth, leather, and wood - but not metal or stone.
Unlike most spells, Fibermend takes much longer to cast, and can only be used once per day to target any particular item for repair. The casting time is one hour, during which the caster must be handling and focusing on the item being repaired.
A single casting will fully repair common items such as backpacks, bedrolls, and the like. It can also be used to repair Light Armor, Medium Armor, and Soft Shields (both Large and Small). When used to repair armor or shields, a number of durability points up to the caster's AWA ability score can be restored. No special tools are required, but if the caster also has the appropriate Acquired Specialty for the material in question, and the tools for that specialty, an additional 2 points of durability can be restored.
The material component for the casting is the item being restored. No additional costs are associated with repairs performed with this spell (even those extra durability points provided by knowledge of an Acquired Specialty.)
Lesser Naturecraft
Tier 1
Discipline: Nature Magic
Elements: See Below
Target: See Below
Duration: See Below
Elements: See Below
Target: See Below
Duration: See Below
Rarity: Common
Trigger: See Below
Range: See Below
Area of Effect: See Below
Trigger: See Below
Range: See Below
Area of Effect: See Below
This is not a spell; Naturecraft refers to the knowledge of how to create an item capable of storing spell energy which can be called upon by the caster at some time in the future. Lesser Naturecraft provides the knowledge of how to create a Lesser Headdress of natural materials such as ivy tendrils, feathers, small bones, etc. to be worn upon the caster's head.
Once formed, the headdress can be imbued with a number of Tier 0, 1, or 2 spells (equal to 2 plus the caster's level). These spells must be cast into the wreath; they can then be invoked by the caster at any time in the future. Spells stored in the headdress have the same attributes as those cast normally, except that discharging them does not reduce Stamina Points. The Stamina drain occurs when the spells are charged into the headdress. If the spell requires a material component that is consumed by the target, that component must be provided at the time the spell is discharged. Otherwise, any material components are required and consumed at the time the headdress is charged.
Crafting a Lesser Headdress requires three full day of devoted effort, and costs 50gp for materials. Crafting must be done in a Safe Environment; is typically a Downtime activity. Charging a Lesser Headdress requires the time to cast the desired spells, It also requires a place that can be properly prepared for the charging ritual -- this must also be in a Safe Environment.
Nature's Spark
Tier 1
Discipline: Nature Magic
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: One creature
Duration: instantaneous
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: One creature
Duration: instantaneous
Rarity: Common
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: 30ft (9m)
Area of Effect: target creature
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: 30ft (9m)
Area of Effect: target creature
The caster draws upo te power of one of the Six Energies tot produce a small bolt of force that can be projected at a single target creature. The bolt does 1d4 damage, but the first point of damage is Direct Damage. The remainder, if any, reduces the target's Stamina Points. If the target's SP drops to zero, or is already at zero, remaining damage is treated as Direct Damage.
The caster must specify a type of Elemental Damage: Fire, Water, Air, or Earth to define the nature of the damage done. Target creature's immunities may reduce or negate the effect of the Cantrip.
Tier 1
Discipline: Nature Magic
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: 1 Creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: 1 Creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Rarity: Common
Trigger: Touching the Target
Range: Touch
Area of Effect: Target Creature
Trigger: Touching the Target
Range: Touch
Area of Effect: Target Creature
The caster draws upon the energies flowing through their surroundings to impart some Stamina to a single target character or creature. After uttering the brief imploration, the caster must touch the intended target, upon which the target has 1d12 Stamina Points instantanously restored to them. If the target was Exhausted due to Stamina Points being reduced to 0, that condition is removed. The target cannot be restored to a Stamina Point level higher than their current Maximum Stamina Points. The caster may target themself with this spell.
Speak With Animal
Tier 1
Discipline: Nature Magic
Elements: Audible, Gesture, Material (see below)
Target: 1 Animal Creature
Duration: 10 min
Elements: Audible, Gesture, Material (see below)
Target: 1 Animal Creature
Duration: 10 min
Rarity: Common
Trigger: Completion of Casting
Range: 10ft (3m)
Area of Effect: Target Creature
Trigger: Completion of Casting
Range: 10ft (3m)
Area of Effect: Target Creature
The caster is able to carry on a conversation with a common, nonmagical animal. The discourse may be related to anything that may be of interest to the caster and/or the target animal. For example, questions about recent events in an area may be asked, or directions to a particular location or landmark in the region may be requested.
The animal's attitude (i.e. Hostile / Unfriendly / Neutral / Friendly / Helpful) will affect the nature of their side of the conversation, and their willingness to consider suggested actions by the caster. The animal is under no magical compulsion to respond to queries, or to tell the truth (though most creatures with animal intelligence are unlikely to intentionally deceive).
Other characters nearby will only be able to understand the caster's side of any conversation; they will hear natural animal grunts, growls, etc. coming from the target animal. Other animals with the target may get a sense of the target's side of the conversation, but unless the animals have a complete natural language, they will not comprehend word-for-word.
The material component for the casting of this spell is a piece of food attractive to the target animal, and which the target must consume to complete the casting.
Tier 1
Discipline: Nature Magic
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: self
Duration: up to 10 min (see below)
Elements: Audible, Gesture
Target: self
Duration: up to 10 min (see below)
Rarity: Common
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: self
Area of Effect: self
Trigger: completion of casting
Range: self
Area of Effect: self
The caster gains some protection from physical attacks. Roll 1d20 to determine the number of points of damage the spell can absorb before its effects expire. Damage which reduces Stamina Points as well as injury-causing Direct Damage can be mitigated by this spell, but not if the Direct Damage is of elemental or magical nature.
The spell expires 10 minutes after casting; any remaining mitigation points are lost at this time.