Shopbanes are a Gremlin subspecies, the corrupted form of Seneschals. These creatures are closely related to Housebane gremlins, though they are far nastier and far more dangerous. Fortunately, they are also far more rare, and do not bother most of the common Folk. Instead, they focus their attentiion on disrupting the lives of the rich and famous.
Shopbanes are so named because they choose to direct their attentions to businesses at least as often as they select households to devastate. Fortunately, for most of the common working Folk of the world, though, they tend to seek out the most prominent targets, teending to leave small family-run establishments and farms alone. But every noble and every successful merchant and artisan knows that their castles, manor homes, warehouses, and transportation vehicles are targets, and the more successful they are, the larger the bulls-eye.
These creatures possess the same ability to switch between their normal, albeit tiny, size and the miniscule size reminiscent of the cockroaches they resemble. They rely heavily on this ability to evade detection and attack. Their innate telekinetic magic is also commonly used in their defense; it allows them to hurl heavy objects at attackers - or hurl the attackers themselves against walls or into the air.
When in combat, Shopbanes will rely heavily on their innate telekinesis magical abilities to hurl projectiles at foes, or to hurl the foes themselves into walls, into the air, or - when the opportunity arises - out a window or over a precipice. Their Grease spell is another combat favorite.
As they are aware that violence can bring an end to their otherwise immortal lifespan, Shopbanes will never fight to the death unless no possible escape route exists. They will flee at the first opportunity if they realize an encounter is not likely to go their way. They are vengeful, however, and may choose to seek out the households of attackers that drive them away from a chosen base of operation - even if that household would not normally fit the opulence or grandiosity parameters they usually place on targets.
5E-compatible Statblock
PF2E-compatible Statblock
Shopbanes are physically indistinguishable from their Housebane cousins. They possess the same chitinous exoskeleton that gives them a resemblance to huge cockroaches Their four "walking limbs" enable them to traverse vertical and inverted surfaces as easily as any flat floor. They always seem to be in possession of a hammer-like tool with which they work their destruction, and their four compound eyes allow them to detect threats coming from any and every direction all at once.
Their destructive abilities mirror those of Housebanes, but their possession of even stronger innate magical abilities makes them significantly more dangerous. Food and drink is not safe near them; they can make even the freshest produce and clearest water spoiled and fouled. Their sabotage efforts extend beyond simple furniture and belongings as well. Merchants who rely on sailing vessels to transport their goods have had ships sunk because hull planking was compromised. Overland traders have had caravans disrupted when wheels on every wagon seem to fail at the same time. Manor lords have seen whole sections of their grand homes and castles collapse without warning.
Fey, Gremlin
Original Nymph
SizeClass, ??ft (??cm)
Common: biome
Uncommon: biome
Rare: biome
In addition to advanced knowledge and skills related to craftsmanship and construction which they use to craftily undermine furniture, vehicles, and even buildings, Shopbanes have innate telekinetic magic that allows them to alter their surroundings in ways not limited by their size and strength. Other magical abilities their more common Housebane cousins do not possess allows for the setting of more devious traps for Folk who may be in their target sights.Their destructive abilities mirror those of Housebanes, but their possession of even stronger innate magical abilities makes them significantly more dangerous. Food and drink is not safe near them; they can make even the freshest produce and clearest water spoiled and fouled. Their sabotage efforts extend beyond simple furniture and belongings as well. Merchants who rely on sailing vessels to transport their goods have had ships sunk because hull planking was compromised. Overland traders have had caravans disrupted when wheels on every wagon seem to fail at the same time. Manor lords have seen whole sections of their grand homes and castles collapse without warning.
Uncommon: biome
Rare: biome
Shopbanes are so named because they choose to direct their attentions to businesses at least as often as they select households to devastate. Fortunately, for most of the common working Folk of the world, though, they tend to seek out the most prominent targets, teending to leave small family-run establishments and farms alone. But every noble and every successful merchant and artisan knows that their castles, manor homes, warehouses, and transportation vehicles are targets, and the more successful they are, the larger the bulls-eye.
These creatures possess the same ability to switch between their normal, albeit tiny, size and the miniscule size reminiscent of the cockroaches they resemble. They rely heavily on this ability to evade detection and attack. Their innate telekinetic magic is also commonly used in their defense; it allows them to hurl heavy objects at attackers - or hurl the attackers themselves against walls or into the air.
