
Seneschals are a Nymph subspecies. They are very closely related to Caretakers, so closely that it is impossible to distinguish between the two without seeing them "in action". Like their cousins, these Fey devote themselves to looking after the Folk. But unlike the Caretakers, Seneschals seek out the large staff-filled households of the nobility and the otherwise wealthy.

Seneschals will see to it that their chosen household is always well kept. Furniture and wall hangings will be dusted, and woodwork polished. Metallic decorations - including suits of armor, silver services, etc. - will be free of rust or tarnish. Floor coverings and wall tapestries will never look damaged or frayed. The fine clothing of the house masters will also be kept free of stains, rips, and tears. Hearths will be neatly swept out regularly and fires carefully banked to ensure safety, warmth, and light.

Once a Seneschal selects a household it deems worthy of their attention, it will attract a contingent of two or three Caretakers to assist them in ensuring the household runs smoothly, efficiently, and pleasantly. The recruited Caretakers themselves do not feel this is out of character, as they see themselves helping out the staff that live in the household, rather than the owners and masters of the household directly.

Fey, Nymph
Gremlin Corruption
SizeClass, 1ft (30cm)
Rare: homes of wealthy or nobility
While Seneschals will take great pains to never allow themselves to be actually seen by household masters or staff, they are not quite as "invisible" as their Caretaker cousins. Seneschals will communicate with house staff by leaving small notes in various places. Reminders to ensure that the proper delicacies for an upcoming banquet are ordered, or to replace linens that are too badly damaged for repair are often found by members of the staff.

Seneschals also monitor the security of the household, and will vigorously defend against intruders, whether they be burglars or marauders. More importantly, they violently repel any attempt by Housebane or Shopbane gremlins to occupy the household. Common vermins are also vigorously dealt with, though not with the same abandon as a gremlin.

Seneschals have been known to occupy a given manor house for generations, but the role of such history is secondary to the importance of the current owner's demeanor when it comes to deciding whether to remain in service to the household. Seneschals will not serve cruel, dishonest, selfish or greedy house masters. Should aa Seneschal decide to leave a household it had adopted, it will do so quietly and without any vengeful leavetaking incidents.


Side panel character images by RPGDinosaurBob using HeroForge
Banner map by RPGDinosaurBob using Fractal Terrains by ProFantasy and Inkarnate


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