The Mesakhar'ssalah

It is likely that no other people suffered as much devastation and loss during the Great Strife than the Taxlatl. When the god-war began, the boasted a widespread and powerful civilization, with great cities scattered across all of Cartyrion. By the end of the war, their cities were destroyed, their population decimated, and their survivors driven far the lands of their Awakenings and into the dismal swamps and other desolate places of the world. They blamed this on themselves, in particular upon the devotees of the Sower of Chaos, Reptisssa Mee'zask.

They promised themselves they would one day rise again to greatness, and they promised that never again would the Servants of Mee'zask bring catastrophe down upon them.

The Mesakhar'ssalah

The Peacekeepers (a not-quite-literal translation) are a cult among the Taxlatl people that are dedicated to ensuring that the machinations of their chaos god, Reptisssa Mee'zask, never again cause the Taxlatl people to sway from their destiny to be a dominant force on Cartyrion. Its members come from all walks of lizardfolk life, and in fact spend most of their days living, working, playing, and worshipping alongside their brother and sister lizardfolk. In a small, quiet village, one would be hard-pressed to even notice the existance of a chapter of Peacekeepers.

But every Taxlatl village has such a chapter, and its members are ever vigilant for signs of devotion or dedication to the god of chaos. Should evidence of a covert cult of Mee'zask worshippers be found, they will act swiftly to disrupt any rituals and deal with the cult members.
(We Keep the Peace in Taxlatl)
Eradication of the Servants of Mee-zask
Greatness, not Disorder

The methods employed by the Peacekeepers are diverse. While they will not hesitate to abruptly "crash" and disrupt an illicit ritual devoted to the chaos god, they make every attempt - at first - to deal with the cult members themselves using non-violent means. Individuals may get special attemtion from the village's Past-singer, sessions that remind the cult member that the way to Taxlatl greatness does not lie through disorder and chaos. Harsher treatments are applied only upon the most unrepentive of cultists.


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