Gamemaster Notes
Shopbanes have the ability to attract one to three Housebanes to work with/for them in the systematic destruction of a manor home or large business establishment.When in combat, Shopbanes will rely heavily on their innate telekinesis magical abilities to hurl projectiles at foes, or to hurl the foes themselves into walls, into the air, or - when the opportunity arises - out a window or over a precipice. Their Grease spell is another combat favorite.
As they are aware that violence can bring an end to their otherwise immortal lifespan, Shopbanes will never fight to the death unless no possible escape route exists. They will flee at the first opportunity if they realize an encounter is not likely to go their way. They are vengeful, however, and may choose to seek out the households of attackers that drive them away from a chosen base of operation - even if that household would not normally fit the opulence or grandiosity parameters they usually place on targets.
5E-compatible Statblock
Shopbane CR: 4
Tiny fey, gremlin, chaotic evil
Armor Class: 16
Hit Points: 52
40 ft
, climb: 20 ft
14 +2
14 +2
10 +0
16 +3
10 +0
16 +3
Saving Throws: STR+2; DEX+2; CON+0; INT+6; WIS+0; CHA+6
Skills: Deception+6, Intimidation+9, Stealth+5, Sleight of Hand+5
Senses: Darkvision
Languages: Common, Sylvan, Gremlish
Challenge Rating: 4
At will:
Cantrips: Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Mending, Prestidigitation, Telekinetic Projectile (see below)
2nd Level: Arcane Lock, Knock
Telekinetic Projectile:
Cantrips: Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Mending, Prestidigitation, Telekinetic Projectile (see below)
2nd Level: Arcane Lock, Knock
Telekinetic Projectile:
Level: Cantrip
Range: 30ft
School: Evocation
Casting Time: 1 Action
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: None
You hurl a small, loose, unattended object that is within range at the target. Make a Spell Attack, and if successful, you deal 1d6 plus your spellcasting ability modifier in damage (1d6+6 for the Shopbane). The damage type depends on the object thrown; blunt objects cause Bludgeoning damage; sharp objects cause Piercing damage. If the item is itself magical (i.e. a magical dagger), the magical bonuses are not applied to the attack or damage rolls.Range: 30ft
School: Evocation
Casting Time: 1 Action
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: None
1st Level: Spoil Food & Drink (see below)
3rd Level: Minor Telekinesis (see below)
Spoil Food & Drink:
Minor Telekinesis:
You violently hurl a target creature or object across a space telekinetically. If your target is a creature of size Large or smaller, you can cause it to move up to 30ft in a straight line in any direction you choose. If the target impacts an obstacle, it takes damage as if it had fallen the distance traveled before striking the object. The target must make a Dexterity Save (DC17) or fall Prone after the attack. The target can be hurled straight upward into the air (assuming no ceiling obstruction after which it will fall to the ground and take appropriate fall damage.
Alternatively, you can pick up and lift an unattended object within range and hurl it at another target also within range. Make a Spell Attack, and if successful, you deal 3d10 plus your spellcasting ability modifier in damage (3d10+6 for the Shopbane). The damage type depends on the object thrown; Bludgeoning is most likely, but the Gamemaster can decide another damage type is better suited depending on the object.
1st Level: Spoil Food & Drink (see below)
3rd Level: Minor Telekinesis (see below)
Spoil Food & Drink:
Level: 1
Range: 10ft
School: Transmutation
Casting Time: 1 Action
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: None
All nonmagical food and drink within a 5-foot-radius sphere centered on a point of your choice within range is spoiled and rendered inedible. Food will give off a foul odor; drink will appear obviously fouled with indeterminate substances. Anyone consuming the food or drink must make a Constitution Save (DC14) or suffer the Poisoned Condition for 1d4 days. (On a failed save, additional attempts can be made after a long rest.)Range: 10ft
School: Transmutation
Casting Time: 1 Action
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: None
Minor Telekinesis:
Level: 3
Range: 60ft
School: Evocation
Casting Time: 1 Action
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: None
Target: 1 creature of Large or smaller size, or 1 object of 500lbs (225kg) or less.
Range: 60ft
School: Evocation
Casting Time: 1 Action
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: None
You violently hurl a target creature or object across a space telekinetically. If your target is a creature of size Large or smaller, you can cause it to move up to 30ft in a straight line in any direction you choose. If the target impacts an obstacle, it takes damage as if it had fallen the distance traveled before striking the object. The target must make a Dexterity Save (DC17) or fall Prone after the attack. The target can be hurled straight upward into the air (assuming no ceiling obstruction after which it will fall to the ground and take appropriate fall damage.
