Thwarting The Necromancer

Every five years or so - every 1909 days, to be exact - the two moons of Cartyrion align while full to create a sight in the night sky that is unsettling to most of the Folk of the world. The Humans are especially unsettled by phenomena. Despite sages insisting that the eerie events that seem to happen on this night are merely coincidental, most of the common folk are convinced this is a night of evil.

The night when the small, blood-red moon called the Darting Eye of the world have long regarded the two moons to be eyes things that are watching over them The different Folk have different names for the sight of the small blood-red moon called the Darting Eye, in full phase, appearing directly in front of its companion, the Ponderous Eye, also in full phase. The sight of an eyeball with a blood-red "pupil" in the midst of a sickly white "sclera" reinforces the belief that, on this night, the world is being watched. To the Humans, this is the Night of the Necromancer's Eye, and it is a night when terrible things might befall one caught outside alone.

The Humans and Halflings defend themselves in a rather curious manner. Rather than huddle in fear behind closed doors, they face down the Necromancer's Eye by throwing a party. The real objective is to ensure that nobody falls asleep, for it is only the sleeping that are subject to the perceived terrors that the Eye can bring.


The awareness of the occasional appearance of the Necromancer's Eye in the night sky, and the feelings of dread brought about by this vision have been a part of the Human story almost since their Awakening. Over the years, the Humans have learned to deal with this occurence in developing ways.

At first, Human families would effectively huddle together in small family units, cowering and praying to the Humanar gods to deliver them from the terrible outcomes they imagined were possible. Over the years, they began gathering in larger groups, but the night of the double full moon was still a night of quiet terror.

Eventually, though, the idea of "thwarting the terror" started to take hold. Instead of a night of hushed quiet, gathered groups of humans would gather for feasting and
indoor games. A party atmosphere began to replace the feelings of dread.

By now, the event has evolved into an elaborate three-day celebration of sorts, beginning with preparations and anticipation on the day before the night sky event, and ending with a celebration of survival on the day after.

The day - and night - itself are filled with festive activities that serve two purposes: keeping up the spirits and mood of the revelers, and making sure none of the revelers falls asleep while the Necromancer's Eye is in the sky. The latter is important because, as superstitions evolved, it is now believed that the evil portended by the moons in the sky could only strike one who slept under the gaze of the Necromancer's Eye.


The festival is a three day event, but there are specific things that occur each day.

Thwarting Eve
The first day - the day before the Eye is to appear - is Preparation Day. On this day, humans prepare their homes to prevent the entrance of evil once the Eye arrivesin the sky.

Doors and windows are repaired to ensure there are no places where evil may seep into the house. Windows are often stuffed with fabric packing to ensure a seal - if a breeze can be felt, then evil could ride the breeze into the home. Doors are fitted with leather strapping around their edges to seal against drafts when closed.

Many houses hang special decorations, called Thwarting Wards, on the doors of their homes as well. These take many forms: some are tapestry or needlepoint, some are crafted of wood or metal. All bear the same symbol: the Necromancer's Eye, but with a star superimposed over the pupil representing Caronalyn of the Humanar), with seven more stars surrounding the eye to represent the rest of the major Humanar Pantheon. This decoration is a symbol of the protection that devotion to their gods will provide them in the night to come.

The night of Thwarting Eve is called the Night of Preparatory Sleep. Human-run taverns are closed; human activity at night is minimal at best, as everyone tried to get a good night's sleep to prepare for the next two days, which will require staying awake for as much as 36 hours.
Thwarting Day & Thwarting Night
The second day often starts with people sleeping in to get that last bit of rest before the long hours of reveling ahead. Those that are up and about are scrambling around preparing festive foods that will be enjoyed once the sun goes down. Others will be preparing for indoor activities: games, contests, and other diversions.

Regardless of how the daylight hours are spent, though, as the sun goes down, all the humans and their friends have found their way to the house of whomever they are feasting with, because as the sun falls below the horizon, the doors are closed and locked, and the windows shuttered and sealed.

Throughout the night while the Necromancer's Eye is in the sky, the Humans will be partying. Food, drink, games, activities, or simply conversation will go on throughout the night. If anyone shows signs of falling asleep, they are roused. This is even true of the children in the house - nobody sleeps when the Eye is in the night sky.

Survivors' Day
When the sun finally rises again, the doors and windows are ceremoniously unsealed and thrown open, and the party moves into the streets beyond the house. A festive morning meal is served to all as the Humans all celebrate being spared any evil influence during the prior night. The hardier humans will continue this "Survival" feast through the entire day, though most end up sneaking off for a nap around midday.

Components & Tools

The items necessary to celebrate the Thwarting are the items necessary for any good party: lots of food and drink, and perhaps some items or equipment to facilitate the play of some indoor games.

Most homes will have at least one Thwarting Ward to hang outside their door. Some go so far as to hang one on each shuttered window as well.


The participants are essentially any (and all) humans in the family or community. Arrangements for the many gatherings are a made by the householders themselves. There are no formal roles for any clergy, though clergy participating in the feasts may offer up some special protection prayers to ensure that nothing befalls their guests or hosts.


Banner images by Vinson Tan ( 楊 祖 武 ) from Pixabay

Page background cathedral Image by 5163451 on Pixabay
Page background manor house image by Josef Pichler on Pixabay
Page background hut image by PamelaAndrey15 on Pixabay
Page background forest image by Waldkunst on Pixabay
Character portraits by RPGDinosaurBob on Hero Forge®


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