Alternatively, you can pick up and lift an unattended object within range and hurl it at another target also within range. Make a Spell Attack, and if successful, you deal 3d10 plus your spellcasting ability modifier in damage (3d10+6 for the Shopbane). The damage type depends on the object thrown; Bludgeoning is most likely, but the Gamemaster can decide another damage type is better suited depending on the object.
1st Level: Grease
2nd Level: Shrink Self (see below)
3rd Level: Stinking Cloud
Shrink Self:
1st Level: Grease
2nd Level: Shrink Self (see below)
3rd Level: Stinking Cloud
Shrink Self:
Level: 2
Range: Self
School: Transmutation
Casting Time: 1 Action
Duration: Permanent
Save: None
This spell works in a manner similar to Enlarge/Reduce, except that it can only be used by the Shopbane to shrink itself down to the size of a normal cockroach (i.e. about 1/2" (1cm) tall). It can be dispelled at will by the Shopbane, allowing it to return to normal size. All items worn/carried by the Shopbane are shrunk (and later restored) without changing their characteristics. Range: Self
School: Transmutation
Casting Time: 1 Action
Duration: Permanent
Save: None
Can't Touch This: As a Bonus Action on each of its turns, the Shopbane can move 5' without incurring an Attack of Opportunity
Unarmed Strike +5 Dam: 1d6+2
Shopbane's Maul +5 Dam: 2d8+2
Quick Skitter: When an opponent succeeds in a melee attack that does damage, the Shopbane can use its Reaction to halve the damage taken.
PF2E-compatible Statblock
Shopbane - Creature 5
Perception | +11, Darkvision |
Languages | Common, Sylvan, Gremlish |
Skills | Deception+12, Intimidation+14, Stealth+11, Thievery+11 |
STR +2 , DEX +2 , CON +0 , INT +3 , WIS +0 , CHA +3 | |
Items | Shopbane's Maul |
AC | 23 |
Saving Throws | Fort 9, Ref 11, Will 9 |
HP | 52 |
Speed | 40ft |
Melee | ![]() ![]() |
Special Abilities | ![]() ![]() |
Spells | Spell Attack Bonus: +10 [Spell DC: 20 Cantrips: Fire Bolt, Mage Hand, Mending, Prestidigitation, Telekinetic Projectile 1st Level: Grease (3 per day), Spoil Food & Drink (once per day, see below) 2nd Level: Arcane Lock, Knock, Shrink Self (see below) 3rd Level: Minor Telekinesis (once per day, see below), Stinking Cloud (at will) |
Spoil Food & Drink:
Level: 1
All nonmagical food and drink within a 5-foot-radius sphere centered on a point of your choice within range is spoiled and rendered inedible. Food will give off a foul odor; drink will appear obviously fouled with indeterminate substances. Anyone consuming the food or drink must make a Constitution Save (DC14) or suffer the Sickened Condition for 1d4 days. (On a failed save, additional attempts can be made after a long rest.)Range: 10ft School: Transmutation Casting Time: 1 Action Duration: Instantaneous Save: None Shrink Self:
Level: 2
This spell works in a manner similar to Enlarge/Reduce, except that it can only be used by the Shopbane to shrink itself down to the size of a normal cockroach (i.e. about 1/2" (1cm) tall). It can be dispelled at will by the Shopbane, allowing it to return to normal size. All items worn/carried by the Shopbane are shrunk (and later restored) without changing their characteristics. Range: Self School: Transmutation Casting Time: 1 Action Duration: Permanent Save: None Minor Telekinesis:
Level: 3
Target: 1 creature of Large or smaller size, or 1 object of 500lbs (225kg) or less.
Range: 60ft School: Evocation Casting Time: 1 Action Duration: Instantaneous Save: None You violently hurl a target creature or object across a space telekinetically. If your target is a creature of size Large or smaller, you can cause it to move up to 30ft in a straight line in any direction you choose. If the target impacts an obstacle, it takes damage as if it had fallen the distance traveled before striking the object. The target must make a Dexterity Save (DC17) or fall Prone after the attack. The target can be hurled straight upward into the air (assuming no ceiling obstruction after which it will fall to the ground and take appropriate fall damage. Alternatively, you can pick up and lift an unattended object within range and hurl it at another target also within range. Make a Spell Attack, and if successful, you deal 3d10 plus your spellcasting ability modifier in damage (3d10+6 for the Shopbane). The damage type depends on the object thrown; Bludgeoning is most likely, but the Gamemaster can decide another damage type is better suited depending on the object. |